Nuclear and Atomic Physics
vixra:2411.0178 [
The Neutron Coincidence
A previously unknown relationship involving the masses of the neutron, proton, and electron is reported. Expressed simply, it states m_n/m_e = 2 Pi/ alpha (gamma - 1/gamma), where gamma is defined as (m_n - m_p)/m_e, and alpha = e^2/(2hc eps0) represents the fine structure constant. The accuracy of this approximation is 2.0 *10^-4, which is outside the experimental error of 4.0 *10^-6. Additionally, the coincidence gamma = log(4 Pi) holds, with an even closer match of 2.0 *10^-5, yet still outside the experimental precision of 10^-6.It is not claimed that these coincidences have a physical meaning.
vixra:2409.0051 [
Relativity Predicts a Variable G
It is shown that relativity predicts a variable G. The proof starts by considering a dimensionless particle in an empty universe. Then two particles, three particles, and an infinite set of particles are studied. This allows to calculate space-time structure for any realistic energy distribution. The proof uses the interchange of limits theorem, and ad hoc sequences of energy distributions. With only one particle, the result is a singularity everywhere if the universe is empty outside of the particle. Those singularities disappear completely with three particles. Then this calculation is done for any realistic energy distribution. An equation of G is given naturally in the process. This equation is a correct approximation in most of the realistic energy distributions. The fundamental principles building Einstein equation are still valid. But it is shown that the G anthropocentric solar system constant must be replaced by a variable value, which is weaker in strong matter density environments, and greater in low matter density environments. It means that the surrounding effect arises, it was introduced by previous works. And this effect was shown to solve the gravitational mysteries of today in astrophysics and in cosmology. Under a unifying relevant assumption, a solution is also given to the Yang-Mills Millennium problem.
vixra:2408.0093 [
Unifying Trends in Physics, Chemistry and Biology
A comparison of structures and interactions of quantum systems in Physics (Elementary particles, Nuclear, Atomic), Chemistry and Biology show the benefits of the Quantum Network Model, as a universal language, upgrading basic historically important similar models and theory (Turing Machine, Automata/Formal Languages).The main and also starting point, is viewing the "electron" as the 4th, time-like quark, via the correspondence between the fundamental representation of $SU(2)$ and adjoint representation, with corresponding generators. Its iconic equation of dimensions is the well known 2+2=3+1, underlying the Hopf fibration, and defining the correspondence between spinors and Lorentz vectors (Space-Time points), in the Gauge Theory paradigm.
vixra:2405.0020 [
New Relations Between Oscillation Symmetry Periods
The Oscillation Symmetry is applied with success to several meson and baryon data containing some new mass (and or width) data since our previous similar study. The extracted periods display again a "like quantification behaviour". The W boson and fermion "mass data" are fairly well aligned indicating a new property between these particles. Thus contrary to the generally accepted belief that the paericle masses have no relationship with each other, this work seems to suggest that they do through the Oscillation Symmetry.
vixra:2312.0042 [
Fine Structure Constant and Proton/Electron Mass Ratio
In this note a model is put forward whereby the proton has mass and charge shell radii in the ratio 1:1.68. The fine structure constant is proportional to the thickness of the shell. Two new formulae for calculating are introduced. Eq 5 and Eq 6 are the centrepiece of this note. These make use of the usual set of fundamental constants, including the proton / electron mass ratio. Eq 6 gives the same value for $alpha$ as standard formulae. However, it is suggested that in an optimal physics, this method with reasonable confidence, gives a slightly lower value for reliable to 12 decimal places, i.e., $0.007297352566$. Whether this is the actual fine structure constant depends on the veracity of the model and the accuracy of the proton /electron mass ratio.
vixra:2307.0011 [
A New Model Suggesting a Mass Difference Between Electron and Positron at 10 ppb
Background/Objectives: The primary objective is to investigate a new theoreticalmodel approach about fundamental particles. Especially the electron and positron is con-sidered. The model utilizing the concept of energy density limits and find an acceptableinterpretation of a speed of light reference frame. Due to it’s consistent nature this enableus to implement these limits without breaking Lorentz’s invariance. This new model em-ploys mass-less current loops at the speed of light, to construct a candidate for a stable,self-contained system, which can be perceived as either an electron or positron, dependingon its configuration.Methods: This is a pure theoretical work where all figures was generated by LaTeXconstructs to illustrate the concepts. However there are referenced measurement results thatare important for the discussion. The mathematics is on a basic level, although the paperis dense with deductions and formulas. Only calculus and general mathematical maturity isneeded as well as knowledge about special relativity, electromagnetism and some basic atomand particle physics.Results: We evaluate the resultant angular momentum and derive a formula that alignswith Bohr’s renowned assumption about angular momentum in his atomic model. Thismethod not only provides insights into the enigmatic number 137 in physics but also suggestsa potential discrepancy between the masses of the electron and positron, with a relativeerror of 10 ppm in the measurement. This difference is too subtle for existing measurementtechniques.Conclusions: The main result in this paper are a model that basis its approach using theelectromagnetic theory and deduces stable constellations, that resembles particles, withinthis model. This theory does introduce the controversial prediction that the particle andantiparticle mass differ using a deduction of a formula for the mass. It is also quite possible aswe quantize the difference, that this prediction can be clarified by forthcoming measurementprojects. Also we deduced a couple of soundness feature of the model, such as deriving theBohr’s condition for angular momentum in his atomic model and explain how this can beused to deduce the actual measured angular momentum. Also the invariance of angularmomentum and charge is proven as a result of the model.
vixra:2305.0130 [
Energy and Probability Density Computation for Muonic Hydrogen
This paper discusses about the quantum energy levels of muonic hydrogen considering onlyCoulomb interaction. The computational analysis in this paper will help the reader get a goodunderstanding of how different a muonic hydrogen is from its electronic counterparts. Energyeigenvalues are calculated by numerical method and the probability density distribution ofmuon around the nucleus is plotted for different quantum states using special functions. Thecode is written in python. A comparative study of emission spectra between the muonichydrogen and hydrogen has also been discussed.
vixra:2304.0093 [
Rydberg Atoms as Tests of Coulomb's Law Over Colossal Distances
Guided by the problem of flat galaxy rotation curves in Cosmology, it is argued that deviations from Coulomb potential might be observed in the microscopic analogues of galaxies which are Rydberg atoms. It is found that such deviations might occur in Rydberg atoms with principal quantum numbers of more than 780.
vixra:2304.0015 [
Harnessing Fusion Energy: A Novel Approach to Plasma Confinement and Stabilization
Fusion energy has long been considered the holy grail of clean and sustainable power generation. However, the practical realization of fusion energy has been hindered by the challenges associated with plasma confinement and stabilization. In this article, I propose a novel approach to address these issues, combining advanced magnetic confinement techniques with innovative plasma stabilization methods. Our approach aims to significantly improve the efficiency and feasibility of fusion energy, bringing us closer to a sustainable energy future.
vixra:2304.0013 [
Fusion Energy: Current Progress and Future Prospects
Fusion energy, the process of combining light atomic nuclei to form heavier nuclei, offers the potential for a clean, safe, and virtually limitless energy source. As the world faces increasing energy demands, climate change, and diminishing fossil fuel reserves, the pursuit of fusion energy has become more critical than ever. This article provides an overview of the current state of fusion energy research, discussing the main approaches to achieving fusion, such as magnetic confinement fusion (tokamaks and stellarators) and inertial confinement fusion (laser-driven and heavy-ion-driven).I highlight the progress made in major experimental facilities, including ITER, National Ignition Facility, Wendelstein 7-X, and Joint European Torus, and outline the key challenges that must be overcome before fusion energy can become a viable and widely-used energy source. Furthermore, I explore future prospects and potential developments in fusion energy research, emphasizing the importance of continued investment, international collaboration, and public-private partnerships in advancing this transformative energy source.The pursuit of fusion energy is crucial for securing a sustainable energy future and combating the adverse effects of climate change, making it a vital area of research for the benefit of humanity.
vixra:2303.0111 [
Calculation of the Rest Masses of Elementary Particles Using Polynomials with the Base π
By restricting k to rational numbers, the Schrödinger wave equation Ψ = Ae<sup>-i/ℏ(Et+mrdr/dt)</sup> = Ae<sup>-i π k</sup> can be converted into a polynomial with the base π. Ultimately, this leads to the action S for each object:<br>S<sub>Object</sub> =(2π)<sup>4</sup> E<sub>t</sub> + (2π)<sup>3</sup> E<sub>r</sub> i<sup>t</sup> + (2π)<sup>2</sup> E<sub>φ</sub> i<sup>t-1</sup> + (2π)E<sub>θ</sub> i<sup>t-2</sup><br> t in Z If 2 objects and an observer have a common center of gravity, the energies can be related and calculated using a single polynomial. The integer quantum numbers E<sub>t</sub>, E<sub>r</sub>, E<sub>φ</sub> and E<sub>θ</sub> ensure cohesion and lead to the four fundamental natural forces. Our worldview, with 3 isotropic dimensions x, y and z and rotations with 2π must be distinguished from this. The polynomials are transformed by simple operators (addition) for parity, time and charge. The 3 spatial dimensions result from regularly recurring parity operators. Numerous calculations are given for the orbits in the solar system and for the masses of the elementary particles, e.g.:<br>m<sub>neutron</sub> / m<sub>e</sub> =(2π)<sup>4</sup> +(2π)<sup>3</sup>+(2π)<sup>2</sup>-(2π)<sup>1</sup>-(2π)<sup>0</sup>-(2π)<sup>-1</sup>+2(2π)<sup>-2</sup>+2(2π)<sup>-4</sup>-2(2π)<sup>-6</sup> +6(2π)<sup>-8</sup>=1838.6836611<br> The charge operator for all particles is:<br>C = - π + 2π<sup>-1</sup> - π<sup>-3</sup> + 2π<sup>-5</sup> - π<sup>-7</sup> + π<sup>-9</sup> - π<sup>-12</sup><br>Together with the neutron mass, the result for the proton is:<br>m<sub>proton</sub>=m<sub>neutron</sub> + C m<sub>e</sub>= 1836.15267363 m<sub>e</sub><br>The probabilities for the correct representation of the neutron and proton mass have been calculated and are greater than 0.99997. The muon and tauon masses can be calculated in the same way.<br>Fine structure constant:<br> 1/α = π<sup>4</sup>+π<sup>3</sup>+π<sup>2</sup>-1- π<sup>-1</sup> + π<sup>-2</sup>-π<sup>-3</sup> + π<sup>-7</sup> - π<sup>-9</sup>- 2π<sup>-10</sup>-2π<sup>-11</sup>-2π<sup>-12</sup><br>For an observer and two objects, from the torque and angular momentum alone, a common constant of h, G, and c can be derived, giving a ratio of meters and seconds:<br>h G c<sup>5</sup> s<sup>8</sup> /m<sup>10</sup> Math.sqrt( π<sup>4</sup>- π<sup>2</sup>- π<sup>-1</sup>- π<sup>-3</sup> ) = 1.00000<br>How fast the surface of a body moves relative to its radius is determined purely by the smallest possible ratio of its rational coordinates.<br>2π c(α) meter orbital period = Math.sqrt(diameter)<br>2π c meter day = (Earth's diameter)<sup>2</sup>
vixra:2301.0150 [
Neutron Lifetime Anomaly and Mirror Matter Theory
This paper reviews the puzzles in modern neutron lifetime measurements and related unitarity issues in the CKM matrix. It is not a comprehensive and unbiased compilation of all historic data and studies, but rather a focus on compelling evidence leading to new physics. In particular, the largely overlooked nuances of different techniques applied in material and magnetic trap experiments are clarified. Further detailed analysis shows that the ``beam'' approach of neutron lifetime measurements is likely to give the ``true'' $beta$-decay lifetime, while discrepancies in ``bottle'' measurements indicate new physics at play. The most feasible solution to these puzzles is a newly proposed ordinary-mirror neutron ($n-n'$) oscillation model under the framework of mirror matter theory. This phenomenological model is reviewed and introduced, and its explanations of the neutron lifetime anomaly and possible non-unitarity of the CKM matrix are presented. Most importantly, various new experimental proposals, especially lifetime measurements with smallslash narrow magnetic traps or under super-strong magnetic fields, are discussed in order to test the surprisingly large anomalous signals that are uniquely predicted by this new $n-n'$ oscillation model.
vixra:2212.0217 [
On Quark Field and Nuclear Physics
The quark field unifies the four interactions of the Standard Model.SU(2)-Nuclear Physics as an analog of U(1)-chemistry, is related to discrete symmetry groups, corresponding to quark flavors, and supporting Dr. Moon's Model of the nucleus. Reinterpreting Weak Force as modeling transitions of Klein geometries of baryons via Quark Lines Diagrams, in particle accelerators experiments and Nuclear Physics is attempted.Nuclear Force is a resultant of exchange of mesons as two-ways quark ``bonds'' between nucleons, similar to electronic bonds in chemistry.An effective potential has terms corresponding to Coulomb force, Gravity and Nuclear Force, with applications to Gravity Control and Cold Fusion / Biological Transmutations.Further considerations regarding supersymmetry and the Network Model of Quantum Physics, are included.
vixra:2212.0063 [
Application of Oscillation Symmetry to Decay Mode Fractions of Several Mesons and Baryons
The oscillation symmetry is applied with success to the decay mode fractions of several meson and baryons. The found periods display a "like quantification" behaviour.
vixra:2209.0112 [
Falsification of the Atomic Model
A mathematical proof is presented showing that the contemporary, widely accepted model of theatom must be false. In particular, the charge distribution of separated charges violates Gauss’slaw. It is further shown, that quantum mechanics cannot be used as an excuse for this impossibleobject to exist. Then a major flaw in the Rutherford gold foil experiment is discussed. Finally, theconclusion is drawn, that there cannot be an atomic nucleus and that the charges and thus the massmust be somehow more equally distributed across the volume of the atom.
vixra:2209.0034 [
Application of the Oscillation Symmetry to Various Theoretical Hadronic Masses
Several theoretical results of meson and baryon masses are compared to experimen-tal data using the Oscillation Symmetry method. This method allows to comparethe calculated masses to the experimantal ones, whereas these last are clearly less
vixra:2207.0097 [
Simulating the Trajectory of Differently Charged Particles in Cyclotron Using Gnu Octave
Computer simulation is essential to experimental physics research, as well as to the design, commissioning and operation of particle accelerators. In this work, we have tried to simulate the particle trajectories fordifferent input values. From the simulation, we can observe the radius of that particle trajectory. Largely, we have considered Electron, Helium atom, Proton, Tritium atom, and Deuteron atom and obtained their corresponding trajectories. The whole process is carried out in GNU Octave.
vixra:2206.0156 [
Extension of Dirac Equation by the Charge Creation-Annihilation Field Model and Simulation for Formation Process of Atomic Orbitals by FDTD Method
We have reported that Maxwell's equations should be extended by using the charge creation-annihilationfield to treat the charge generation-recombination in semiconductor devices. Considering the charge creation-annihilation field, the extended Maxwell's and Dirac equations can be given by the same formula consisting of the dual 4-vector fields and the 8 by 8 spatially symmetric differential operator matrix. By using FDTD 3D simulations, we found that the Dirac field wave packet with enough smaller velocity than light can be stably created without explicit consideration of Zitterbewegung, although it is difficult in 1D simulations. We calculated the Dirac field propagation in the electric central force potential and succeeded to simulate the formation process of atomic orbitals based on the extended Dirac equation by this method without any physical approximation for the first time. A small unstable orbital appears at first and rapidly grows and finally becomes to a large stable orbital with the same radius as Bohr radius dividedby the atomic number given by Schrödinger equation. This result could be regarded as a proof of correctness of the charge creation-annihilation field model.
vixra:2203.0113 [
Where it is Shown that the Oscillation Symmetry is Also Verified in the Physical Properties of the Periodic Table of the Atomic Elements
The oscillation symmetry is applied with success to some physical atomic properties of many Periodic Elements. It allows to tentatively predict possible values for several unknown properties. A regularity is observed between oscillating periods. These values, according to different studied bodies, take discrete values as if they were quantified.
vixra:2201.0147 [
On Alzofon Experiments of Gravity Control
Physicist Frederic Alzofon provided the first effective theory of gravity beyond just providing a static model, like those of Newton and Einstein. The goal was to explain how that it is possible to control gravity, as hinted by indirect evidence collected from external sources. The 1994 experiments confirmed this possibility. Recently, a theory of Gravity based on the Standard Model was also provided by the author, in and independent line of research. It sets an explicit foundation for Alzofon's Theory.
vixra:2201.0036 [
Gravity Control and Cold Fusion
In this short note, Gravity Control is related to Cold Fusion. In recent articles it was explained the quantum origin of gravity, derived from finite gauge groups: Platonic. As a byproduct, the gravitational potential can be controlled in a similar way to temperature, via dynamic nuclear orientation of spins. It is surprising that another consequence is the possibility to reorient the spins to allow for weaker electrostatic repulsion in nuclei, with obvious applications to cold fusion.
vixra:2111.0010 [
Observation of Oscillation Symmetry in Nuclei Excited State Masses and Widths
A systematic study of hadron masses and widths shows regular oscillations which can be fitted by a simple cosine function. This oscillation symmetry is observed studing the differences between adjacent masses of each nucleon family plotted versus the corresponding mean masses. It is also observed in the widths of excited levels, when plotted versus the corresponding masses. We observe the same distribution of periods versus the atomic number A, between the nuclear mass data and the periods describing the atomic energy levels of several neutral atoms. The nuclear level widths data are analysed in a way similar to that done for the masses. The distributions of the mass data between some different body families are compared.
vixra:2110.0086 [
Application of the Oscillation Symmetry to the Electromagnetic Interactions of Some Particles and Nuclei
The oscillation symmetry is first applied to electromagnetic interactions of particles and nuclei. It is shown that the differences between successive masses plotted versus their mean values and the electromagnetic decay widths $\Gamma_{ee}$ of $0^{-}(1^{--})$ $b\bar b$ and $c\bar c$ mesons, plotted versus their masses, agree with such symmetry. Then it is shown that the variation of the energy differences between different levels of several nuclei from $^{8}$Be to $^{20}$Ne, corresponding to given electric or magnetic transitions, display also oscillating behaviours. The electromagnetic widths of the electric and magnetic transitions between excited levels of these nuclei, plotted versus the corresponding differences between energies agree also with this property. The oscillating periods describe also an oscillation, the same for E1, M1, and E2 transitions. It is also the case for the multiplicative factor used $\beta$, and for ratios between these parameters. It is shown that the oscillation symmetry is then applied to atomic energy levels of several neutral atoms from hydrogen up to phosphorus. The data exhibit nice oscillations when plotted in the same way as described before.
vixra:2103.0002 [
Photon Induced Low Energy Nuclear Reactions
We propose a new mechanism for inducing low energy nuclear reactions (LENRs). The process is initiated by a perturbation which we assume is caused by an external photon. The initial two body nuclear state absorbs the photon and forms an intermediate state which makes a transition into the final nuclear state with emission of a light particle which in the present paper is taken to be a photon. We need to sum over all energies of the intermediate state. Since the energy of this state is unconstrained we get contributions from very high energies for which the barrier penetration factor is not too small. The contribution from such high energy states is typically suppressed due to the large energy denominators and its matrix element with the initial state. Furthermore the process is higher order in perturbation theory in comparison to the standard fusion process. However these factors are relatively mild compared to the strong suppression due to the barrier penetration factor at low energies. By considering a specific reaction we find that its cross section is higher than the cross section of the standard process by a factor of 10^41 or more. This enhancement makes LENRs observable in laboratory even for relatively low energies. Hence we argue that LENRs are possible and we provide a theoretical set up which may explain some of the experimental claims in this field.
vixra:2102.0127 [
Unexplored Ways the Atomic Nucleus May be Bound
The first theories of atomic nuclear cohesion entailed electric forces binding together protons with a few electrons in the nucleus. The 1932 discovery of neutrons destroyed that line of thinking. The evidence suggested a new fundamental force of nature characterized by operation on both protons and electrically-neutral neutrons, with a very short range, and overpowering strength. Presented herein are novel and non-obvious structures that show these characteristics could nevertheless be manifestations of the electrical force. Protons and neutrons are now known to each securely contain fractional charges of both signs. If two oppositely-charged fractional charges in neighboring nucleons can get within 5% of a nucleon radius, Coulomb's law predicts they will form an electrical bond strong enough to explain nuclear cohesion. Ironically, such electrical bonds would be characterized by the very phenomena that were thought to rule out the electrical force: participation of neutrons, nucleon-contact distances, and more powerful than overall proton repulsion. Such bonding also predicts saturation at three bonds per nucleon, particularly stable 4-nucleon rings, limited 3D structures of nucleons, and more. If fractional charges had been known in 1932, scientists would have adapted their theories of an electrically-bound nucleus before assuming that they had discovered a new fundamental force of nature.
vixra:2011.0147 [
Nuclear Fission of Uranium-238 by Electromagnetic Acceleration of Neutrons
This paper discusses the nuclear fission of Uranium-235 and Uranium-238 and further gets into the discussion of how Uranium-238 can be used for fission fuel for power generation
vixra:2010.0208 [
Error in Derivation of Compton Scattering Formula
Arthur H. Compton published his light photon scattering theory in 1922. He derived a remarkably elegant formula which now bears his name, the Compton scattering formula: λ' - λ = λ_c(1 - cos(φ). It was derived basically from energy and momentum conservation considerations for collision of x-ray or gamma-ray photons with electrons within the atoms of light elements. Due possibly to the sterling reputation of Compton as a physicist, his theory was readily accepted. But there is a critical flaw in the derivation of the Compton formula that should render the formula dubious. In the derivation, Compton assumed the scattering electron to be initially at rest. The original experiment of Compton used carbon graphite as the scattering target. The ionization energy of carbon is about 11.3eV and this is also the kinetic energy of the least bound electrons in the carbon atom. For the scattering angle of 10°, the energy lost to the x-ray photon which ended up as the recoil energy of the scattered electron was around 9.04eV. This shows that the initial kinetic energy of the scattering electron is not insignificant and should not be ignored. This unjustified assumption in the derivation makes the generality of the Compton scattering formula now dubious.
vixra:1911.0340 [
Logic About Forming Hydrogen Atom from Higgs Bosons
New theories was introduced in this paper. With these theories, author deduced the forming process of electrons and protons in Higgs field\cite{higgs1}, and analyzed many relations, finally got the theoretical values. By comparing, All experimental data \cite{codata2014} are precisely consistent with the theoretical value. It confirms that hydrogen atom is a coordinating whole with strict logic as this paper. Email:
vixra:1910.0630 [
Fusion Reactor with Electrodynamic Stabilization
The magnetic confinement of thermonuclear plasma can be significantly improved by using the reaction of an electrical conductive wall in combination with the AC driving of the plasma current. In this way the magnetic fields can be confined in some well defined space and with it the plasma itself. Also many plasma instabilities are suppressed or reduced.
vixra:1908.0575 [
There Is Only Charge!
A picture of the universe is presented where electromagnetic charge accounts for all observed phenomena. This picture is based on the Heisenberg relations of quantum mechanics. All the results obtained are consistent with EM charge being responsible for both what we classically identify as mass, and for the interactions required to keep intact the nucleons, and the nuclei of atoms. The approach is grounded in both quantum mechanics and general relativity.
vixra:1908.0235 [
Puzzling Radii of Calcium Isotopes: $^{40}{\rm Ca} \rightarrow ^{44}{\rm Ca} \rightarrow ^{48}{\rm Ca} \rightarrow ^{52}{\rm Ca}$}, and Duality in the Structure of $^{42}_{14}{\rm Si}_{28}$ and $^{48}_{20}{\rm Ca}_{28}$
In this paper we study the issue of the puzzle of the radii of calcium isotopes. Despite an excess of eight neutrons, strangely $^{48}{\rm Ca}$ exhibits essentially the same charge radius as $^{40}{\rm Ca}$ does. A fundamental microscopic description of this is still lacking. Also strange is a peak in charge radius of calcium at N = 24. The $^{52}{\rm Ca}$ (N = 32) nucleus, well known to be doubly magical, amazingly has recently been found to have a very large charge radius. Also amazing is the property of $^{42}_{14}{\rm Si}_{28}$ which simultaneously appears to be both magical/spherical and strongly deformed as well. We use a Quantum Chromodynamics based model, which treats triton as elementary entity to make up $^{42}_{14}{\rm Si}_{28}$. We show here how this QCD based model is able to provide a consistent physical understanding of simultaneity of magicity/sphericity and strong deformation of a single nucleus. This brings in an essential duality in the structure of $^{42}_{14}{\rm Si}_{28}$ and subsequently also that of $^{48}_{20}{\rm Ca}_{28}$ We also provide consistent understanding of the puzzling radii of calcium isotopes. We predict that the radius of $^{54}{\rm Ca}$ should be even bigger than that of $^{52}{\rm Ca}$; and also that the radius of $^{60}{\rm Ca}$ should be the same as that of $^{40}{\rm Ca}$. In addiion we also show wherefrom arises the neutron E2 effective charge of $\frac{1}{2}$.
vixra:1907.0472 [
Two-Proton Knockout Cross Section ${\sigma}_{-2p} (^{44}S \rightarrow ^{42}{si})$: Strong Evidence of Magicity and Sphericity of $^{42}_{14}si_{28}$
The issue of whether $^{42}_{14}Si_{28}$ is doubly magical or not has been a contentious one. Fridmann {\it et al.} (Nature 435 (2005) 922) through studies of two-proton knockout reaction $^{44}_{16}S_{28} \rightarrow ^{42}_{14}Si_{28}$, presented a strong empirical evidence in support of magicity and sphericity of $^{42}_{14}Si_{28}$. However in complete conflict with this, Bastin {\it et al.} (Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 (2007) 022503) gave equally strong empirical evidences, to show that the N = 28 magicity had completely collapsed, and that $^{42}_{14}Si_{28}$ was a well deformed nucleus. At present the popular consensus (Gade {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 (2019) 222501) strongly supports the latter one and discards the former one. Here, while we accept the latter experiment as being fine and good, through a careful study of an RMF model calculation, we show that actually the experimental results of Fridmann are also independently good and consistent. As per the Fridmann experiment, the sphericity and magicity of $^{42}_{14}Si_{28}$ is manifested only through proton number Z=14 being a strong magic number, while the neutron magic number N=28 disappears (or goes into hiding); and still this nucleus is spherical. This is a new and amazing property manifesting itself in this exotic nucleus $^{42}_{14}Si_{28}$. In this paper we provide a consistent understanding of this novel reality within a QCD based model. This model, which has been successful in explanation of the halo phenomenon in exotic nuclei, comes forward to provide the physical reason as to why the Fridmann experiment is correct. This QCD based model shows that it is tritons, as elementary entity making up $^{42}_{14}Si_{28}$, which then provides consistency to the above amazing conclusions arising from the Fridmann experiment.
vixra:1906.0392 [
Quantum Impedance Matching of Rabi Oscillations
We present a model of Geometric Wavefunction Interactions, the GWI model, that offers an alternative (perhaps equivalent) representation of QED, and use it to explore the quantized impedance structure governing energy flow in Rabi oscillations.
vixra:1906.0351 [
Beta Decay Emits No Neutrino
The 1927 Ellis-Wooster calorimetry experiment was an attempt to resolve the controversy over the continuous energy distribution spectrum of beta decay. A Radium E source was placed within a calorimeter in order to capture and measure the heat generated by beta decay. If the beta decay energy is assumed to be quantized, the captured heat energy should match the maximum spectrum energy of 1.05 MeV if the calorimeter captured all the disintegration energy. The result of the experiment gave the captured average heat of beta decay to be 350,000 eV instead of the expected 1.05 MeV. The 350,000 eV was accepted to be a match to the average spectrum energy of 390,000 eV. The experiment indicated some energy escaped the Ellis-Wooster calorimeter - thus the notion of "missing energy". The thesis of this paper is that the conclusion of the Ellis-Wooster experiment depends on whether the heat of calorimetry is consistent with relativistic kinetic energy or with classical kinetic energy. The spectrum energy used by the experiment was based on relativistic energy. If the values are converted to classical energy, the the maximum spectrum energy would only be 230,000 eV and the average 120,000 eV. The captured heat was much greater than the average of 120,000 eV. This reinterpretation would dismiss the notion of any missing energy in the experiment. The question of whether there was any missing energy is related to whether physical reality is consistent with special relativity or with Newtonian mechanics. The basis upon which Wolfgang Pauli proposed his 1930 neutrino hypothesis was the conclusion of the 1927 Ellis-Wooster experiment which supposedly supported the idea of "missing energy". The neutrino and the current neutrino physics would remain if special relativity is found to be the correct mechanics representing the physical world. On the other hand, if Newtonian mechanics is found to be correct, then all of neutrino physics would have to be dismissed. The one experiment that could decide on the issue is to determine the maximum speed with which beta particles are ejected in beta decay using the direct time-of-flight method. If Newtonian mechanics is correct, then there would be beta particles found to go beyond the speed of light; otherwise, it would be experimental evidence supporting special relativity. The result of this experiment would settle unequivocally the question concerning the nature of physical reality. But to date, this experiment has not been carried out.
vixra:1903.0525 [
Fusion of Halo Nucleus 6he on 238u :Evidence for Tennis-Ball (Bubble) Structure of the Core of the Halo (Even the Giant-Halo) Nucleus
In a decade-and-a-half old experiment, Raabe et al.(Nature 431 (2004) 823), had studied fusion of an incoming beam of halo nucleus 6He with the target nucleus 238U . We extract a new interpretation of the experiment, different from the one that has been inferred so far. We show that their ex- periment is actually able to discriminate between the structures of the target nucleus (behaving as standard nucleus with density distribution described with canonical RMS radius r = r0 A1/3 with r0 = 1.2 fm), and the ”core” of the halo nucleus, which surprisingly, does not follow the standard density distribution with the above RMS radius. In fact the core has the structure of a tennis-ball (bubble) like nucleus, with a ”hole” at the centre of the den- sity distribution. This novel interpretation of the fusion experiment provides an unambigous support to an almost two decades old model (Abbas, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 16 (2001) 755), of the halo nuclei. This Quantum Chro- modyanamics based model, succeeds in identifyng all known halo nuclei and makes clear-cut and unique predictions for new and heavier halo nuclei. This model supports, the existence of tennis-ball (bubble) like core of even the giant-neutron halo nuclei. This should prove beneficial to the experimen- talists, to go forward more confidently, in their study of exotic nuclei.
vixra:1903.0242 [
System of Particles and Field in a Unified Field Theory
In previous contributions I have presented a unified theory of particles and field, in the Geometry of General Relativity, which accounts for all the known force fields, as well as the properties of elementary particles, without the need to invoke additional dimension or special physical phenomenon. In this paper the theory is fully detailed, and its focus is on models of systems of elementary particles interacting with the field. The equations are established for continuous systems and solutions, as well as methods to solve the usual cases are exposed in the model of 2 particles. It is then possible to build clear models of systems such as nuclei and atoms and study the conditions for their stability. It gives also another vision of the special behavior of the nuclear forces. Discontinuous processes involve discontinuities in the field and I show that they can be represented by particles-like objects, the bosons. Their interaction with particles is formalized in a rigorous but simple way.
vixra:1903.0158 [
Quantum Chromodynamics Based Model: a New Perspective on Halo-Structure and New-Magicity in Exotic Nuclei
A quite recent, ingenious experimental paper (Raabe et al., Nature 431 (2004) 823), studied fusion of an incoming beam of halo nucleus 6-He with the target nucleus 238-U . They managed to extract information which could make basic discrimination between the structures of the target nucleus (behaving as standard nucleus with density distribution described with canonical RMS radius r = r0 A 1/3 with r0 = 1.2 fm), and the ”core” of the halo nucleus, which surprisingly, does not follow the standard density distribution with the above RMS radius. This provides unambiguous and strong support for a Quantum Chromodyanamics based model structure, which shows as to how and why the halo structure arises. This model succeeds in identifyng all known halo nuclei and also makes clear-cut and unique predictions for new halo nuclei. It also provides a consistent and unified understanding of what is imlied for the emergence of new magic numbers in the study of exotic nuclei. It is triton clustering, as apparent from experimental data on neutron-rich nuclei, which guides us to this new model. It provides a new perspective, of how QCD leads to a consistent understanding of the nuclear phenomenon, both of the N ∼ Z nuclei, and of those which are far away from this limit.
vixra:1902.0315 [
Constant $ e \cdot C / 2 \pi \hspace{2} \alpha $ Determines\\ Magnetic Flux Quantum in Charged Leptons
The constant $ e \cdot c / 2 \pi \hspace{2} \alpha $ is a common characteristic of charged leptons ($e, \mu, \tau $) resulting from their identical fraction $\hat{m}/\lambda_{C}$ of magnetons $\hat{m}$ to Compton-wavelengths $\lambda_{C}$, in spite of their largely differing $\hat{m}$ and $\lambda_{C}$. However the physical interpretation of this constant remained uncertain, but now clarified: It is proven that $ e \cdot c / 2 \pi \hspace{2} \alpha $ is an alternative and equivalent definition of the magnetic flux quantum $ h/2 \hspace{2} e$ which makes up the dipole-fields of charged leptons.
vixra:1809.0491 [
Nuclear Binding Energy Fails (Is Mass Spectrometry Accurate?)
Mass spectrometry measures atomic masses giving precision of 10^{-10}, but its accuracy has not been verified - precision and accuracy are two independent aspects. The Lorentz force law underlying mass spectrometry has not been verified. In the 1920's, the atomic masses of some elements measured through the early mass spectrometers showed some discrepancies from the `whole-number-rule' of atomic weights. The physics community accepted the discrepancies from whole numbers to be correct; they proposed the concept of `mass defects'. This, together with the mass energy equivalence of E = mc^2 allowed Arthur Eddington to propose a new `sub-atomic' energy to account for the source of the energy of the sun to be in line with the 15 billion age of the sun in their theory. They never entertained the other simpler option - that their mass spectrometers were only approximately good. If the atomic masses of nuclides were to be just whole numbers equal to the mass number in atomic mass unit, it would be a confirmation of the law of mass conservation in the atomic and subatomic world. The key to decide the fate of nuclear physics is in sodium fluoride NaF. Sodium and fluorine occur in nature only as single stable isotopes. A chemical analysis of NaF with the current analytical balance to determine the relative atomic mass of Na/F would decide conclusively if mass spectrometry is accurate. The current relative atomic mass of Na/F is : 22.989769/18.998403 or 1.210089; the ratio of the mass number of Na/F is : 23/19 or 1.210526. The accuracy of mass spectrometry would be confirmed if the value is 1.210089 +- 0.000012. Otherwise, if the value is 1.210526 +- 0.000012, it would mean a confirmation of the law of conservation of mass. The implications of such a scenario is beyond imagination - the whole world of nuclear physics would collapse.
vixra:1808.0179 [
Electron Carries "Hidden" 31,6 GW Field Energy Vortex
An electron is enveloped by a "hidden" electromagnetic field-energy circulation vortex of $\approx 31,6$ GW passive power determined by the Poynting-vector field existing around an electron. The energy vortex is most intensive in the proximity of classical electron radius, with maximum in its equatorial plane.\\ A thoretical upper limit of such (non-usable) passive energy circulation is analytically determined by integration of the Poynting-vector field over a specific plane of reference. The result highlights a new singularity problem of classical electron theory.
vixra:1807.0337 [
Neutron Cluster Explain The Distribution of Dark Matter
Atom passed by photon sphere can be lose all electrons and then its nucleus disintegrate into neutron cluster. It explains the distribution of dark matter and why positron exist in that area.
vixra:1807.0313 [
Quark String of Elementary Particle
This paper suggests quark combination of elementary particle based on AdS/CFT correspondence. Through this, we can define quark conservation law and majonara particle. Tension of closed string which diverge to infinity confine quarks as in color confinement of strong interaction.
vixra:1805.0001 [
The Golden Section in Physics (in English)
The physical constants play important role in physics. It is fact that the accuracy of the physical constants grows year by year. Special attention is paying to the dimensionless constants; the most familiars among them are the fine structure constant, the electron/proton and electron/muon mass-ratios, the ratio of the gravitational/electromagnetic interaction, the Weinberg angle in the electro-weak interaction theory, etc. The one of the most important questions is for a long time: are there any physical and/or mathematical relations between the fundamental physical constants. The paper gives a recently explored simple math relation between them. The precise theoretical explanation of this amazing finding need more detailed investigations related to the physical background. Keywords: exponential relations between physical constants, Titius-Bode rule, new atomic mass formula.
vixra:1706.0124 [
On Proton-Neutron Indistinguishabilty and Distinguishability in the Nucleus
There is a fundamental duality in as to how protons and neutrons are treated as formimg the nucleus. A nucleus can be described well in an SU (2) I model (where (p-n) are indistinguishable) and in another independent picture where the pair (p-n) is treated as made up of distinguishable proton and netron fermions. Both of these apparently provide successful equivalent descriptions of the nucleus. How this is possible is the focus of this paper. Starting with the Standard Model and the SU(3)-flavour quark models, we look at the microssopic basis for this duality. Chirality and anomaly cancellation and its matching, play a basic role in our work.
vixra:1610.0192 [
Emissivity: A Program for Atomic Emissivity Calculations
In this article we report the release of a new program for calculating the emissivity of atomic transitions. The program, which can be obtained with its documentation from our website, passed various rigorous tests and was used by the author to generate theoretical data and analyze observational data. It is particularly useful for investigating atomic transition lines in astronomical context as the program is capable of generating a huge amount of theoretical data and comparing it to observational list of lines. A number of atomic transition algorithms and analytical techniques are implemented within the program and can be very useful in various situations. The program can be described as fast and efficient. Moreover, it requires modest computational resources.
vixra:1610.0153 [
Atomic and Molecular Aspects of Astronomical Spectra
In the first section we present the atomic part where a C2+ atomic target was prepared and used to generate theoretical data to investigate recombination lines arising from electron-ion collisions in thin plasma. R-matrix method was used to describe the C2+ plus electron system. Theoretical data concerning bound and autoionizing states were generated in the intermediate-coupling approximation. The data were used to generate dielectronic recombination data for C+ which include transition lines, oscillator strengths, radiative transition probabilities, emissivities and dielectronic recombination coefficients. The data were cast in a line list containing 6187 optically-allowed transitions which include many C II lines observed in astronomical spectra. This line list was used to analyze the spectra from a number of astronomical objects, mainly planetary nebulae, and identify their electron temperature. The electron temperature investigation was also extended to include free electron energy analysis to investigate the long-standing problem of discrepancy between the results of recombination and forbidden lines analysis and its possible connection to the electron distribution. In the second section we present the results of our molecular investigation; the generation of a comprehensive, calculated line list of frequencies and transition probabilities for H2D+. The line list contains over 22 million rotational-vibrational transitions occurring between more than 33 thousand energy levels and covers frequencies up to 18500 cm-1. About 15% of these levels are fully assigned with approximate rotational and vibrational quantum numbers. A temperature-dependent partition function and cooling function are presented. Temperature-dependent synthetic spectra for the temperatures T=100, 500, 1000 and 2000 K in the frequency range 0-10000 cm-1 were also generated and presented graphically.
vixra:1512.0278 [
A Qualitative Analysis of Isotopic Changes Reported in LENR Experiments
A few patterns are identified in the isotopic changes seen in LENR experiments. These patterns are shown to be consistent with the parallel operation of several related processes: α decay, α capture, fragmentation of heavier nuclides following upon α capture, and β decay/electron capture. The results of several researchers working in the field are examined in the light of these processes. The analysis developed here is then applied to the 2014 report by Levi et al. on the test of Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat in Lugano, Switzerland, whose fuel and ash assays are found to be broadly consistent with the isotope studies. The different processes are seen, then, to operate in systems making use of palladium, nickel, electrolysis, gas diffusion and glow discharge. A suggestion is made as to what might be inducing these decays and capture and fragmentation reactions.
vixra:1505.0092 [
Duane Hunt Relation Improved
In present paper the Duane-Hunt relation for direct measurement of the Planck constant is improved by including of relativistic corrections. New relation to determine the Planck constant, suggested in this paper contains Duane-Hunt relation as first term and can be applied in a wide range of energies.
vixra:1504.0246 [
Quantum Group $su_q(2)$ as the Proper Group to Describe the Symmetry Structure of the Nucleus
The nucleus displaying both the single particle aspects as well as the collective aspects simultaneously, does not seem to be amenable to a simple group theoretical structure to explain its existence. The isospin group SU(2) takes account of the single particle aspects quite well but the collectivity is basically put in by hand. The point is that, is there some inherent symmetry connecting the single particle aspect and the collective aspects through some group theoretical structure. We do consistent and exact matching of the deformed and the superdeformed bands in various nuclei. Thus we shall show that the Quantum Group $SU_q(2)$ fulfills this requirement - not in any approximate manner, but in an exact manner.
vixra:1504.0073 [
Catalysis, Heavy Fermions, Solitons, Cold Fusion, Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR) and all that
We consider in the paper an idea of a soliton and heavy fermion catalysis for a cold fusion similar to a muon catalysis. This catalysis is achieved via quasi- chemical bonds for heavy fermions and solitons as well. We consider also a soliton catalysis (for KP-solutions), which is quite different. This kind of catalysis is similar to enzymatic catalysis. In the paper we construct a model for a cold fusion reactor based on Onsager–Prigogine irreversible thermodynamics. We give examples of several compounds with heavy fermions (heavy electrons) which are hydrogen storages. Samples of those compounds can be (in principle) cold fusion reactors if filled with a deuter. It is necessary to do several experiments (de- scribed in the paper) in order to find a proper compound which will be a base for a battery device. We consider also a case with cold plasma (e.g. in metals) filled with a deuter. Solitons in a plasma can catalyse a fusion in two regimes: as quasiparticles and in enzymatic-like regime.
vixra:1409.0194 [
TGD Variant of the Model of Widom and Larsen for Cold Fusion
Widom and Larsen (for articles see the Widom Larsen LENR Theory Portal have proposed atheory of cold fusion (LENR), which claims to predict correctly the various isotope ratios observed in cold fusion and accompanying nuclear transmutations. The ability to predict correctly the isotope ratios suggests that the model is on the right track. A further finding is that the predicted isotope ratios correspond to those appearing in Nature which suggests that LENR is perhaps more important than hot fusion in solar interior as far as nuclear abundances are considered. TGD leads to the same proposal and Lithium anomaly could be understood as one implication of LENR. The basic step of the reaction would rely on weak interactions: the proton of hydrogen atom would transform to neutron by capturing the electron and therefore would overcome the Coulomb barrier. This transformation is extremely slow unless the value of Planck constant is so large that weak bosons have Compton lengths of order atomic length scale.
vixra:1408.0178 [
Matter Creation
English (traslation): The influence of electricity in the gravity is shown here. Being able to verify this with a simple experiment, charging and discharging a capacitor. Modifying the equation used is achieved justify mass number of atoms in part. And also check that the pressure is needed to create atoms of the planetary cores. Spanish (original): Se muestra aquí la influencia de la electricidad en la gravedad. Pudiendo constatarlo mediante un sencillo experimento, cargando y descargando un condensador. Modificando la ecuación empleada se consigue justificar, en parte, el número másico de los átomos. Y se comprueba, además, que la presión necesaria para crear átomos es la de los núcleos planetarios.
vixra:1408.0064 [
Four-Center Integral of a Dipolar Two-Electron Potential Between S-Type Gto's
We reduce two-electron 4-center products of Cartesian Gaussian Type Orbitals with Boys' contraction to 2-center products of the form psi_alpha(r_i-A) psi_beta(r_j-B), and compute the 6-dimensional integral over d^3r_i d^3r_j over these with the effective potential V_{ij} = (r_i-r_j) . r_j/|r_i-r_j|^3 in terms of Boys' confluent hypergeometric functions.
vixra:1407.0032 [
A Brief Note on the Magnecule Order Parameter Upgrade Hypothesis
In this short remark, we report on recent hypothetical work that aims to equip Santilli's magnecule model with topological deformation order parameters (OP) of fractional statistics to define a preliminary set of wave-packet wave-functions for the electron toroidal polarizations. The primary objective is to increase the representational precision and predictive accuracy of the magnecule model by exemplifying the fluidic characteristics for direct industrial application. In particular, the OPs are deployed to encode the spontaneous superfluidic gauge symmetry breaking (which may be restored at the iso-topic level) and correlated with Leggett's superfluid B phases to establish a long range constraint for the wave-functions. These new, developing, theoretical results may be significant because the OP configuration arms us with an extra degree of freedom for encoding a magnecule's states and transitions, which may reveal further insight into the underlying physical mechanisms and features associated with these state-of-the-art magnecular bonds.
vixra:1406.0190 [
Initiating a Hypothetical Upgrade to Magnecules with Topological Deformation Order Parameters for Spontaneous Superfluidic Gauge Symmetry Breaking
In this preliminary work, we propose a hypothesis and launch a procedural upgrade to magnecules by equipping these new iso-chemical creatures with topological deformation order parameters (OP) of fractional statistics to encode the spontaneous superfluidic gauge symmetry breaking (which we expect to be restored at the iso-topic level), correlated helices with long range order, and wave-packet wave-functions for the electron toroidal polarizations. For this initial "base case", we consider a single magnecular bond between dual inter-locked protium atoms in a magnecule. The results of this equipment support our hypothesis and are significant because the OP configuration arms us with an extra degree of freedom for encoding a magnecule's states and transitions; this may enable us to further decode and comprehend the underlying physical mechanisms and features associated with these state-of-the-art magnecular bonds for direct industrial application. Hence, these outcomes should be subjected to additional stringent examination and improvement.
vixra:1404.0032 [
Initiating a Hypothetical Molecular Upgrade to Iso-Electronium with Topological Deformation Order Parameters for Spontaneous Superfluidic Gauge Symmetry Breaking
In this preliminary work, we propose a hypothesis and initiate a step-by-step, systematic upgrade to the cutting-edge iso-electronium model by further equipping it with order parameters of fractional statistics to encode the topological deformations, spontaneous superfluidic gauge symmetry breaking, correlated helices with long range order, and wavepacket wavefunctions for the toroidal polarizations. For this initial case, we consider the singlet planar coupling of two hydrogen atoms that are interlocked with a Santilli-Shillady strong valence bond to form a molecule with iso-electronium. The enhancement results support our hypothesis and are significant because the order parameters arm the iso-electronium model an extra degree of freedom to work with, which may authorize us to further decode and comprehend the underlying physical mechanisms and features associated with the configuration of the toroidal polarizations. Thus, these outcomes should be subjected to additional rigorous scrutiny and improvement via the scientific method.
vixra:1306.0062 [
Counterfeit/obsolete Equipment and Nuclear Safety Issues of Vver-1000 Reactors at Kudankulam, India
Counterfeit equipment is becoming a major threat to nuclear safety globally. The Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant (KKNPP) in India housing two VVER-1000 reactors, imported from Russia is being delayed because of counterfeit, substandard and obsolete equipment. The polar crane, the limb of the reactor, is defective as its hoisting capacity is less than 80% of its nameplate capacity. The crane is used for installing the equipment inside the reactor building and also for removing spent fuel. The contract said that there will be no weld in the beltline of the reactor pressure vessel (RPV). The received vessels have two circumferential welds on the beltline. RPV, the heart of the reactor is irreplaceable and hence determines the life of the reactor. RPV and polar crane are safety grade equipment. The core-damage frequency(CDF) of the reactor in the contract was 10e−7reactor-years, while the supplied reactor has a CDF of 10e−5reactor-years. Two units of generator transformers were received as damaged and these were dismantled and reassembled at the site. This paper finds evidences of the unethical practices of sale and use of obsolete and counterfeit reactor equipment and discusses the global catastrophic risks with reference to the international nuclear safety standards.
vixra:1212.0076 [
Macro-Analogies and Gravitation in the Micro-World: Further Elaboration of Wheeler’s Model of Geometrodynamics
The proposed model is based on Wheeler’s geometrodynamics of fluctuating topology and its further elaboration based on new macro-analogies. Micro-particles are considered here as particular oscillating deformations or turbulent structures in non-unitaty coherent two-dimensional surfaces. The model uses analogies of the macro-world, includes into consideration gravitational forces and surmises the existence of closed structures, based on the equilibrium of magnetic and gravitational forces, thereby supplementing the Standard Model. This model has perfect inner logic. The following phenomena and notions are thus explained or interpreted: the existence of three generations of elementary particles, quark-confinement,“Zitterbewegung”, and supersymmetry. Masses of leptons and quarks are expressed through fundamental constants and calculated in the first approximation. The other parameters — such as the ratio among masses of the proton, neutron and electron, size of the proton, its magnetic moment, the gravitational constant, the semi-decay time of the neutron, the boundary energy of the beta-decay— are determined with enough precision.
vixra:1209.0019 [
New Evidence for Anomalies of Radio-Active Decay Rates
A new piece of evidence for the periodic variations of nuclear decay rates in astrophysical time scales has been reported by Sturrock et al: now in the case of Ra-222 nuclei. In this article the TGD inspired explanation for the variations is developed in more detail by utilizing the data provided in this article. The explanation relies on nuclear string model predicting the existence of almost degenerate ground states of nuclei (in the natural MeV energy scale) with excitations energies assumed to lie in keV energy range. The variations of the decay rates defined naturally as averages for the decay rates of excitations would be induced by keV radiation from the solar corona. The would also explain the anomalously high temperature of solar corona and relate the observed periodicities to the rotation rate of corona.
vixra:1106.0006 [
How Electrons Consist of Electromagnetic Waves
In this paper we investigate the connection between electrons and electromagnetic waves. We then propose how electrons could consist of electromagnetic waves. From this proposal we explain why electron-positron annihilation results in only gamma rays being formed, as well as how gamma rays can form electron-positron pairs.
vixra:1105.0042 [
What is Mass?
In this paper we investigate the connection between energy and mass. From this we propose that mass is �generated� when a volume of space contains a sufficient amount of localised energy. We then show how this definition explains various phenomena, for example why mass increases with velocity.
vixra:1003.0039 [
Unmatter Entities Inside Nuclei, Predicted by the Brightsen Nucleon Cluster Model
Applying the R. A. Brightsen Nucleon Cluster Model of the atomic nucleus we discuss how unmatter entities (the conjugations of matter and antimatter) may be formed as clusters inside a nucleus. The model supports a hypothesis that antimatter nucleon clusters are present as a parton (sensu Feynman) superposition within the spatial confinement of the proton (<sup>1</sup>H<sub>1</sub>), the neutron, and the deuteron (<sup>1</sup>H<sub>2</sub>). If model predictions can be confirmed both mathematically and experimentally, a new physics is suggested. A proposed experiment is connected to othopositronium annihilation anomalies, which, being related to one of known unmatter entity, orthopositronium (built on electron and positron), opens a way to expand the Standard Model.