History and Philosophy of Physics
vixra:2412.0009 [
The Role and Lure of Mathematics in Science
In this paper we investigate the legitimate and useful role of mathematics in science (and physics in particular). We also investigate the illegitimate and harmful role (or "lure") of mathematics in modern science (and theoretical physics in particular). Thanks to the obsession of contemporary scientists with complex mathematics and the wrong belief (as well as the wrong scientific values and standards) among these scientists that mathematics is the gold standard of excellent science, highly-mathematized and theoretized science (especially in modern physics) reaches these days a shocking level of irrationality and non-sensibility which often approaches the degree of delusion and hallucination. This obsession with complex mathematics and excessive theoretization inflicts serious damages to modern science and results in a huge waste of efforts and resources as well as the emergence of stray trends and bogus scientific theories inside and outside the main stream of science.
vixra:2410.0099 [
Not Your Father's Physics
Two essential conceptual structures - impedance quantization and geometric representation of Clifford algebra - were lost in physics. Background independent analysis of Mach’s principle makes possible calculation of quantum impedance networks of wavefunction interactions in the background independent geometric representation. Their synthesis fills gaps in the history of physics.
vixra:2409.0155 [
The Epistemology of Contemporary Physics: Introduction
This is the first of a series of papers that we intend to publish about the epistemology of fundamental physics in its current state. One of the main objectives of these papers is to improve our understanding of fundamental physics (and modern physics in particular) from an epistemological and interpretative perspective (i.e. versus formal perspective). Another main objective is to investigate and assess the merit of searching for a unified physical theory (the so-called "theory of everything") considering the fact that contemporary physics is a collection of theories created and developed by different individuals and groups of scientists in different eras of history reflecting different levels of scientific, philosophical and epistemological development and dealing with largely separate physical phenomena and hence such unification may mean "stitching together" an inhomogeneous collection of theoretical structures which may be clumsy (if not impossible) at least from an epistemological viewpoint.
vixra:2409.0124 [
Materialism as a Gnosiological and Methodological Principle and the "Hierarchy" of Dmitry Krivenko
On the 30th anniversary of the death of Dmytro Tarasovych Krivenko (October 30, 1941, the village of Velyka Racha, Radomyshl district, Zhytomyr region — October 4, 1994, Kyiv) — philosopher, methodologist of science, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences (1976), one of the developers of alternative Ukrainian philosophy during Soviet times.
vixra:2409.0116 [
A Simple Guide to Free-Fall Motion in General Relativity
The free-fall behaviour of a test object near a static point mass hasbeen calculated for two cases: the first is the usual black-hole solutionin general relativity resulting from using Schwarzschild coordinates,and the second is for a model described in previous papers, in whichspacetime is completely regular with no event horizon. The predictionsare presented and discussed.
vixra:2408.0022 [
The Fracture and the Existential Relation
The fundamental element of everything, of nature as well as life, is an existential relationship here called Intention. It is the culmination and fulfilment of the natural sciences and philosophy, and their foundation.This research investigates intention and its three ingredients: the original I, being and the called I.
vixra:2406.0003 [
The Paradox of the Quintuplets: Why the Twin Paradox of Special Relativity Cannot be Resolved
By introducing three reference frames in addition to the the two reference frames typically used todiscuss Einstein’s special relativity (i.e., a "laboratory" frame and a boosted frame), we can show the utter futility of trying to explain (or to resolve) the absurdities of the twin paradox.
vixra:2401.0133 [
Anthropocosmos: Total Quantum Physics and Solanthropic Perfect Cosmology
The Diophantine treatment of Kepler laws induces the quantum Planck constant and a return to steady-state cosmology. The basic Holographic Principle 2D-1D introduces the Cosmos and proves the Universe criticity, but the Planck wall is reduced by a factor 10^61, which explains at last the enormous vacuum energy, by introducing a tachyonic celerity ratio C/c in the Cosmos/Universe radius ratio. The universe half radius is given by an elementary 3 minutes dimensional analysis, ruling out the universe expansion and the Initial Big Bang. this re-introduces the Perfect Cosmologic Principle, so the "impossiblegalaxies" was predicted and announced. However, tight correspondance with standard modelsuggests the Permanent Bang, a matter-antimatter oscillation at 10104 Hz. Dark matter is clearly a quadrature oscillation. The Universe appears as the last gauge boson in the cosmos, rehabilitating the tachyonic bosonic string theory. The Egyptian length unit, the meter, confirms that the physical parameters are optimal calculus basis. The relations of Human characteristics with both the physical parameters and the Earth and solar system characteristics are so tight that the Solanthropic Principle is verified : we are alone in the Universe.
vixra:2311.0073 [
Mathematicians, Physicists and Technologists
The branch of the science we call physics does not go unnoticed when Einstein published his famous articles. In this article, I reflect on this branch of science.
vixra:2311.0072 [
Mtemáticos, Físicos Y Tecnólogos (Mathematicians, Physicists and Technologists)
No pasa inadvertida la mutación de la ciencia que denominamos física cuando Einstein publicó sus artículos famosos. Refiero a esa mutación las reflexiones contenidas en este documento.<p>The branch of the science we call physics does not go unnoticed when Einstein published his famous articles. In this article, I reflect on this branch of science.
vixra:2308.0094 [
A Theory of Physical Time and its Impact on Physics Applications
The story I wish to tell in this work starts with Newton's mathematical time, which is not a true definition of time but only its measure. It leaves out a deeper understanding of the true nature of time. When applying physics to the broader universe, numerous anomalies appear. One change in the definition of time, and these anomalies, galaxy rotation, dark matter, electric and magnetic properties, the speed of light, Hubble's law, dark energy, the Big Bang, the CMB, and the Pioneer anomaly all disappear, while physical theories are left unchanged.
vixra:2306.0139 [
Alone in the Neguentropic Universe
Perfect cosmology is confirmed by the unifying role of the negentropic field at 14.125 Kelvin. The terminal term of the Topological Axis f(30) is thus related to the particle parameters to within a few billionths. The natural theoretical framework of Pythagorean integers is confirmed by the involvement of the Lucas-Lehmer series, rational approximations of pi and sporadic groups. The period 19.137 ms (Neuron), defined by the constants of Newton, Planck and Fermi, is close to the average between the universal period of 13.8 billion years, given by the three minutes calculation, and that of the electron. The gap is identified, to the nearest billionth, with the musical interval 419/417. Highly singular relationships link human and astrophysical parameters, introducing the Solanthopic Principle. It's the end of the several paradoxes: that of Fermi, of information, of the cosmological constant and of vacuum energy.
vixra:2305.0162 [
Our Universe: To Model and To Simulate
Due to advancements in Quantum Computing, now we can simulate ``Our Universe'', based on observations, experiments and models we already have. A comparison between Low Energy Physics and HEP benefits us understanding the foundations, including the role of vector potential, quantum phase and how Space, Time and classical concepts emerge from the quantum formalism, e.g. The Standard Model.We will focus on the U(1)-gauge theory, as a paradigm not only of Electromagnetism, but also for the quark fields of QCD. The ultimate test: understanding the fine structure constant!
vixra:2304.0124 [
The Missed Physics
Crucial developments in physics, checkable by everyone, have been missed, excluding the Universe expansion and the initial Big Bang model, and restablishing the cosmological steady-state model. The single electron cosmology gives a close estimation of the Hubble length, meaning the matter is in fact a matter-antimatter oscillation in a Permanent Bang cosmology, where dark matter would be out of phase oscillation. The nuclear fusion cosmic model gives the background temperature 2.73 Kelvin, validating the Hoyle's prediction of permanent neutron creation, an ultimate limit of physics. The Diophantine treatment of the Kepler laws induces the Space-Time quantification in a Total Quantum Physics, pushing back the Planck wall by a factor 10^{61}, possibly resolving the vacuum energy dilemma. The three-body gravitational hydrogen model explains the Tachyonic Three Minutes Formula giving half the Hubble radius, thus its critical mass, showing the Universe is a Particle in the Cosmos, whose radius would be deduced from holographic Space-Time Quantification. The Kotov Doppler-free oscillation rehabilitates the tachyonic physics of the bosonic string theory in the Octonion Topological Axis prolonging the Quaternion Periodic Table, implying the string-spin identification and gives the gravitational constant G, compatible with the BIPM measurements but 2 10^{-4} larger than the official value.
vixra:2304.0048 [
A New Approach to the Foundation of Quantum Theory and Mathematics
...The concept of infinitesimals was proposed by Newton and Leibniz. In those days, people knew nothing about elementary particles and atoms and thought that, in principle, any substance can be divided into any number of parts. But now it is clear that as soon as we reach the level of elementary particles, further division is impossible. After all, even the very name ''elementary particle'' says that such a particle has no parts, that is, it cannot be divided into 2, 3, etc. So, there are no infinitesimals in nature, and the usual division is not universal: it makes sense only up to some limit.Would it seem obvious? And then it is clear that fundamental quantum physics must be built without infinitesimals. It would seem that everyone understands that the construction of such a physics is far from being an easy task, and attempts at such a construction should be encouraged. However, my stories, described below, show that, as a rule, the establishment not only does not encourage such attempts, but does everything to ensure that the results in this direction are not published.In addition to the infinitesimal problem, I describe other problems in which I proposed new approaches, but since they are not in the spirit of what the establishment does, I had big problems with the publication. But, of all these tasks, there is one that probably overshadows all the others. This is a dark energy problem.In all my works on this problem I explain that there are no problems with explaining the cosmological acceleration and therefore dark energy and quintessence are nonsense. It would seem that if the establishment is honest, then they should at least read [1] and directly say that I do not understand something or they. But they pretend that they do not notice my publications on this topic.
vixra:2301.0096 [
Why Gravity Cannot be a Classical Force
Some properties of general fields are reviewed. Electrostatics is a natural, universal paradigm, part of classical field theory. Newton's Gravity Theory, on the other hand, has properties that suggest a quantum origin, via an internal property akin to spin. Such an abstract "internal" property breaks isotropy of pointwise singularities of fields, yielding an attractive force. Theory of Gravity based on the quark structure of nucleons is consistent with the above considerations.
vixra:2301.0062 [
On Anti-Gravity
This is an informal overview in support of "antigravity", as a real, observable and reproducible phenomenon, that now we begin to understand.This corresponds to the highest energy level of interaction of two nucleons, nuclear spin de-pendent, in addition to the state that yields Newtonian Gravity, which is an average over spindirections, achieving a lower energy level, attractive at equilibrium, and much weaker effectiveforce (Hierarchy Problem).The Standard Model based Theory of Gravity is recalled.Some of the lab experimental methods to control gravitational interaction are reviewed: microwave Dynamical Nuclear Orientation (Polarization) based (Alzofone, Hutchinson a.a.) androtation based, which requires superconductivity (Podkletnov, Ning Li) to take advantage of theproperties of the Bose-Einstein condensate.Other observations and methods supporting the theory and experiments, are recalled.A program to help implement the technology, within the new paradigm in Physics, is proposed:open source research and implementation.
vixra:2212.0072 [
Penguin Dictionary of Physics, the Fourth Edition, by John Cullerne, and the Graphical Law
We study the Penguin Dictionary of Physics, the fourth edition, by John Cullerne. We draw the natural logarithm of the number of entries, normalised, starting with a letter vs the natural logarithm of the rank of the letter, normalised. We conclude that the Dictionary can be characterised by BP(4, $beta H=0.01$), i.e.the Bethe-Peierls curve in the presence of four nearest neighbours and little external magnetic field, $beta H= 0.01$. $beta$ is $frac{1}{k_{B}T}$ where, T is temperature and $k_{B}$ is the tiny Boltzmann constant.
vixra:2209.0121 [
Synopsis of Main Theories of Gravity
There are many theories of gravity.We summaries a few points regarding the Theories of Gravity by Newton, Einstein, Alzofon and Ionescu.The first two are ``static'', implying that Gravity is a fundamental interaction, while the later two are ``dynamic'', deriving Gravity from the elementary particles structure and predicting Gravity Control.Further explanations are provided in other dedicated articles.That Gravity is a quantum effect is also advocated by other researchers on the SM with discrete symmetry groups cite{Potter}, p.3.
vixra:2208.0071 [
The Promised Science
The aim of the paper is to unify the natural sciences with the human sciences.Unification rests on the foundation of the original thesis at the center of this paper and which concerns the Ontology of Being. In reality, in the absence of an Ontology of Being, every science, insofar as it concerns reality, is up in the air, unaware of its foundation.The method of investigation consists in testing its explanatory and clarifying power by addressing the fundamental questions of both areas, in particular physics, philosophy and the mind-body problem.A true Ontology of Being, in fact, must be able to bring all the sciences back to itself, and therefore to clarify their structure as they branch out, explaining them in their being identical and in their being different.The result is that the proposed ontological thesis, which derives from the synergy of the acquired results of both sciences, reacts on them, purifying their foundations and therefore spanning the way to their safer advancement. Indeed, the natural and human sciences, each in their own domains and with their own methods, apparently so distant, concern the two opposite moments of the same being. In other words, they are complementary to each other, as the act is to the potency, as external is to internal, as dead is to life, as the consciousness is to the soul, as electricity is to gravitation, as each makes no sense without the other but needs the other and is completed in the other.The promised science is the overcoming in the synthesis of these two opposite moments.
vixra:2206.0095 [
The Undecidable Charge Gap and the Oil Drop Experiment
Decision problems in physics have been an active field of research for quite a few decades resulting in some interesting findings in recent years. However, such research investigations are based on a priori knowledge of theoretical computer science and the technical jargon of set theory. Here, I discuss a particular, but a significant, instance of how decision problems in physics can be realized without such specific prerequisites. I expose a hitherto unnoticed contradiction, that can be posed as a decision problem, concerning the oil drop experiment and thereby resolve it by refining the notion of ``existence'' in physics. This consequently leads to the undecidability of the charge spectral gap through the notion of ``undecidable charges" which is in tandem with the completeness condition of a theory as was stated by Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen in their seminal work. Decision problems can now be realized in connection to basic physics, in general, rather than quantum physics, in particular, as per some recent claims.
vixra:2202.0130 [
A Dictionary of World History by Edmund Wright and the Graphical Law
We study A Dictionary of World History, third edition, by Edmund Wright from Oxford University Press. We draw the natural logarithm of the number of entries, normalised, starting with a letter vs the natural logarithm of the rank of the letter, normalised. We conclude that the Dictionary can be characterised by BP(4,$\beta H=0.01$) i.e. a magnetisation curve for the Bethe-Peierls approximation of the Ising model with four nearest neighbours with $\beta H=0$, in the absence of external magnetic field, H. $\beta$ is $\frac{1}{k_{B}T}$ where, T is temperature and $k_{B}$ is the tiny Boltzmann constant. This is the case with the Dictionary of Science we have studied before. It appears that the branch of Science, plausibly, is closer to the World history, internally.
vixra:2104.0097 [
The Geometry of the Discrete Act
At the heart of physics is the representation of movement. But what movement is and how we are given to represent it is a metaphysical question. This article attacks the metaphysics underlying current physics from its origins and points to a radically different one as true. On this new basis a new geometry is built, the Geometry of the Discrete Act, more primitive than the Euclidean geometry that actually arises from it, and therefore a new physics. Indeed, it allows the purification and unification of all current theories and opens the way to a total understanding of nature within the limits of knowledge.
vixra:2010.0130 [
A Wrong Argument in a Seminal Physics Paper
This article examines a wrong argument in a seminal physics paper published 114 years ago: Einstein's paper on the electrodynamics of moving objects. Although the argument in question is not determinant for the main conclusions of the paper (thanks to the prevalence of Lorentz transformation also deduced in the same paper), it contains several basic and significant errors that have remained undetected to this day. Those errors are consequences of a misinterpretation of the Principle of Relativity, surprisingly the same misinterpretation one can find in some naif critiques of special relativity. Considering the relevance of the paper and of its author, and the importance of the errors, there is no alternative but to make them public.
vixra:2009.0158 [
Names of Minor Planets and the Graphical law
We study the Dictionary of Minor Planet Names of L. D. Schmadel. We draw the natural logarithm of the number of names, normalised, starting with a letter vs the natural logarithm of the rank of the letter, normalised. We conclude that the names of the minor planets discovered upt o 1900 and 1910 can be characterised by BP(4,$\beta H=0$) and the minor planets discovered up to 1920, 1930 and 1940 can be characterised by BP(4,$\beta H=0.02$) i.e. a magnetisation curve for the Bethe-Peierls approximation of the Ising model with four nearest neighbours with $\beta H=0.02$. $\beta$ is $\frac{1}{k_{B}T}$ where, T is temperature, H is external magnetic field and $k_{B}$ is the Boltzmann constant.
vixra:2005.0081 [
My Understanding of Stagnation in Foundation of Physics
Sabine Hossenfelder argues in her blog \cite{Hossenfelder} that the present situation in foundation of physics should be called not crisis but stagnation. I argue that the main reason of the stagnation is that quantum theory inherited from classical one several notions which should not be present in quantum theory. In particular, quantum theory should not involve the notion of space-time background and, since nature is discrete and even finite, quantum theory should not be based on classical mathematics involving the notions of infinitely small/large and continuity. I discuss uncertainty relations, paradox with observation of stars, symmetry on quantum level, cosmological acceleration, gravity and particle theory. My main conclusion is that the most general quantum theory should be based on finite mathematics and, as a consequence: {\bf Mathematics describing nature at the most fundamental level involves only a finite number of numbers while the notions of limit and infinitely small/large and the notions constructed from them (e.g. continuity, derivative and integral) are needed only in calculations describing nature approximately}.
vixra:2003.0606 [
Intention not Theory: the Vertigo of Love
A Theory of Everything (TOE) must be based on a principle so simple and powerful that it can explain not only all physics, but provide an answer to all philosophical questions and above all explain consciousness and the self. A principle is in fact all the more powerful the simpler it is, since everything that exists, from the simplest to the most complex, must derive from the nesting and stratification of the same principle. Around the nature of this principle, the candidate par excellence should be Hegel's dialectic. However, although Hegel's dialectic has proved useful in investigating the evolution of human thought and history, it is of little use in all other scientific areas such as in the investigation of natural laws. The principle sought must therefore be even more primitive: it must be the foundation of the whole, even of Hegel's dialectic. The purpose of this article is to present this principle and show how it is the foundation of the whole and how everything literally flows from it. In the Intention Physics, physics is completed, that is, it attains the highest and thereby its conclusion.
vixra:2003.0152 [
Analogy Between Special Relativity and Finite Mathematics
In our publications we have proposed an approach called finite quantum theory (FQT) when quantum theory is based not on complex numbers but on finite mathematics. We have proved that FQT is more general than standard quantum theory because the latter is a special degenerate case of the former in the formal limit $p\to\infty$ where $p$ is the characteristic of the ring or field in finite mathematics. Moreover, finite mathematics itself is more general than classical mathematics (involving the notions of infinitely small/large and continuity) because the latter is a special degenerate case of the former in the same limit. {\bf As a consequence, mathematics describing nature at the most fundamental level involves only a finite number of numbers while the notions of limit and infinitely small/large and the notions constructed from them (e.g. continuity, derivative and integral) are needed only in calculations describing nature approximately}. However, physicists typically are reluctant to accept those results although they are natural and simple. We argue without formulas that there is a simple analogy between the above facts and the fact that special relativity is more general than nonrelativistic mechanics because the latter is a special degenerate case of the former in the formal limit $c\to\infty$.
vixra:2002.0011 [
Something is wrong in the state of QED
Quantum electrodynamics (QED) is considered the most accurate theory in the history of science. However, this precision is based on a single experimental value: the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron (g-factor). An examination of the history of QED reveals that this value was obtained in a very suspicious way. These suspicions include the case of Karplus & Kroll, who admitted to having lied in their presentation of the most relevant calculation in the history of QED. As we will demonstrate in this paper, the Karplus & Kroll affair was not an isolated case, but one in a long series of errors, suspicious coincidences, mathematical inconsistencies and renormalized infinities swept under the rug.
vixra:1912.0523 [
Unsorted Collection of Unruly Random Thoughts: Started for no Good Reason in A.D. 2019
Sometimes abstracts are best served as warnings. Here is one: If you are humor challenged, cannot think in metaphors, or (much worse) believe in the honesty of politicians (and that’s a metaphor too), this may not be suitable for you. Here is another: this document will most likely be expanded.
vixra:1912.0506 [
Golden Ratio Geometry and the Fine-Structure Constant
The golden ratio is found to be related to the fine-structure constant, which determines the strength of the electromagnetic interaction. The golden ratio and classical harmonic proportions with quartic equations give an approximate value for the inverse fine-structure constant the same as that discovered previously in the geometry of the hydrogen atom. With the former golden ratio results, relationships are also shown between the four fundamental forces of nature: electromagnetism, the weak force, the strong force, and the force of gravitation.
vixra:1912.0095 [
A Note on Manifolds VS Networks as Mathematics Models in Modern Physics
Some stages of development of Manifold Theory are inspected, and how they evolved into the modern discrete frameworks of lattice and spin networks, with help from Topology and Homological Algebra. Recalling experimental evidence that reality is discrete, notably quantum Hall effect, includes more recent findings of quantum knots and spin-net condensates. Thus Pythagoras, Zeno and Plato were right after all: “Number rules the Uni- verse”, perhaps explaining the “unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics”, but not quite, why Quantum Physics’ scattering amplitudes are often Number Theory’s multiple zeta values.
vixra:1910.0624 [
Gender Issues in Fundamental Physics: a Bibliometric Analysis
We analyse bibliometric data about fundamental physics world-wide from 1970 to now extracting quantitative data about gender issues. We do not find significant gender differences in hiring rates, hiring timing, career gaps and slowdowns, abandonment rates, citation and self-citation patterns. Furthermore, various bibliometric indicators (number of fractionally-counted papers, citations, etc) exhibit a productivity gap at hiring moments, at career level, and without integrating over careers. The gap persists after accounting for confounding factors and manifests as an increasing fraction of male authors going from average to top authors in terms of bibliometric indices, with a quantitative shape that can be fitted by higher male variability.
vixra:1909.0261 [
Fine-Structure Constant from Sommerfeld to Feynman
The fine-structure constant, which determines the strength of the electromagnetic interaction, is briefly reviewed beginning with its introduction by Arnold Sommerfeld and also includes the interest of Wolfgang Pauli, Paul Dirac, Richard Feynman and others. Sommerfeld was very much a Pythagorean and sometimes compared to Johannes Kepler. The archetypal Pythagorean triangle has long been known as a hiding place for the golden ratio. More recently, the quartic polynomial has also been found as a hiding place for the golden ratio. The Kepler triangle, with its golden ratio proportions, is also a Pythagorean triangle. Combining classical harmonic proportions derived from Kepler’s triangle with quartic equations determine an approximate value for the fine-structure constant that is the same as that found in our previous work with the golden ratio geometry of the hydrogen atom. These results make further progress toward an understanding of the golden ratio as the basis for the fine-structure constant.
vixra:1905.0208 [
Do We Really Need de Broglie’s Waves?
In this article we refer to what was already stated in [1, pp. 153-156] and, moreover, we propose a particle model that excludes the de Broglie model that associates a wave with each particle. Instead, it we claim that each particle, and in particular the electron, is a corpuscle not perfectly spherical (but which could potentially have a wavy surface), to justify the same results obtained with the classic experiments that are brought to confirm the model of de Broglie. No need, therefore, to refer to the indeterminacy principle and to that of complementarity. What would now be required is the translation this proposal into a solid mathematical model that can make quantitative predictions according to the experimental data, provided that young physicists capable of doing it do not encounter the same ostracism encountered by others for 90 years. Finally, we propose to repeat the experiment of Merli, Missiroli and Pozzi [3] in a fog chamber or similar, to confirm the hypothesis that the single electron follows a very precise trajectory, against the widespread interpretation of Copenhagen.
vixra:1902.0497 [
Physical Mathematics and the Fine-Structure Constant
Research into ancient physical structures, some having been known as the seven wonders of the ancient world, inspired new developments in the early history of mathematics. At the other end of this spectrum of inquiry the research is concerned with the minimum of observations from physical data as exemplified by Eddington’s Principle. Current discussions of the interplay between physics and mathematics revive some of this early history of mathematics and offer insight into the fine-structure constant. Arthur Eddington’s work leads to a new calculation of the inverse fine-structure constant giving the same approximate value as ancient geometry combined with the golden ratio structure of the hydrogen atom. The hyperbolic function suggested by Alfred Landé leads to another result, involving the Laplace limit of Kepler’s equation, with the same approximate value and related to the aforementioned results. The accuracy of these results are consistent with the standard reference. Relationships between the four fundamental coupling constants are also found.
vixra:1811.0391 [
Intention Physics
A Theory of everything must spring from a metaphysics but must necessarily rest on logics. The aim of this paper is to show the theory of everything: it needs a new conceptual framework, a new geometry, a new mind, a new language. A critical examination of the conceptions of memory, movement, time and space brings to light the primitive space where relativistic physics and quantum mechanics can meet. Furthermore, it highlights the distinction between the true time that opens in the decision between the previous moment and the successive one, and the mnemonic time, trace spatialised in the moment, in which the evolution of the emergent phenomena is reflected. Finally, recognizing space, time, electricity and gravitation as four different aspects of one sole substance, we come to the only unit measure and to the only equation that, devoid of singularity, unifies all the natural interactions, without disagreement with any experimental result, and throws light on the shape and origin of the universe and on matter organization.
vixra:1805.0467 [
Perfect Symmetry: A Short Philosophical Note on Math Rebuilt from Ancient Atomism
In this paper we point out an interesting asymmetry in the rules of fundamental mathematics between positive and negative numbers. We suggest an alternative (additional) number system rooted in ancient atomism; see, for example, Guthrie (1965); Pyle (1995); Taylor (1999); Grellard and Robert (2009). At several points in history, leading philosophers and scientists have thought that atomism could be the fundamental ex- planation of everything. Ancient atomism basically claims that everything consists of indivisible particles traveling in the void. If this is true, then we will see that everything comes in quanta (whole units) and fractional parts do not exist. Accordingly, in math developed from atomism there are no imaginary numbers.
vixra:1805.0109 [
Lunar Ascent of the Apollo 17 in Television Broadcast
We analyze the Apollo 17 ascent from the lunar surface that occurred on December 14, 1972. The lunar ascent was captured by a remotely operated pan-zoom-tilt (PZT) camera on the Lunar Roving Vehicle parked some distance away, and broadcasted on television to the audiences on Earth. We use known features of the camera PZT to extract the angle above the horizon (elevation) as a function of time of the craft in the TV broadcast. We then compare the craft's reconstructed trajectory to that of the Apollo 11 Lunar Module Ascent Stage. We list the differences in Vertical Rise and early Orbit Insertion phases, and what makes them anomalous.
vixra:1805.0108 [
Separation, Transposition and Docking of Apollo 11 in Low-Earth Orbit
A selection of visual media from the Apollo 11 Mission, namely, the 70mm photographs AS11-36- 5301 through AS11-36-5313 and the 16mm film magazine A, are shown to strongly suggest that at the time of their filming Apollo 11 craft were in low-Earth orbit. The visual media comprise the film footage and the photographs of the craft and the Earth filmed before and during the maneuvers separation, transposition and docking (STD). The STD reportedly occured during the translunar coast some 30 minutes after the translunar injection (TLI). In the STD, the Command and Service Module (CSM) would dismount the rocket Saturn-IVB (S-IVB) carrying the Lunar Module (LM) and the CSM up to that point, then dock with and extract the LM. The S-IVB would then split from the group to fly behind the Moon and in an orbit around the Sun. In determining the location of the Apollo 11 craft, the sizes of Earth and the S-IVB rocket and their distances from the camera are extracted from the media assuming a selection of camera lenses. The extracted CSM flight data include the turning rate and the turning angle, the maximum separation distance, and the docking velocity. From their comparison to the Flight Plan, the Mission Report and to the oral transcripts from the Apollo 11 Flight Journal, it is found that the 16mm Mauer Data Acquisition Camera (DAC) was filming with the 10mm lens, and not with the 18mm lens as NASA reported. Consequently, the photography must have been done with a Hasselblad manual camera with the 38mm lens and not with the Hasselblad electric camera with the 80mm lens as NASA reported. The visual media being recorded with these new lenses puts the craft at the time of the STD in low-Earth orbit, rather than Moon-bound after successful TLI.
vixra:1803.0678 [
Probability and Entanglement
Here the concept of "TRUE" is defined according to Alfred Tarski, and the concept "OCCURING EVENT" is derived from this definition. From here, we obtain operations on the events and properties of these operations and derive the main properties of the CLASSICAL PROB-ABILITY. PHYSICAL EVENTS are defined as the results of applying these operations to DOT EVENTS. Next, the 3 + 1 vector of the PROBABILITY CURRENT and the EVENT STATE VECTOR are determined. The presence in our universe of Planck's constant gives reason to\linebreak presume that our world is in a CONFINED SPACE. In such spaces, functions are presented by Fourier series. These presentations allow formulating the ENTANGLEMENT phenomenon.
vixra:1802.0034 [
Response to the FQXi RFP: Agency in the Physical World
To bring scientific rigor to FQXi challenges[1] is the greatest challenge. Given the diverse community and vexing manner in which our organizers delight in framing issues, prevalent absence of rigor follows. Yet a substantial subset of the community is comprised of physicists, with no obvious tightening there of reason’s web. We have two immediate interests. First is to make our work accessible to larger communities, to focus on the theoretical minimum, on quantum interpretations as applied to the geometric wavefunction, to express geometric wavefunction physics in languages of most closely related disciplines. To function as interpreters[11]. Second is quantum impedance matching in nanoelectonics, beyond scale invariant quantum Hall impedance of vector Lorentz forces to those associated with all forces and their potentials. It appears the present status in that community is black art. Nobody knows what they’re doing. Impedance governs amplitude and phase of energy flow. One has to quantum impedance match if one wants to quantum compute effectively. This is just common sense.
vixra:1801.0414 [
Zeno's Paradox and the Planck Length. The Fine Structure Constant and The Speed of Light
In this short paper we look at some interesting relationships between Zeno's paradox, the Planck length, the speed of light, and the fine structure constant. Did you know it takes 144 Zeno steps to reduce the speed of light to Planck length speed? Did you know it takes 137 Zeno steps to go from alpha*c to Planck length speed? And interestingly it is 7 steps between 144 and 137. We assume this is merely a coincidence, but it is often assumed that there are likely a maximum of 137 elements, the last one being the ``Feynmanium." And there are considered to be 7 orbital shells. We do not claim this explains anything particular in physics, but we also do not exclude the possibility that there could be something meaningful in it. Are these patterns purely numerically coincidences, or could they be a link to deeper understanding of other patterns related to physics, like the periodic table? Whatever the answer may be, it is interesting to look at Zeno's paradox in relation to the Planck length.
vixra:1801.0335 [
Space and Time, Geometry and Fields: An Historical Essay on the Fundamental and its Physical Manifestation
We address historical circumstances surrounding the absence of two essential tools - geometric interpretation of Clifford algebra and generalization of impedance quantization - from the particle physicist’s tool kit, and present details of the new perspective that follows from their inclusion. The resulting geometric wavefunction model permits one to examine the interface between fundamental and emergent.
vixra:1709.0405 [
Fundamental Physics and the Fine-Structure Constant
From the exponential function of Euler's equation to the geometry of a fundamental form, a calculation of the fine-structure constant and its relationship to the proton-electron mass ratio is given. Equations are found for the fundamental constants of the four forces of nature: electromagnetism, the weak force, the strong force and the force of gravitation. Symmetry principles are then associated with traditional physical measures.
vixra:1709.0036 [
Evolution and the Mind of God
This essay asks the question who, or what, is God. This is not new. Philosophers and religions have made many attempts to understand the nature of God. This essay is different from earlier attempts in that it develops a theory of God based on all known science and our limited understanding of the processes in the universe. It is not necessary to start with the belief that God exists; rather, by following the logic of the essay, it can be concluded that God exists.
vixra:1708.0257 [
Some Insight into Relativity Principle, Covariant Equations, and the Use of Abduction in Physics
We show relations of the Relativity Principle (RP) to the linear features of space(time), Sec 1. In Sec.2 RP is written in Minkowski’s space. Sec. 3 is devoted to Einstein’s relativity principle. The covariant form of equation and the RP in the free Fock space (FFS) are discussed in Sec.4.In Sec.5 are also discussed a possible trace of the quantum features in classical mechanics and possible sources of nonlinearity of basic equations of nature. The final comments are contained in Sec.6.
vixra:1704.0075 [
Mind-Body Problem; A Final Solution by Quantum Language
Recently we proposed “quantum language", which was not only characterized as the metaphysical and linguistic turn of quantum mechanics but also the linguistic turn of Descartes=Kant epistemology. If this turn is regarded as progress in the history of Western philosophy, we should study the linguistic mind-body problem more than the epistemological mind-body problem. In this paper we show that to solve the mind-body problem and to propose "measurement axiom" in quantum language are equivalent. Since our approach is within dualistic idealism, we believe that our linguistic solution is the only true solution ( i.e., even if the other solutions exist, they are not in philosophy but in science).
vixra:1703.0103 [
Some Remarks about Mathematical Structures in Science, Operator Version of General Laplace Principle of Equal Ignorance (GLPEI), Symmetry and too much Symmetry
It is suggested that the same form of equations in classical and quantum physics allow to elaborate the same algorithms to find their solutions if the free Fock space (FFS) is used. “The miracle of the appropriateness of the language of mathematics for the formulation of the laws of physics” is addressed on the example of the causality principle, (Sec.2). Notes on the role of the fields and their sources, and disposal of the excess of information are set out in Secs 3 and 5. Possible obstacles in constructing quantum gravity are discussed and remedies are proposed in Secs 4, 5 and 6. A connection of symmetries with the Laplace principle of equal ignorance (LPEI) and its operator generalization are considered in Sec.7. The classical and quantum vacuums related to isolation of a system are suggested, (Sec.8)
vixra:1703.0031 [
Aims and Intention from Mindful Mathematics: The Encompassing Physicality of Geometric Clifford Algebra
The emergence of sentience in the physical world - the ability to sense, feel, and respond - is central to questions surrounding the mind-body problem. Cloaked in the modern mystery of the wavefunction and its many interpretations, the search for a solid fundamental foundation to which one might anchor a model trails back into antiquity. Given the rather astounding presumption that abstractions of the mathematician might somehow inform this quest, we examine the role of geometric algebra of 3D space and 4D spacetime in establishing the foundation needed to resolve contentions of quantum interpretations. The resulting geometric wavefunction permits gut-level intuitive visualization, clarifies confusion regarding observables and observers, and provides the solid quantum foundation essential for attempts to address emergence of the phenomenon of sentience.
vixra:1703.0006 [
The Drunken Walk Towards a Goal
This essay begins by endeavouring to ask the question "How can mindless mathematical laws give rise to aims and intentions" but quickly runs into difficulties with the question itself (not least that there is an implication that there is no current mathematical law that may be considered to be "mindful"), which requires some in-depth exploration. I then explore what constitutes "Creative Intelligence" - coming to a surprising conclusion that concurs with Maharish Mahesh Yogi's definition.
vixra:1608.0129 [
Quantum Interpretation of the Impedance Model as Informed by Geometric Clifford Algebra
Quantum Interpretations seek to explain observables from formal theory. Impedances govern the flow of energy, are helpful in such attempts. An earlier note documented first efforts to resolve the interpretational ambiguities and contentions from the practical perspective of our model-based approach. In the interim, discovery of the deep connections between the impedance model and geometric Clifford algebra has shed new light on the measurement problem and its manifestations, which we revisit here.
vixra:1509.0131 [
Holism and the Geometrization and Unification of Fundamental Physical Interactions (An Essay on Philosophy of Physics)
We are looking for a paradigm of modern physics and this essay is devoted to this problem. Thus in the essay we consider very important problems of philosophy of physics: a unification and a geometrization of fundamental physical interactions and holism. We are looking for holistic approaches in many different domains of physics. Simultaneously we look for some holistic approaches in the history of philosophy and compare them to approaches in physics. We consider a unification and a geometrization of physical interac- tions in contemporary physics in order to find some connections with many philosophical approaches known in the history of philosophy. In this way we want to connect humanity to natural sciences, i.e. physics. In the his- tory of philosophy there are several basic principles, so-called “arche”. Our conclusion is that a contemporary “arche” is geometry as in the Einstein programme connected to a holistic approach. In our meaning geometry as “arche” of physics will be a leading idea in a fundamental physics. Physics itself will be a leading force in philosophy of science and philosophy itself. Cultural quasi-reality (in R. Ingarden’s meaning) and also biology, medicine and social sciences will be influenced by physics. In this way a cultural quasi-reality will be closer to physical reality.
vixra:1508.0098 [
Generalized Bohr’s Principle of Complementarity.
We show that Bohr's complementarity principle can be generalized to all the phenomena of reality. The generalized principle of complementarity Bohr can be formulated as follows: the rational side of reality and conjugate irrational side of reality are complementary to each other. This raises the question of relations between science and mysticism.
vixra:1506.0193 [
Electrodynamics on the Threshold of the Fourth Stage of Its Development
Development of electrodynamics during last one and half a century is discussed and it is shown that every half a century its contents changes drastically. In fact, during each of the three past stages three distinct doctrines were reigning in the field, which can safely be visioned as three different theories. Each of these three theories is critically analyzed and it is shown that the third stage is over and electrodynamics has reached the threshold of the fourth stage of its development.
vixra:1504.0240 [
Right and Wrong in the Conduct of Science
Science, in particular physics, is a collective enterprise; a fruit of the exquisitely social nature of human living. So it is inevitable to encounter ethical issues in the natural sciences, since the contest of differing interests and views is perennial in its practice, indeed essential to its momentum. The crucial ethical question always hangs in the air: How is the truth best served? This is a very limited imperative for science to follow, excluding as it does most questions of meaning and valuation. For example, in science one does not normally ask: Why is the truth to be served? In this paper we describe some ethical aspects of our own discipline of science: their cultural context and the bounds which they delineate for themselves, sometimes in transgression. We argue that the minimalist ethic espoused in science, namely loyalty to truth, is a bellwether for the much wider, more problematic, and more vital consequences of ethics – and its failure – in human relationships at large.
vixra:1503.0103 [
Consistent Faith of a Physicist: God's Grace Within Physics
Without forcing to accept my points, I present the glim of my consistent faith to the scientific community of orthodox believers. Because I stay within the dogmas of the Orthodox Christian Church, I suggest to read the text without criticism. It is simply the beautiful and meaningful picture of my personal world. Please enjoy it.
vixra:1408.0109 [
Historical Perspective on Energy Flow in Quantum Field Theory
The absence of impedances from the Standard Model is most remarkable. Impedance is a fundamental concept, of universal validity. Impedances govern the flow of energy. In particular, the coupling of the photon to matter happens in the near field. The absence of the photon near-field impedance in photon-electron interactions is the most basic and profound example of this remarkable circumstance, sitting unnoticed in the foundation of quantum electrodynamics. One cannot obtain a complete understanding of such interactions without examining the role of impedances. How this essential principle escaped notice in the development of quantum field theory is outlined, and consequences of its inclusion in our present understanding are explored.
vixra:1312.0242 [
Equally Aged Twins Under Different Accelerations
In a very recent book on the philosophy of space and time, Maudlin discusses Langevin's famous twin paradox, emphasizing the incorrectness of attributing the different agings of the two twins to the different accelerations they suffered. Here we extend the argument a little by considering to and fro rectilinear motions under finite accelerations (and continuous velocities).
vixra:1311.0143 [
Quantum Interpretation of the Impedance Model
Quantum Interpretations try to explain emergence of the world we observe from formal quantum theory. Impedances govern the flow of energy, are helpful in such attempts. We include quantum impedances in comparisons of selected interpretations.
vixra:1310.0145 [
A Thermodynamic History of the Solar Constitution - I: The Journey to a Gaseous Sun
History has the power to expose the origin and evolution of scientific ideas. How did humanity come to visualize the Sun as a gaseous plasma? Why is its interior thought to contain blackbody radiation? Who were the first people to postulate that the density of the solar body varied greatly with depth? When did mankind first conceive that the solar surface was merely an illusion? What were the foundations of such thoughts? In this regard, a detailed review of the Sun’s thermodynamic history provides both a necessary exposition of the circumstance which accompanied the acceptance of the gaseous models and a sound basis for discussing modern solar theories. It also becomes an invitation to reconsider the phase of the photosphere. As such, in this work, the contributions of Pierre Simon Laplace, Alexander Wilson, William Herschel, Hermann von Helmholtz, Herbert Spencer, Richard Christopher Carrington, John Frederick William Herschel, Father Pietro Angelo Secchi, Hervé August Etienne Albans Faye, Edward Frankland, Joseph Norman Lockyer, Warren de la Rue, Balfour Stewart, Benjamin Loewy, and Gustav Robert Kirchhoff, relative to the evolution of modern stellar models, will be discussed. Six great pillars created a gaseous Sun: 1) Laplace’s Nebular Hypothesis, 2) Helmholtz’ contraction theory of energy production, 3) Andrew’s elucidation of critical temperatures, 4) Kirchhoff’s formulation of his law of thermal emission, 5) Plücker and Hittorf’s discovery of pressure broadening in gases, and 6) the evolution of the stellar equations of state. As these are reviewed, this work will venture to highlight not only the genesis of these revolutionary ideas, but also the forces which drove great men to advance a gaseous Sun.
vixra:1310.0115 [
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck (1858-1947)
October 4th, 2007 marks the 60th anniversary of Planck’s death. Planck was not only the father of Quantum Theory. He was also a man of profound moral and ethical values, with far reaching philosophical views. Though he lived a life of public acclaim for his discovery of the Blackbody radiation formula which bares his name, his personal life was beset with tragedy. Yet, Planck never lost his deep faith and belief in a personal God. He was admired by Einstein, not so much for his contributions to physics, but rather, for the ideals which he embodied as a person. In this work, a brief synopsis is provided on Planck, his life, and his philosophical writings. It is hoped that this will serve as an invitation to revisit the philosophical works of the man who, more than any other, helped set the course of early 20th century physics.
vixra:1305.0170 [
Hyper Fast Interstellar Travel Within General Relativity:The Alcubierre and Natario Warp Drive Spacetimes:From Science Fiction to Science Fact
Warp Drives are solutions of the Einstein Field Equations that allows superluminal travel within the framework of General Relativity.There are at the present moment two known solutions: The Alcubierre warp drive discovered in $1994$ and the Natario warp drive discovered in $2001$.The warp drive seems to be very attractive because allows interstellar space travel at arbitrarily large speeds avoiding the light speed limit,time dilatation and mass increase paradoxes of Einstein Special Relativity.This is an introductory article without mathematics written for the general public outlining a brief resume of the "status quo" of the warp drive science from an Historical perspective.We cover the $3$ major obstacles raised by modern science against the physical integrity of the warp drive as a dynamical spacetime that can carry a ship at faster than light speeds.We show using a clear and accessible language that the Natario warp drive emerges as a "winner" against all the $3$ obstacles and can be regarded as a valid candidate for faster than light space travel.Our goal in writing a non-technical paper on this subject is to captive the interest of potential common readers that might would appreciate this subject avoiding the details of complex mathematical explanations.
vixra:1212.0126 [
Hylomorphic Functions
Philosophers have long pondered the Problem of Universals. One response is Metaphysical Realism, such as Plato's Doctrine of the Forms and Aristotle's Hylomorphism. We postulate that Measurement in Quantum Mechanics forms the basis of Metaphysical Realism. It is the process that gives rise to the instantiation of Universals as Properties, a process we refer to as Hylomorphic Functions. This combines substance metaphysics and process metaphysics by identifying the instantiation of Universals as causally active processes along with physical substance, forming a dualism of both substance and information. Measurements of fundamental properties of matter are the Atomic Universals of metaphysics, which combine to form the whole taxonomy of Universals. We look at this hypothesis in relation to various different interpretations of Quantum Mechanics grouped under two exemplars: the Copenhagen Interpretation, a version of Platonic Realism based on wave function collapse, and the Pilot Wave Theory of Bohm and de Broglie, where particle--particle interactions lead to an Aristotelian metaphysics. This view of Universals explains the distinction between pure information and the medium that transmits it and establishes the arrow of time. It also distinguishes between universally true Atomic Facts and the more conditional Inferences based on them. Hylomorphic Functions also provide a distinction between Universals and Tropes based on whether a given Property is a physical process or is based on the qualia of an individual organism. Since the Hylomorphic Functions are causally active, it is possible to suggest experimental tests that can verify this viewpoint of metaphysics.
vixra:1212.0049 [
Wolfgang Pauli and the Fine-Structure Constant
Wolfgang Pauli was influenced by Carl Jung and the Platonism of Arnold Sommerfeld, who introduced the fine-structure constant. Pauli's vision of a World Clock is related to the symbolic form of the Emerald Tablet of Hermes and Plato's geometric allegory otherwise known as the Cosmological Circle attributed to ancient tradition. With this vision Pauli revealed geometric clues to the mystery of the fine-structure constant that determines the strength of the electromagnetic interaction. A Platonic interpretation of the World Clock and the Cosmological Circle provides an explanation that includes the geometric structure of the pineal gland described by the golden ratio. In his experience of archetypal images Pauli encounters the synchronicity of events that contribute to his quest for physical symmetry relevant to the development of quantum electrodynamics.
vixra:1207.0019 [
On Communicating the Value of Basic Physics Research to the Public
The Argument that basic scientific research is of value is a strong one, but may not be always communicated very well to the public. As a result, even though the public overwhelmingly supports science, it may not always support important basic physics research projects. This can have definite consequences on policy decisions, as happened when the superconducting supercollider was shut down after pouring 2 billion dollars into it. This article makes six recommendations, directed primarily at physicists, but also more generally applicable to all scientists, to help communicate the value of basic physics research to the public more effectively. Doing this is especially important now, as basic research budgets are facing ever increasing threats of budget cuts.
vixra:1110.0026 [
Instrumentalism Vs. Realism and Social Construction
An important debate in the philosophy of science, whether an instrumentalist or realist view of science correctly characterizes science, is examined in this paper through the lens of a related debate, namely whether science is a social construct or not. The latter debate arose in response to Kuhn's work The Structure of Scientic Revolutions, in which he argued that while there exists a process through which scientic understanding evolves from primitive to increasingly rened ideas, it does not describe progress 'toward' anything. Kuhn's work was then used to argue that there is no such thing as a knowable objective reality, a view much in agreement with that of the instrumentalist. This paper argues that a generalized version of the correspondence principle applied to a theory's domain of validity is an exclusive feature of science which distinguishes it from socially constructed phenomena and thereby supports the realist position. According to this argument, progress in science can be characterized as the replacement of old paradigms by new ones with greater domains of validity which obey the correspondence principle where the two paradigms overlap. This characterization, however, is susceptible to the instrumentalist objection that it does not t the transition from Aristotelian to Newtonian physics. In response, it is required that this argument depend on the intactness of certain core concepts in the face of experimental challenge within some regions of the theory's original domain of validity. While this requirement saves the argument and even oers an answer to the question of what it would take for our most established theories in physics, relativity and quantum theory, to suer the same fate as Aristotelian physics, it also defers a conclusive resolution to the debate between instrumentalists and realists until it can be determined whether an ultimate theory of nature can be found.
vixra:1008.0011 [
Reflections on an Asymmetry on the Occasion of Arnold's Passing Away ...
Keeping silent by authorities in science about breakthroughs made by less well known scientists creates a massively asymmetric situation which is to the detriment of science.
vixra:1003.0052 [
International Injustice in Science
In the scientific research, it is important to keep our freedom of thinking and not being yoked by others' theories without checking them, no matter where they come from. Cogito, ergo sum (I think, therefore I am), said Descartes (1596-1650), and this Latin aphorism became his first principle in philosophy.