High Energy Particle Physics
vixra:2503.0086 [
Resolving the Yang-Mills Mass Gap Problem Using Alpha Integration
We present a non-perturbative proof of the Yang-Mills mass gap hypothesis, demonstratingthat the lowest eigenvalue E0 of the quantum Yang-Mills Hamiltonian in four-dimensionalEuclidean spacetime is positive, confirming the existence of a mass gap and quark-gluon confinement. Using a novel path integral framework, we address divergences, resolve Gribov ambiguities, and compute the spectrum, achieving consistency with lattice QCD simulations and experimental data. Our results align with the Clay Mathematics Institute’s Millennium Prize criteria, providing a mathematically rigorous and physically consistent solution.
vixra:2411.0163 [
Quantum Correction to the Synchrotron Photon Spectrum
We calculate the quantum corrections to synchrotron photon spectrum by methoddeveloped by Schwinger and Tsai. The traditional calculation method working withthe particle wave functions is here replaced by the mass operator approach avoidingthe particle final states and the integration over photon angular distribution. Thealgorithm of the calculation of the quantum corrections to the synchrotron radiationconsists in the evaluation of the forward Compton scattering process in the externalmagnetic field and then in application of the optical theorem to obtain the angularand frequency distribution.
vixra:2410.0182 [
The Coupling Constant of Dirac Magnetic Monopoles is not 34.259 But 308.331
Textbooks tell us that the coupling constant of Dirac magnetic monopoles is 34.259. Here I show by using the quark hypothesis that at zero temperature the coupling constant is as high as 308.331. Moreover I show that it is a running coupling constant and is smaller than 0.5 at the Planck temperature.
vixra:2409.0125 [
The Bubble Theory: A Fourth-Dimensional Energy-Matter Framework
The Bubble Theory introduces a novel framework for understanding the fourth spatial dimensionas a multi-layered energy-matter structure coexisting within the same time and space as our observable universe. Central to this theory is the concept of an ’S’ Energy Field—a higher-dimensionalenergy field through which unique ’S’ energy wavelengths propagate. These wavelengths bind matterin the fourth dimension (4D), allowing distinct energy-matter units, or "bubbles," to coexist independently even when overlapping spatially. Each bubble maintains its integrity through its unique ’S’energy signature, preventing interference with other bubbles unless their energy signatures becomeinsufficiently unique, leading to potential interlinking. This paper formalizes the principles of theBubble Theory, develops mathematical models to support the framework, and discusses implicationsfor higher-dimensional physics and potential avenues for experimental validation.
vixra:2408.0119 [
The Sommerfeld Equation with the Uehling Potential
The Uehling potential is the one-loop radiative correction to the photon propagator. The correction can be graphically represented by the Feynman diagram of the second order. It means that photon can exist in the intermediate state with electron and photon forming virtual particle pair. Then, the Coulomb potential with radiative corrections can be inserted in the Sommerfeld quantum equation inorder to obtain the Sommerfeld energy.
vixra:2407.0105 [
Em Field and Matter
This article tries to unified the four basic forces by Maxwell equations, the only experimental theory.Self-consistent Lorentz equation is proposed, and is solved to electrons and the structures of particles and atomic nucleus. The static properties and decay are reasoned, all meet experimental data. The equation of general relativity sheerly with electromagnetic field is discussed as the base of this theory. In the end the conformation elementarily between this theory and QED and weak theory is discussed.
vixra:2407.0049 [
Spin Density Plane Waves in an Elastic Solid Model of the Vacuum
Plane waves of spin angular momentum density in an ideal elastic solid are analyzed using vector and bispinor descriptions. In both classical and quantum physics, spin density is the axial vector field whose curl is equal to twice the incompressible intrinsic momentum density. The second-order vector wave equation assumes that temporal changes of spin density in an ideal elastic solid are attributable to convection, rotation, and torque density. The corresponding first-order wave equation for Dirac bispinors incorporates terms describing wave propagation, convection, rotations of the medium and rotations of wave velocity relative to the medium. The two rotation terms are also operators for rotational kinetic energy and conventional potential energy, respectively. The potential energy corresponds to half the mass term of the free electron Dirac equation. Bispinor plane wave solutions are constructed consistent with the usual dynamical operators of relativistic quantum mechanics. Lagrangian and Hamiltonian densities are also constructed with each term having a clear classical physics interpretation. The intrinsic momentum associated with the Belinfante-Rosenfeld stress tensor is explained. Application to elementary particles is discussed, including classical physics analogues of the Pauli exclusion principle, interaction potentials, fermions, bosons, and antimatter.
vixra:2405.0121 [
The Electron Radius and the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
This paper presents a summary of calculations in a revamped system of electrodynamics, which the author calls Ether Electrodynamics. The results relate to a newly introduced fundamental principle, a rigorously deduced formalism for the electric fieldof a spinning and precessing electron, the rejection of the magnetic field, the true formal cause of line radiation, a formalism describing how electron spin is quantized, theextension of spin quantization to quantization of precession, the inevitable identity ofquantized precession frequency with the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) frequency, the subsequent calculation of the electron radius and the relation to the mass ofthe proton. Ether Electrodynamics promises to rigorously restructure numerous fieldsof scientific endeavor.
vixra:2405.0102 [
The Theory of the Quiescent Proton
A quiescent proton is a proton that is not involved in high-energy interactions. As is well known, the baryons in which the Proton is the most stable are described in the quantum mechanics system by a theory of QuantumChromoDynamics (QCD). QCD describes the details of interactions due to the scattering of protons with protons and other particles. In these energetic states, it works well. How is the internal structure of the proton described when it is in a passive state, not interacting energetically with other particles? In the passive, or quiescent state after year of effort using QCD has not yielded a solution. The passive state is the subject of this paper. Protons, as well as neutrons, are the heaviest stable particles and are largely responsible for contributing mass that generates the global gravitation of the large Universe, leaving out dark matter and dark energy momentarily. This paper will explore how GR gravitation theory and the basic foundation of quantum mechanics can be used to describe the proton in the quiescent state. Due to the stability of the at-rest proton, this paper studies the proton in this quiet state. The Neutron is known to be stable when part of a more complex atomic nucleus but decays, when free, into a proton, electron, and electron-antineutrino. Due to this instability, neutrons will not be included in this study.
vixra:2405.0082 [
A String Theory Flavor Model of Baryon Nodes and Lepto-Mesonic Links
Quantum systems are built of Elements of Quantum Circuits: baryons as nodes and lepto-mesonic links as channels / connectors. Various levels of connection lines, 1,2 or 3-quark lines, leadto a hierarchy of interactions. The Hopf fibration, as a local model of a Gauge Theory approach to Quantum Physics, is investigated in parallel with the modern experimental data about the structure of nucleons and nuclei. Complex quantum systems, like molecules, nuclei etc. are modeled using Riemann Surfaces and Belyi morphisms, "borrowed" from the String Theory approach. This work continues a series of articles regarding the foundations of Physics, with input from Chemistry and Biology.
vixra:2405.0030 [
Fundamental Role of Dirac Supersingletons in Particle Theory
As shown in the famous Dyson’s paper "Missed Opportunities", even from purely mathematical considerations (without any physics) it follows that Poincare quantum symmetry is a special degenerate case of de Sitter quantum symmetries. Then the question arises why in particle physics Poincare symmetry works with a very high accuracy. The usual answer to this question is that a theory in de Sitter space becomes a theory in Minkowski space in the formal limit when the radius of de Sitter space tends to infinity. However, de Sitter and Minkowski spaces are purely classical concepts, and in quantum theory the answer to this question must be given only in terms of quantum concepts. At the quantum level, Poincare symmetry is a good approximate symmetry if the eigenvalues of the representation operators $M_{4mu}$ of the anti-de Sitter algebra are much greater than the eigenvalues of the operators $M_{muu}$ ($mu,u=0,1,2,3$).We show that explicit solutions with such properties exist within the framework of the approach proposed by Flato and Fronsdal where elementary particles in the standard theory are bound states of two Dirac singletons.
vixra:2405.0021 [
The Model of Nuclear Structure
The structure of nuclei begins with lower-order nuclei, such as deuterium, tritium, and helium He−3, which evolve into the helium nucleus He−4, and then the first upper-order oxygen nucleus O−16 that has four helium nuclei He−4 in a column of strong negative electric field. Furthermore, the second upper-order calcium nucleus Ca is based on the fundamental natural phenomenon of mirror symmetry, by repeating the structure of the first upper-order oxygen nucleus and its half, i.e., at a 2.5 factor. The same principle applies to the third upper-order tin nucleus Sn, which emerges from the second upper-order calcium nucleus Ca, according to mirror symmetry and the same 2.5 factor. It is noted that the tin nucleus Sn will further form the basis for the structure of all heavy nuclei up to the radioactive uranium nucleus U − 235. This is the simple and elegant structure model, according to which nuclei consist of fixed helium nuclei He − 4 (plus deuterium, tritium, and helium He − 3, all evolving into helium He − 4), while the bonding neutrons rotate around them.
vixra:2404.0141 [
The Hadronic Resonance Masses and the Graphical Law
We study the hadronic resonance masses. We rank those according to the masses. We draw the natural logarithm of the masses, normalised, starting with a rank vs the natural logarithm of the the rank, normalised. We conclude that the hadronic resonance masses, can be characterisedby BP(4,$beta H=0.1$), the magnetisation curve for the Bethe-Peierls approximation of the Isingmodel with four nearest neighbours in the presence of external magnetic field, $beta H=0.1$. $beta$ is $frac{1}{k_{B}T}$ where, T is temperature, H is external magnetic field and $k_{B}$ is the tiny Boltzmann constant.
vixra:2404.0057 [
The Anomalous Magnetic Moment of Electron and Muon
The anomalous magnetic moment of electron is calculated in the framework of the Schwinger source method from the assumption the electron and is immersed in the magnetic eld. The magnetic eld causes the modication of the Greenfunction of the charged particle and therefore the modication of the vacuum-to-vacuum amplitude. The derived value of the anomalous magnetic moment of electron is in excelent agreement with experiment. The muon magnetic moment is discussed at the experimental and methodological basis. This article is writtenin the form of the pedagogical simplicity.
vixra:2403.0130 [
A Theory of the Quiescent Proton
A quiescent proton is a proton that is not involved in high-energy interactions. As is well known, the baryons in which the Proton is the most stable are described in the quantum mechanics system by a theory of quantum chromodynamics (QCD). QCD describes the details of interactions due to the scattering of protons with protons and other particles. In these energetic states, it works well. How is the internal structure of the proton described when it is in a passive state, not interacting energetically with other particles? In the passive or quiescent state, after years of effort, using QCD has not yielded a solution. The passive state is the subject of this paper. Protons, as well as neutrons, are the heaviest stable particles and are largely responsible for contributing mass that generates the global gravitation of the large Universe, leaving out dark matter and dark energy momentarily. This paper will explore how GR gravitation theory and the basic foundation of quantum mechanics, Planck Law, can describe the proton in the quiescent state. Due to the stability of the at-rest proton, this paper studies the proton in this quiet state. The Neutron is known to be stable when part of a more complex atomic nucleus but decays, when free, into a proton, electron, and electron-antineutrino. Due to this instability, neutrons will not be included in this study.
vixra:2403.0075 [
Special Aether or Special Relativity?
The advent of elegant theories, such as special relativity and quantum mechanics, ushered modern physics into an era marked by fantasized contemplation of phenomena, a trend that even persists today. In principle, every phenomenon is physical and can be comprehended mechanistically, given access to the necessary information. In a previous study, we explored the discussion on the equivalence of quantum mechanics with Fick's second law as its classical analogous for Brownian particles which reveals that there should be underlying particles that govern the motion of subatomic particles in quantum mechanics. In this context, we delve into how the description of a special aether medium in space enables the system to adhere to Galilean relativity instead of special relativity, which assumes the absence of aether. Given this, we emphasize that space and time are absolute; rather, it is indeed the velocity that is relative to the initial frame of reference.
vixra:2402.0104 [
The Electron-Positron Pair Creation in Quantum Electrodynamics
The probability of the emission of the electron-positron pairs is calculated from the vacuum-to-vacuum amplitude in such a way that the modified propagation function of photon is applied. The quantum entanglement of the electron-positronpairs is not analysed. In cosmology, pair production is the heuristic explanation of the Hawking radiation. The pair production process is explained here with the pedagogical simplicity.
vixra:2401.0146 [
A Huge Inconsistency in Cherenkov's Historic Experimental Setup in 1934
A huge inconsistency in Cherenkov's historic experimental setup in 1934 has been found. In a first calculatory part (involving a lot of Compton scattering formulas), we derive the theoretical minimal apparent magnitude ($m_{astro}=+12.39$) of the Cherenkov radiation from the historic experimental setup (drawing by Cherenkov in 1934). Equivalently, the Cherenkov radiation from the historic experimental setup (drawing by Cherenkov in 1934) is visible, by a perfect naked eye ($m_{Naked-Eye}=+7.5$), with a minimal amount of $9~361.81~mg$ Radium-226 instead of an official amount of $103.6~mg$ Radon-226. In a second part, we summarize the technological & scientific & societal consequences of that huge inconsistency.
vixra:2401.0040 [
Energy Loss of Electrons in Storage Rings
We examine, in general, the energy loss of electrons caused by the multiple Compton scattering of electrons on black body photons in the storage rings. We derive the scattering rate of electrons in the Planckian photon sea and then the energy loss of electrons per unit length. We discuss the possible generalization of our method in particle physics and consider a possible application of our formulas in case of motion of charged particles in the relic cosmological radiation.
vixra:2401.0027 [
Negative-Energy and Tachyonic Solutions in the Weinberg-Tucker-Hammer Equation for Spin 1
We considered Weinberg-like equations in the article [1] in order to construct the Feynman-Dyson propagator for the spin-1 particles. An analog of the $S=1/2$ Feynman-Dyson propagator is presented in the framework of the $S=1$ Weinberg's theory. The basis for This construction is based on the concept of the Weinberg field as a system of four field functions differing by parity and by dual transformations. Next, We also analyzed the recent controversy in the definitions of the Feynman-Dyson propagator for the field operator containing the $S=1/2$ self/anti-self charge conjugate states in the papers by D. Ahluwalia et al~cite{Ahlu-PR} and by W. Rodrigues Jr. et al~cite{Rodrigues-PR,Rodrigues-IJTP}. The solution to this mathematical controversy is obvious. I proposed the necessary doubling of the Fock Space (as in the Barut and Ziino works), thus extending the corresponding Clifford Algebra. However, the logical interrelations of different mathematical foundations with physical interpretations are not so obvious. In this work we present some insights with respect to this for spin 1/2 and 1. Meanwhile, the N. Debergh et al article considered our old ideas of doubling the Dirac equation, and other forms of T- and PT-conjugation [5]. Both algebraic equation $Det (hat p - m) =0$ and $Det (hat p + m) =0$ for $u-$ and $v-$ 4-spinors have solutions with $p_0= pm E_p =pm sqrt{{bf p}^2 +m^2}$. The same is true for higher-spin equations (or they may even have more complicated dispersion relations). Meanwhile, every book considers the equality $p_0=E_p$ for both $u-$ and $v-$ spinors of the $(1/2,0)oplus (0,1/2))$ representation only, thus applying the Dirac-Feynman-Stueckelberg procedure for elimination of negative-energy solutions. The recent Ziino works (and, independently, the articles of several other authors) show that The Fock space can be doubled on the quantum-field (QFT) level. We re-consider this possibility on the quantum-field level. In this article we give additional bases for the development of the correct theory of higher spin particles in QFT. It seems, that it is imposible to consider the relativistic quantum mechanics appropriately without negative energies, tachyons and appropriate forms of the discrete symmetries, and their actions on the corresponding physical states.
vixra:2310.0027 [
A New Solution to the Strong CP Problem
We suggest a new solution to the strong CP problem. The solution is based on the proper use of the boumdary conditions for the QCD generatimg functional integral. It obeys the principle of renormalizability of Quantum Field Theory and does not involve new particles like axions.
vixra:2310.0023 [
Solving Particle-Antiparticle and Cosmological Constant Problems
We solve the particle-antiparticle and cosmological constant problems proceeding from quantum theory, which postulates that: various states of the system under consideration are elements of a Hilbert space$cal{H}$ with a positive definite metric; each physical quantity is defined by a self-adjoint operator in $cal{H}$;symmetry at the quantum level is defined by a representation of a real Lie algebra $A$ in $cal{H}$ such that the representation operator of any basis element of $A$ is self-adjoint. These conditions guarantee the probabilistic interpretation of quantum theory. We explain that in the approaches to solving these problems that are described in the literature, not all of these conditions have been met. We argue that fundamental objects in particle theory are not elementary particles and antiparticles but objects described by irreducible representations (IRs) of the de Sitter (dS) algebra.One might ask why, then, experimental data give the impression that particles and antiparticles are fundamental and there are conserved additive quantum numbers (electric charge, baryon quantum number and others). The matter is that, at the present stage of the universe, the contraction parameter $R$ from the dS to the Poincare algebra is very large and, in the formal limit $Rtoinfty$, one IR of the dS algebra splits into two IRs of the Poincare algebra corresponding to a particle and its antiparticle with the same masses. The problem why the quantities $(c,hbar,R)$ are as are does not arise because they are contraction parameters for transitions from more general Lie algebras to less general ones. Then the baryon asymmetry of the universe problem does not arise. At the present stage of the universe, the phenomenon of cosmological acceleration (PCA) is described without uncertainties as an inevitable {it kinematical} consequence of quantum theory in semiclassical approximation. In particular, it is not necessary to involve dark energy the physical meaning of which is a mystery. In our approach, background space and its geometry are not used and $R$ has nothing to do with the radius of dS space. In semiclassical approximation, the results for PCA are the same as in General Relativity if $Lambda=3/R^2$, i.e., $Lambda>0$ and there isno freedom in choosing the value of $Lambda$.
vixra:2309.0131 [
Double Field Theory: Uniting Gauge and Gravity Theories Through the Double Copy of Yang-Mills
In the realm of theoretical physics, scientists have long been intrigued by the link between gaugetheories and gravity. This study explores a fascinating idea called the "double copy technique," which reveals a deep connection between these two seemingly different theories. While gauge theories, like Yang-Mills, describe basic interactions in a simple and elegant way, gravity, despite its symmetry, is a complex and challenging theory in the quantum world. This paper investigates the "double field theory" (DFT) and its connection to the double copy method. This connection shows that gauge and gravity theories are remarkably similar at the quantum level. The double copy technique essentially transforms gravity into a sort of "squared" gauge theory, offering insights into how color and movement are related in gauge theories. By carefully studying the math and important equations, this paper explains how this connection is tied to the idea of color and movement duality. The study concludes by introducing the DFT action, which is derived through the double copy method and doesn’t rely on a specific background. This surprising result highlights how the complexity of gravity can be beautifully linked to the simplicity of Yang-Mills theory.
vixra:2309.0125 [
Theory of Compton Effect in Dielectric Medium
We determine the Compton effect from the Volkov solution of the Dirac equationfor a process in medium with the index of refraction n. Volkov solution involves themass shift, or, the mass renormalization of an electron. We determine the modifedCompton formula for the considered physical situation. The index of refractioncauses that the wave lengths of the scattered photons are shorter for some anglesthan the wave lengths of the original photons. This is anomalous Compton effect.Since the wave length shift for the visible light is only 0,01 percent, it means thatthe Compton effect for the visible light in the dielectric medium can be performedby the well educated experimenters.
vixra:2309.0101 [
Conservation of Baryon and Lepton Number is an Effect of Electric and Magnetic Charges
The conservation of baryon number and lepton number has not yet been explained. Here I present a new nomenclature where I redefine isospin and hypercharge. By doing so I explain baryon and lepton number conservation as an effect of the electric-magnetic duality and the U(1) x U(1) gauge symmetry of quantum electromagnetodynamics. By using this method I predict the quantum numbers of an octet of magnetic monopoles. Another surprising result is that both leptons and quarks have nonzero magnetic isospin, a new quantum number.
vixra:2309.0082 [
Theory of Electrons System
Self-consistent Lorentz equation is proposed, and is solved to electrons and the structures of particles and atomic nucleus. The static properties and decay are reasoned, all meet experimental data. The equation of general relativity sheerly with electromagnetic field is discussed as the base of this theory.
vixra:2309.0058 [
The Synchrotron Spectrum from the Volkov Solution of the Dirac Equation
We derive the power spectrum of the synchrotron radiation from the Volkov solution of the Dirac equation and from S-matrix. We also generalize the Bargmann-Michel-Telegdi equation for the spin motion in case it involves the radiation term. This equation play the crucial role in the spin motion of protons in LHC and in FERMILAB. The axion production in the magnetic feld described by the Volkovsolution is discussed.
vixra:2308.0180 [
The Fine Structure Constant: Revisited
A comparison between hydrodynamics (NSE) and gauge theory vector potential gauge flow (e.g. Hopf solution of NSE), yields alpha as the Reynolds number: eddies as Feynman loops etc. It explains the QED grading by alpha and lifetimes of particles (graded by powers of alpha) as a dissipation process.The theory of alpha can be formulated via the Schrodinger operator spectrum for Hydrogen atom and Boltzmann partition function, when related to Hopf fibration (Kepler problem on S3, magnetic topological monopole in the gauge theory formulation as an exact solution of NSE) for one loop (electronic orbital).The computation of the fine structure constant uses finite symmetry groups corroborated with H. Jehle's loopforms model of electron (Hopf fibration with connection and vector potential flow).The article brings together research material towards achieving such a goal. A program emerges: Physics Laws as Period Laws, and alpha an element of Pi-groups of periods.
vixra:2308.0105 [
Analytic and Parameter-Free Formula for the Neutrino Mixing Matrix
A parameter-free analytic expression for the PMNS matrix is derived which fits numerically all the measured matrix components at 99.7$%$ confidence. Results are proven within the microscopic model and also lead to a prediction of the leptonic Jarlskog invariant $J_{PMNS}=-0.0106$. An outlook is given on the treatment of the CKM matrix.
vixra:2307.0115 [
The Fate of Supersymmetry in Quantum Field Theories
We analyze the significance of supersymmetry in two topological models and the standard model (SM). We conclude that the two topological field theory models favor hidden supersymmetry. The SM superpartners, instead, have not been found.
vixra:2305.0168 [
Quantum Impedance Networks and the Fermilab Accelerator Complex Evolution
Physics topics to be covered in the upcoming Fermilab ACE Science Workshop include neutrino science, dark matter experiments, muons and the muon collider, and new physics ideas [1]. Quantum Impedance Networks (QINs) sit in the latter, in new physics ideas. They encompass the neutrino, dark matter, muon, and muon collider programs. This note outlines how the new physics synthesis of Geometric Algebra (Clifford algebra in the geometric representation) and quantum impedance networks of wavefunction interactions is potentially helpful to those programs. https://indico.fnal.gov/event/59663/
vixra:2305.0092 [
The Cherenkov Radiation from Dipole and the Lorentz Contraction
The power spectral formula of the Cherenkov radiation of dipole is derived in the framework of the source theory. The distance between chargesof dipole is relativity contracted which manifests in the spectral formula. Theknowledge of the spectral formula then can be used to verification of the Lorentz contractionof the relativistic length of dipole. A feasible experiment for the verication of the dipolecontraction is suggested.
vixra:2305.0001 [
Algebraic-Geometry Tools for Particle Physics
The TOI Platonic groups already improved the SM allowing to explain what fermion generations, quark flavors and the CKM and PMNS mixing matrices are and how to compute them theoretically.After the unification of the fundamental forces, including Gravity,the next step is to remodel Electroweak Theory as a theory of transitions of states. The tools needed to extend the Membrane Theory from Platonic and Archimedian Klein geometries, to account for the nuclear shells, baryon spectrum etc.: modular curves, Belyi pairs, dessin d'enfant and Belyi morphisms.This approach allows to interpret mass as monodromy (curvature of quark fields connection of EM type), introducing many other finite groups: Galois groups and associated tools (Riemann surfaces, divisors, periods, tessentalions, Fuchsian groups etc.).In this way an intrinsic String Theory touches base with the Standard Model.
vixra:2304.0220 [
New Expressions of Various Spin Particle Equations and Their Quantization
This is also a version in Chinese. Compared to the previous two versions, I have corrected multiple errors and rigorously proved several conjectures that have not been resolved for many years. I have added some new chapters and deleted some old chapters. Overall, I have enriched, perfected, and further developed relativity, particle physics and quantum field theory in this book. Generally, a rigorous, analytical, elegant description method is adopted. I try best to impart a mathematical and physical aesthetic feeling to the entire article. The first twenty chapters of this book are the basic parts. Several very useful mathematical tools have been proposed. Specially I have independently developed and created the constant invariant tensors analysis method for physical research. And I have restated classical physics in my own way. Most of the content belongs to the fields of classical field theory and quantum mechanics. The later chapters of Chapter 20 are the advanced parts. Most of the content belongs to the fields of quantum field theory. In particular, a new quantization program is given. According to this program, the quantization of arbitrary spin linear particles is completed in arbitrary space-time. These have greatly enriched and expanded the content of quantum field theory.
vixra:2304.0145 [
Identification of Universal Features in the Conductivity of Classes of Two-Dimensional QFTs Using the Ads/cft Correspondence
We study the electrical conductivity of strongly disordered, strongly coupled quantum fieldtheories, holographically dual to non-perturbatively disordered uncharged black holes. The computation reduces to solving a diffusive hydrostatic equation for an emergent horizonfluid. We demonstrate that a large class of theories in two spatial dimensions have a universal conductivity independent of disorder strength, and rigorously rule out disorder-drivenconductor-insulator transitions in many theories. We present a (fine-tuned) axion-dilatonbulk theory which realizes the conductor-insulator transition, interpreted as a classical percolation transition in the horizon fluid. We address aspects of strongly disordered holographythat can and cannot be addressed via mean-field modeling, such as massive gravity.
vixra:2304.0137 [
A Domain Wall Model
We consider a general axion-dilaton model with vanishingly small temperature. Under certain conditions, it is very likely that we can have a stable domain wall structure on the horizon
vixra:2304.0051 [
"The Beauty and The Beast"
The Standard Model of Elementary Particle Physics is an amazing and beautiful achievement of theory, experiment and technology, explaining the foundations of Physics in terms of three out of four interactions, considered fundamental. Classification of Finite Simple Groups is too, an amazing achievement in Mathematics. Recent advancements in the understanding of SM lead to an unexpected "encounter" between the two: lepton masses are related to the Monster and VOAs, via j-invariant of elliptic curves ... under The Moonshine. But there is a "contender": Platonic and Archimedean solids (models for baryons, like the proton and neutron) can be represented as Dessins d'Enfant, introduced by Grothendieck in the 1960s, using Belyi maps! Who will win the heart of the Beauty? The main concepts will be defined and pictures will help bring the subject to the understanding of a general audience.
vixra:2303.0057 [
The Problem of Particle-Antiparticle in Particle Theory
The title of this workshop is: "What comes beyond standard models?". Standard models are based on standard Poincare invariant quantum theory (SQT). Here irreducible representations (IRs) of the Poincare algebra are such that in each IR, the energies are either >=0 or <=0. In the first case, IRs are associated with particles and in the second case - with antiparticles, while particles for which all additive quantum numbers (electric charge, baryon and lepton quantum numbers) equal zero are called neutral. However, SQT is a special degenerate case of finite quantum theory (FQT) in the formal limit p→∞ where p is a characteristic of a ring in FQT. In FQT, one IR of the symmetry algebra describes a particle and its antiparticle simultaneously, and there are no conservation laws of additive quantum numbers. One IR in FQT splits into two standard IRs with positive and negative energies as a result of symmetry breaking in the formal limit p→∞. The construction of FQT is one of the most fundamental (if not the most fundamental) problems of particle theory.
vixra:2303.0027 [
On the Relations Between Fermion Masses and Isospin Couplings in the Microscopic Model
Quark and lepton masses and mixings are considered in the framework of the microscopic model. The most general ansatz for the interactions among tetrons leads to a Hamiltonian $H_T$ involving Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM), Heisenberg and torsional isospin forces. Diagonalization of the Hamiltonian provides for 24 eigenvalues which are identified as the quark and lepton masses. While the masses of the third and second family arise from DM and Heisenberg type of isospin interactions, light family masses are related to torsional interactions among tetrons. Neutrino masses turn out to be special in that they are given in terms of tiny isospin non-conserving DM, Heisenberg and torsional couplings. The approach not only leads to masses, but also allows to calculate the quark and lepton eigenstates, an issue, which is important for the determination of the CKM and PMNS mixing matrices. Compact expressions for the eigenfunctions of $H_T$ are given. The almost exact isospin conservation of the system dictates the form of the lepton states and makes them independent of all the couplings in $H_T$. Much in contrast, there is a strong dependence of the quark states on the coupling strengths, and a promising hierarchy between the quark family mixings shows up.
vixra:2302.0116 [
Clifford Algebra Cl(0,6) Approach to Beyond the Standard Model and Naturalness Problems
Is there more to Dirac's gamma matrices than meets the eye? It turns out that the gamma zero operator can be split into three components. This revelation facilitates the expansion of Dirac's space-time algebra to Clifford algebra Cl(0,6). The resultant rich geometric structure can be leveraged to establish a combined framework of gravity and beyond the standard model, wherein a gravi-weak interaction between the vierbein field and the extended weak gauge field is allowed. Inspired by the composite Higgs model, we examine the vierbein field as an effective description of the fermion-antifermion condensation. The compositeness of space-time manifests itself at an energy scale which is different from the Planck scale. We propose that the regular Lagrangian terms including the cosmological constant are of quantum condensation origin, thus possibly addressing the naturalness problem. The Clifford algebra approach also permits a weaker form of charge conjugation without particle-antiparticle interchange, which leads to a Majorana-type mass that conserves lepton number. Additionally, in the context of spontaneous breaking of two global U(1) symmetries, we explore a three-Higgs-doublet model which could explain the fermion mass hierarchies.
vixra:2302.0103 [
Phase Changes and Interactions of Energy and Matter in the Universe Viewed Through Temperature Change
The universe is indeed composed of energy and matter. Matter can be measured by weight. Energy can be measured in terms of temperature. The higher the density, the higher the temperature, and the lower the density, the lower the temperature. If our universe started from a small point with a very high temperature and reached today, as the universe expands, the density of energy decreases, so the temperature lowers, too. When the temperature lowers, some of the energy causes a phase change into matter, and vice versa. When matter is created, an interaction takes place. At $10^{13}K$, imps (invisible material particles, aka dark matter) are created and a gravitational field is formed as a result of emitting graviton acting on it, which gain masses. Down quarks and up quarks interact with their own intrinsic properties. This interaction is called the quark interaction. When two down quarks and one up quark meet with an imp to create a neutron, the force resulting from the quark interaction is confined inside the neutron.The quark interaction confines the strong force when quarks form a neutron, and mediates the electromagnetic field and electromagnetic force when a neutron transforms to a proton, and binds the nucleons to form heavier particles by strong nuclear interaction.
vixra:2301.0142 [
Some Unifications Needed in Particle Physics
The current crises in Elementary Particle Physics requires a few new unification ideas: fermions and bosons, leptons and quarks, spin-parity and flavor etc. in order to resolve several problems in fundamental physics. Some possibilities involving some well known mathematical models are suggested and a few questions are raised. By now it is clear that the four fundamental interactions of the Standard Model can be related at low energies, with a natural change of viewpoint regarding what quarks are and replacing the pointwise particle concept, beyond String Theory, with that of qubit as a basic state, at the level of Quantum Computing. Understanding the role of the neutrino is also a recognized major point of today's Physics.
vixra:2301.0058 [
Light Refraction and Gravitational Redshift
The inductive-inertial phenomenon is the precondition of the E/M waves, while the spin oscillations of the electron cause the E/M formations. The photon is the autonomous motion of the E/M wave with constant photon length and the number of its fundamental E/M waves determines its wavelength. The light speed is determined as the transmission speed of the disturbance into the tense elastic-dynamic space. However, the light speed depends on the cohesive pressure that is proportional to the square of the distance from the Universe center and therefore it is a local constant in our region. The change of cohesive pressure in electric fields directly affects the change in the light speed, which can be attributed to photon refraction phenomena. The deviation of E/M waves in the dynamic fields occurs, of course, in the gravitational field as well. It is proved, the light has gravity only in the back half-space with result the gravitational redshift of the stars spectrum, while gravitational blueshift cannot be detected, since there is no gravity in the front half-space of the E/M wave.
vixra:2212.0195 [
A Note on the Standard Model
The four fundamental interactions of the SM can be unified as a quark field, by using the Hopf fibration to model the basic building block of matter: qubit space (software viewpoint) / quark structure of the neutron (hardware). This approach uses a much richer mathematical structure in lieu of the GUT approach via a larger symmetry group and recycling the gauge theory paradigm, while still missing Gravity.Quarks are not independent particles. The unified field is the quark field, a type $(2,1)$ vector field associated with neutrons, breaking the $SO(3)$-symmetry of classical or quantum pointwise charges.Under interactions with the environment it decays into the constituents of the stable form, the hydrogen atom.Weak interaction is not a force, rather a transition between modes of vibration of baryons. Strong Force needs to be redesigned as a nuclear force, instead of being tailored to confine quarks. Gravity is a correction to EM as the main long range component of the quark field. Motion adds dynamical aspects to Gravity, including induction due to mass currents, which has been experimentally proved.Applications to Gravity Control, experimentally verified, and controlling Cold Fusion / Transmutations, also experimentally observed, are briefly mentioned.
vixra:2211.0168 [
Weyl and Majorana for Neutral Particles
We compare various formalisms for neutral particles. It is found that they contain unexplained contradictions.Next, we investigate the spin-1/2 and spin-1 cases in different bases. Next, we look for relations with the Majorana-like field operator. We show explicitly incompatibility of the Majorana anzatzen with the Dirac-like field operators in both the original Majorana theory and its generalizations. Several explicit examples are presented for higher spins too. It seems that the calculations in the helicity basis only give mathematically and physically reasonable results.
vixra:2211.0081 [
Neutrinos and the Speed of Light
While neutrino particles are being extensively studied in modern physics, researchers are still debating whether these particles travel at the speed of light. While theoretical methods suggest that this cannot be the case, experimentations have failed to show any significant difference between neutrino speed and c. In this paper, we suggest that neutrinos actually travel at the speed of light, and propose a simple theoretical approach to compute neutrino quantum states corresponding masses, using observed flavour distribution. We also introduce the idea that using imaginary masses for some of these quantum states would solve the current dead-end researchers are facing when studying the speed of neutrinos.
vixra:2211.0052 [
Bell’s Theorem, EPR and Locality
In a technical report under the auspices of The Nobel Committee for Physics, dated 4 October 2022, we find these claims: (i) Bell’s first inequality was a spectacular theoretical discovery; (ii) Bell showed mathematically that no hidden variable theory would be able to reproduce all the results of quantum mechanics; (iii) Bell provided a proof ... that all attempts to construct a local realist model of quantum phenomena are doomed to fail. Against such claims, and with a special focus on EPR’s criteria, this personal note shows: (i) that all such claims are flawed; (ii) that Bell’s theorem and Bell’s inequality fall to straightforward considerations; (iii) that, consequently, for their part in proving that EPR were right: we are indebted to those who develop the sources; hopefully en route to wholistic mechanics -- a commonsense quantum mechanics -- as we celebrate the birth of Olivier Costa de Beauregard, 111 years ago.
vixra:2210.0112 [
De Sitter Symmetry and Neutrino Oscillations
Although the phenomenon of neutrino oscillations is confirmed in many experiments, the theoretical explanation of this phenomenon in the literature is essentially model dependent and is not based on rigorous physical principles. We propose an approach where the neutrino is treated as a massless elementary particle in anti-de Sitter (AdS) invariant quantum theory. In contrast tostandard Poincare invariant quantum theory, an AdS analog of the mass squared changes over timeeven for elementary particles. Our approach naturally explains why, in contrast to the neutrino, the electron, muon and tau lepton do not have flavors changing over time and why the number of solar neutrinos reaching the Earth is around a third of the number predicted by the standard solar model.
vixra:2209.0159 [
A Note on Neutrino Oscillations, or Why Miniboone and Microboone Data Are Compatible
The theoretical scenario introduced in Ref [1] implies a new approach to flavour mixing, and neutrino oscillations.It not only predicts non-vanishing neutrino masses, but also uniquely determines their values as functions of the age of the universe. We compare here the predicted neutrino mixing with the experimental data from atmospheric (Super-Kamiokande) and accelerator neutrinos (MiniBooNE, MicroBooNE), finding a substantial agreement with the experiments. In particular, a mismatch between MiniBooNE and MicroBooNE data is predicted that fits the measured data. Within this scenario, we can also make a predictionfor the forthcoming SBDN and ICARUS neutrino experiments.
vixra:2209.0009 [
A Chern-Simons Model for Baryon Asymmetry
In search of a phenomenological model that would describe physics from Big Bang to the Standard Model (SM), we propose a model with the following properties (i) above an energy about Lambda_{cr} > 10^{16} GeV there are Wess-Zumino supersymmetric preons and Chern-Simons (CS) fields, (ii) at Lambda_{cr} ~ 10^{16} GeV spontaneous gauge symmetry breaking takes place in the CS sector and the generated topological mass provides an attractive interaction to equal charge preons, (iii) well below 10^{16} GeV the model reduces to the standard model with essentially pointlike quarks and leptons, having a radius ~ 1/Lambda_{cr} ~ 10^{-31} m. The baryon asymmetry turns out to have a fortuitous ratio n_B/n_{gamma} << 1.}
vixra:2208.0154 [
A Formula for Electron Mass Calculation Depending Only on the Four Fundamental Physical Constants
Here is presented a novel formula for the mass of the electron as a function only of four fundamental constants of electromagnetism and gravitation: the fine structure constant, Planck's constant, speed of light, and gravitational constant. Result is obtained by dérivation in three steps : First, modeling the electron as a decreasing standing wave, solution of the propagation equation coming from Maxwell's relations with a particular wave number k0, so the internal energy is distributed according to the square of the amplitude of the wave. Second, it is made the hypothesis that the field of the wave has lower and upper bounds, assuming quantization of kinetic momentum we find that the logarithm of the quotient of these bounds can be assimilated to the inverse of the fine structure constant. Third, it is proposed that vacuum space is a granular fluid medium, the value k0 is such that it implies opacity of the electron wave to gravitons, which are the elementary dynamic corpuscles of the fluid.
vixra:2206.0125 [
Chiral Symmetry of Neutrino
In this paper (i) is given a new representation for gamma matrices in which is confirmed theoretically the absence of positive helicity neutrino and respectively negative helicity antineutrino, (ii) is proved the equivalence of Dirac equation for mass m with Proca equation for mass 2m, and (iii) is proposed a discrete symmetry group for weak and strong interactions built with 4 unitary and 4 nilpotent operators. The cosmological constant predicted by theory is Λ = 2πG(c/ℏ)^3 m^4, where m is neutrino mass.
vixra:2205.0103 [
The 3D and 2D Cerenkov Effect with Massive Photons
The equations of massive electrodynamics are derived and the power spectrum formula for the 3-dimensional Cerenkov radiation of massive photons is found. It is argued that the massive Cerenkov effect can be observed in superconductive media, ionosphere plasma, waveguides and in particle laboratories. The same is valid for the Cerenkov radiation in the 2-dimensional medium including silicene. The 2D-Cerenkov effect with the massless photons was observed by the famous world laboratories (Adiv et al., 2022).
vixra:2204.0141 [
W Boson?
The beta decay is the second grand Cosmic event of the Universe and is interpreted by the increased cohesive pressure, by the electric entity of the macroscopically neutral neutron and by the inductive-inertial phenomenon. It is a new interpretation of E/M and weak nuclear forces. Their integration with the strong nuclear and gravitational force is achieved with the unified field of the dynamic space, which is identical with the Higgs field, while the homonymous boson is located in the core of the particles and in black holes as space holes after the collapse of the stellar matter. The unconfirmed results (found from the team of the Fermilab Accelerator), that the W boson is more massive, suggest deviations from the Standard Model and come possibly as a result of an as yet undiscovered fifth force of Nature, are no longer needed to be interpreted or justified.
vixra:2204.0130 [
The Structure of The Proton and the Calculation of Its G-factor (Some Recent Results from Ether Electrodynamics)
Some recent results of a more rigorous electrodynamics than Special Relativity or Quantum Electrodynamics are summarized with some pedagogy. The results include the correct explanation of line radiation, the correct interpretation of the g-factor, the introduction of the precessional mass, the dismissal of the half-quantum, the deduction of the proton structure from first principles, and a ”T-shirt” calculation of the proton g-factor.
vixra:2202.0151 [
Pati-Salam Gut from Grassmann Number Factorization in SU (2) Supergauge Theories
This paper will propose a new construction of the SU(4)×SU(2)×SU(2) Pati-Salam gauge symmetry. It is based on a particular construction of supersymmetric theory where the vector multiplet is in the adjoint representation of the SU(2) group. A factorization of the Grassmann numbers from the commutator of vector multiplets will give new non-trivial terms which will correspond to a SU (4) gauge theory.
vixra:2202.0002 [
The Trajectory Nonstability of Charges in LHC Due to Radiation Loss
The quasi-classical behavior of a charged particle moving in a magnetic field is derived by the WKB approximation and wave-packet method from the Klein-Gordon equation with the Schwinger radiative term. The lifetime of the wave-packet state is calculated for a constant magnetic field. The fnite lifetime of the trajectory is the proof of the nonstationary motion of charges moving in magnetic eld.
vixra:2201.0217 [
Quadruplet Sums of Quark-Lepton Masses
Adding the charm quark to the Koide triplet forms a quadruplet that approximates 2/5. The precision of this result is accurate to O(10^-5). We find that the charm mass sits at a minimum of a general quadruplet curve. Using this calculated charm mass and the heavy leptons which are directly measured, we predict the mass of the up, down, strange, and bottom quarks. Determining mass in this way avoids the inconsistency of mixing the running mass with the pole mass for the sums of these quark masses and serves as a prediction for more accurate techniques.
vixra:2201.0143 [
Geometric Qubits: Leptons, Quarks and Gravitons
I present an axiomatically constructed model for an underlying description of particles and their interactions, in particular the fermions and gravitation. Using set axioms as a guide, qubits are the fundamental building blocks. It is proposed that the existence of fundamental laws of physics is precluded and only random events occur at the fundamental level. The uncertainty relations and the complex state vectors of quantum theory are a consequence of a Gibbs measure on random variances. This leads to a simple resolution of the measurement problem in quantum mechanics. Quarks and Leptons in 3 generations are Fock states of 4d spaces and their calculated electric charges agree with observations. In addition spin 2 massless gravitons are a 4d Fock state and is the maximum spin state for these 4d Fock states. All particles are geometric, and the dynamics of particles and Space-Time are governed by CAR algebra. One consequence of the model is the cosmological constant being a result of the modification of momentum in curved space.
vixra:2201.0083 [
A Note on Constructions of Quantum-Field Operators
We show some tune points in constructions of field operators in quantum field theory (QFT). They are related to the old discussions on interpretations of the negative-energy solutions of relativistic equations. It is easy to check that both algebraic equation Det(ˆp − m) = 0 and Det(ˆp + m) = 0 for u− and v− 4-spinors have solutions with p0 = ±Ep = ± p p2 + m2. The same is true for higher-spin equations. Meanwhile, every book considers the equality p0 = Ep for both u− and v− spinors of the (1/2, 0) ⊕ (0, 1/2) representation only, thus applying the Dirac-Feynman-Stueckelberg procedure for elimination of the negative-energy solutions. The recent Ziino works (and, independently, the articles of several others) show that the Fock space can be doubled. We re-consider this possibility on the quantum field level for both s = 1/2 and higher spin particles. Keywords: QFT, Dark Matter, Dirac Equation.
vixra:2201.0040 [
Nuclei Are Energy Stores of Universe
The first geometric deformation (Universal) of the isotropic space has as a consequence the second one (local) as space holes (bubbles of empty space), the primary neutron close to the Universe center. When the neutron is found in an environment of stronger cohesive pressure, it becomes unstable and is cleaved (beta decay), producing a proton by the detachment of negative electrical units. These negative units form an electron, while on the remaining proton cortex the positive units outmatch. Moreover, the nuclei have been structured through the inverse electric field of the proton and the electric entity of the macroscopically neutral neutron. It will be proved that the nuclei contain energy, which is equivalent to the structural energy of their nucleons, their kinetic energy and the dynamic energy of their fields. Consequently, energy is concentrated in the nucleons, which are distributed in the nucleus over huge distances, likewise in the case of atoms and planetary systems. So, matter is thin in all its scales.
vixra:2111.0054 [
Affine Connection Representation of Gauge Fields
There are two ways to unify gravitational field and gauge field. One is to represent gravitational field as principal bundle connection, and the other is to represent gauge field as affine connection. Poincar\'{e} gauge theory and metric-affine gauge theory adopt the first approach. This paper adopts the second. In this approach: (i) Gauge field and gravitational field can both be represented by affine connection; they can be described by a unified spatial frame. (ii) Time can be regarded as the total metric with respect to all dimensions of internal coordinate space and external coordinate space. On-shell can be regarded as gradient direction. Quantum theory can be regarded as a geometric theory of distribution of gradient directions. Hence, gauge theory, gravitational theory, and quantum theory all reflect intrinsic geometric properties of manifold. (iii) Coupling constants, chiral asymmetry, PMNS mixing and CKM mixing arise spontaneously as geometric properties in affine connection representation, so they are not necessary to be regarded as direct postulates in the Lagrangian anymore. (iv) The unification theory of gauge fields that are represented by affine connection can avoid the problem that a proton decays into a lepton in theories such as $SU(5)$. (v) There exists a geometric interpretation to the color confinement of quarks. In the affine connection representation, we can get better interpretations to the above physical properties, therefore, to represent gauge fields by affine connection is probably a necessary step towards the ultimate theory of physics.
vixra:2110.0157 [
A Note on the Muon's Anomalous Magnetic Dipole Moment
We consider the computation of the muon's anomalous magnetic moment within the theoretical framework proposed in [1], in which field theory is only an approximation of a more fundamental description of the physical world. We discuss how the hadron contribution to the electromagnetic coupling strength is larger than in the Standard Model, while the other contributions remain unchanged. The extra amount precisely fills the gap between theoretical estimate and experimental value.
vixra:2110.0105 [
Connections Between Hadronic Masses in the One Hand and Between Fundamental Particle Masses in the Other Hand
The oscillation symmetry is used to study the connections between masses and widths of a selection of the following states studied separately: mesons, baryons, nuclei, and hypernuclei. It is also applied to study the connection between leptonic, quark and boson masses and widths. With the exception of M$\approx$0 mass particles, all the fundamental particle masses are fitted by a single distribution inside the oscillation symmetry.
vixra:2109.0179 [
Quantum Theory of Gravity: A New Formulation of the Gupta-Feynman Based Quantum Field Theory of Einstein Gravity II
In this manuscript we do the Quantum Field Theory (QFT) of Einstein's Gravity (EG) based on the developments previously made by Suraj N. Gupta and Richard P. Feynman, using a new and more general mathematical theory based on Ultrahyperfunctions \cite{ss} \\ \nd Ultrahyperfunctions (UHF) are the generalization and extension to the complex plane of Schwartz 'tempered distributions. This manuscript is an {\bf application} to Einstein's Gravity (EG) of the mathematical theory developed by Bollini et al \cite{br1, br2, br3, br4} and continued for more than 25 years by one of the authors of this paper. A simplified version of these results was given in \cite{pr2} and, based on them, (restricted to Lorentz Invariant distributions) QFT of EG \cite{pr1} was obtained. We will quantize EG using the {\bf most general quantization approach}, the Schwinger-Feynman variational principle \cite{vis}, which is more appropriate and rigorous than the popular functional integral method (FIM). FIM is not applicable here because our Lagrangian contains derivative couplings. \\ \nd We use the Einstein Lagrangian as obtained by Gupta \cite{g1,g2,g3}, but we added a new constraint to the theory. Thus the problem of lack of unitarity for the $S$ matrix that appears in the procedures of Gupta and Feynman.\\ \nd Furthermore, we considerably simplify the handling of constraints, eliminating the need to appeal to ghosts for guarantying unitarity of the theory. \\ \nd Our theory is obviously non-renormalizable. However, this inconvenience is solved by resorting to the theory developed by Bollini et al. \cite{br1,br2,br3,br4,pr2}\\ \nd This theory is based on the thesis of Alexander Grothendieck \cite{gro} and on the theory of Ultrahyperfunctions of Jose Sebastiao e Silva \cite{ss} \\ Based on these papers, a complete theory has been constructed for 25 years that is able to quantize non-renormalizable Field Theories (FT). \\ Because we are using a Gupta-Feynman based EG Lagrangian and to the new mathematical theory we have avoided the use of ghosts, as we have already mentioned, to obtain a unitary QFT of EG
vixra:2107.0173 [
Interpretation of Some Nuclear Phenomena
The stability of nickel nucleus Ni-68 compared to the Ni-60 and the instability of light nuclei with many neutrons are interpreted. Also, the elongation of heavy nuclei and the mechanism that acts as a catalyst for the nuclear fission of uranium U-235 are interpreted.
vixra:2107.0125 [
A Simple Cellular Automaton Model of Visible and Dark Matter
We apply 6D phase space analysis and the deterministic Cellular Automaton Theory to propose a simple deterministic model for fundamental matter. Quantum mechanics, the Standard Model and supersymmetry are found to emerge from cell level. Composite states of three cells are manifested as quarks, leptons and the dark sector. Brief comments on unification, cosmology, and black hole issues are made.
vixra:2107.0071 [
Self-Consistent EM field
This article try to unified the four basic forces by Maxwell equations, the only experimental theory. Self-consistent Maxwell equation with the e-current coming from matter current is proposed, and is solved to electrons and the structures of particles and atomic nucleus. The static properties and decay are reasoned, all meet experimental data. The equation of general relativity sheerly with electromagnetic field is discussed as the base of this theory. In the end the conformation elementarily between this theory and QED and weak theory is discussed.
vixra:2105.0146 [
A Relational Analysis of Quantum Symmetry
Carlo Rovelli's ``relational interpretation'' of quantum mechanics tells us that our understanding of quantum states is limited to their interactions with other quantum states. This implies that we have no understanding of the symmetry properties of a state vector except when considered in relation to at least one other state vector. The SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1) symmetry of the Standard Model is derived from their interactions and therefore cannot necessarily be applied to a single state vector. Steven Weinberg showed that mixed density matrices can have symmetries that are not available to state vectors. We explore the symmetry properties of finite symmetry groups for mixed density matrices. Just as mixed density matrices can define mixed states that require multiple state vectors, we find that the symmetries of mixed density matrices define ``mixed symmetries'' that are similar in structure to the symmetry of the Standard Model. We explore the point group symmetries and show one that gives the Standard Model symmetry. With this symmetry, we can generalize the Pauli spin matrices to a set that has irreducible representations matching the Standard Model plus a dark matter candidate.
vixra:2105.0101 [
Neutrons Synod as a Cause of Nuclear γ-Radiation
The interpretation of γ-radiation at the nuclear decay is based on the structure of the nuclei, that is, on two fundamental phenomena. First, on the inverse electric field of the proton and second, on the electric entity of the macroscopically neutral neutron, which behaves, at the nuclear scale, as a positively charged particle. The γ-radiation at the alpha decay (e.g. in radio Ra-226) can occur due to the neutrons synod (session), which reduces the negativity of the nuclear field and attenuates the connection of a nucleus He-4 (alpha particle), that exits the parent nucleus with the whole energy without γ-radiation or with less energy but with γ-radiation. Also, a beta decay β− can occur due to the neutrons synod in the nucleus (e.g. in boron B-12), resulting the emitted electron exits the parent nucleus with the whole energy without γ-radiation or with less energy but with γ-radiation. These strange phenomena will be explained.
vixra:2104.0177 [
The Generalized Bargman-Michel-Telegdi Equation for the Fermilab Muon Experiment
The influence of the bremsstrahlung on the spin motion of muon is expressed by the equation which is the analogue and generalization of the Bargmann-Michel-Telegdi equation. The new constant is involved in this equation. This constant can be immediately determined by the experimental measurement in FERMILAB of the spin motion of muon, or, it follows from the classical limit of genneralized SM electrodynamics with radiative corrections (Pardy, 2008; 2009).
vixra:2104.0014 [
Neutrino Masses
Abstract: It is possible to predict the neutrino masses within existing knowledge. The elastic weak current neutrino-nucleon interactions ( vi,n)->(l,n')~ ve,n) -> (e,p) are considered, and the vector |m_{e},mv, mt > =|1.35\times 10^(-8),\, 5.81\times 10^(-4),\,1.64\times 10^(-1) > eV/c^{2} of the increasing neutrino masses is predicted.
vixra:2103.0134 [
Interpretation of Nuclear Decay
The interpretation of nuclear decay is based on the structure of the nuclei that is two fundamental phenomena. The inverse electric field of the proton and the electric entity of the macroscopically neutral neutron. At the nucleus scale the neutron behaves as a positively charged particle due to the negative surface charge q=−0.685e, which creates an inverse electric field of positive potential (internal field) as a cloud of positive electrical units. Outside the nucleus the neutron decays with a half-life of 12min. However, the inverse electric field of the nucleus is considered to be the refuge of neutron salvation. A neutron’s decay β− can occur due to the above electrical entity of neutrons and due to their synod (session) in the nucleus, with which the negativity of nucleus decreases due to the positive hill created by the neutrons’ synod. A proton’s decay β+ can occur when the produced proton of a beta decay β− is immersed in a very negative potential of the nuclear field. Also, a neutrons’ synod can cause potential imbalance, increasing the negativity of the field’s region from which the neutrons were removed, resulting in a beta decay β+. It is noted that the exit of the positron e+ takes place through the canyon created by the neutrons’ synod. Alpha decay α occurs in radioactive nuclei and for example in the nucleus uranium-235, that emits a particle α of energy 4MeV, which is called to jump over the potential barrier 27MeV of uranium-235. The above nuclear decaying procedures act as a balance for the potential of the nucleus. This is an excellent compensatory mechanism for maintaining the stability of the nuclei.
vixra:2103.0093 [
Stabilized Quantum Field Theory
An analysis of the action of elementary charges on the vacuum leads to a resolution of divergence issues in QFT without mass and charge renormalization. For an irreducible self-interaction amplitude Ω, infinite field actions split the vacuum into positive and negative self-energy components such that its net mass-energy remains zero for free particles. For each particle mass in a loop, two dressed mass states including vacuum energy, are constructed for fermion and boson self-energy processes. For electroweak interactions, the stabilized amplitude Ωˆ = Ω - Ω¯ includes a correction for a vacuum energy deficit within a point-like, near-field region, where Ω¯ is given by an average of Ω over dressed mass levels. For QCD, strong interactions redistribute vacuum energy so that there is an energy surplus in the near-field with a corresponding deficit in the confinement region resulting in a sign reversal of Ωˆ relative to QED and asymptotic freedom. Stabilized amplitudes agree with renormalization for radiative corrections in Abelian and non-Abelian gauge theories. Renormalization is only required in standard QFT because it neglects near-field vacuum energy changes in violation of energy conservation.
vixra:2102.0045 [
Modeling that Matches and Augments Data About Physics Properties, Elementary Particles, Astrophysics, and Cosmology
This essay suggests advances regarding the following challenges. Describe elementary particles that people have yet to find. Describe dark matter. Explain cosmology and astrophysics data that people have yet to explain. Correlate physics properties with each other. Correlate properties of elementary particles with each other. Show united modeling that leads to the advances.
vixra:2101.0151 [
The Destruction of the Covid-19 by the Magnetron Free Electron Laser
We determine the power spectrum generated by the system of N electrons moving coherently in the electromagnetic field of the planar magnetron. We argue that for large N and high intensity of electric field, the power of radiation of such magnetron laser (MAGFEL), can be used in the physical, chemical, biological and medical sciences, and specially for the destruction of the COVID-19. The application of such new electron laser as the photoelectron spectroscopy facility in the solid state physics and chemistry is evident.
vixra:2101.0098 [
Axiomatic Particle Theory
An axiomatic proposal for an underlying description of particles and their interactions. The existence of fundamental laws of physics is precluded and only random events exists at the fundamental level. Quarks and Leptons in 3 families are found along with spin 2 massless gravitation. Chiral sector - 3 chiral neutrinos can mix, no charged lepton mixing, quark mixing is allowed. The standard model groups U(1), SU(2) and SU(3) act on vacuum states to generate particles.
vixra:2101.0018 [
Cosmological Constant as a Finite Temperature Effect
The cosmological constant problem is examined by taking an Einstein--scalar with a Higgs-type potential and scrutinizing the infrared structure induced by finite temperature effects. A variant optimal perturbation theory is implemented in the recently proposed quantum-gravitational framework. The optimized renormalized mass, i.e., the renormalized mass determined by the variant optimal perturbation theory, of the scalar field turns out to be on the order of the temperature. This shifts the cosmological constant problem to compatibility of the consequent perturbative analysis. The compatibility is guaranteed essentially by renormalization group invariance of physical quantities. We point out the resummation behind the invariance.
vixra:2011.0205 [
On the Physical Implications of Spacetime, Entropy, and Matter-energy Conversion
Quantum gravity is the most profound outstanding question in fundamental physics. How do we describe spacetime itself quantum mechanically? In this article we present a novel approach called “geometrodynamics,” which uses the interconnections between space, time, and mechanical entropy. In particular we will show how quantum scattering processes indicate that Lorentz symmetry must be broken, in a way manifested physically through transformation of energy into mass that can no longer be accelerated. Throughout we apply our theoretical ideas to specific physical situations.
vixra:2011.0185 [
On Negative-Energy 4-Spinors and Masses in the Dirac Equation
Both algebraic equation $Det (\hat p - m) =0$ and $Det (\hat p + m) =0$ for $u-$ and $v-$ 4-spinors have solutions with $p_0= \pm E_p =\pm \sqrt{{\bf p}^2 +m^2}$. The same is true for higher-spin equations (or they may even have more complicated dispersion relations). Meanwhile, every book considers the equality $p_0=E_p$ for both $u-$ and $v-$ spinors of the $(1/2,0)\oplus (0,1/2))$ representation only, thus applying the Dirac-Feynman-Stueckelberg procedure for elimination of negative-energy solutions. The recent Ziino works (and, independently, the articles of several other authors) show that the Fock space can be doubled. We re-consider this possibility on the quantum-field level for both $s=1/2$ and higher spin particles. Some parts have also be presented at the XIII DGFM SMF Workshop, Nov. 4-8, 2019. Leon, Gto., M\'exico.
vixra:2011.0066 [
Sakata Model Revisited: Hadrons, Nuclei and Scattering
Modern theories of strong interactions suggest that baryon-antibaryon forces can be strongly attractive, and manifestations of ``baryonium'' states have been seen in experiments. In light of these new data, we attempt to revisit the Fermi-Yang-Sakata idea that mesons and baryons are bound states of few fundamental ``sakatons'' identified with $p, n, \Lambda$, and $\Lambda_c$ particles. We optimized parameters of inter-sakaton potentials and calculated meson and baryon mass spectra in fair agreement with experiment. Moreover, the same set of potentials allows us to reproduce approximately elastic scattering cross sections of baryons and binding energies of light nuclei and hypernuclei. This suggests that the Sakata model could be a promising organizing principle in particle and nuclear physics. This principle may also coexist with the modern quark model, where both valence and sea quark contributions to the hadron structure are allowed.
vixra:2011.0032 [
Upper-order Nuclei Consist of H-2, H-3, He-3, He-4 and n
There is no a nucleus with more than two neighboring protons, because the presence of a third proton creates an increased negative potential that exceeds their stability potential, causing a cleaving (beta decay β+) of this third proton. These two protons are next to each other and due to their opposite magnetic moments they create a column of magnetic field, while a magnetic column is created by the rotated neutrons as well. So, the first phase of the nuclei structure ends in He-4. Of course, protons are immobile, while neutrons are rotating around them. However, how is the second nucleus He-4 added? Apparently having a common axis with the first He-4. But why is beryllium Be-8, with the two superimposed nuclei He-4, unstable? We will prove that column construction is based on the stability of carbon C-12 and oxygen O-16, which consist of three superimposed nuclei He-4 and four He-4 respectively. Consequently, the structure of the nuclei begins with the so-called lower-order nuclei, as the deuterium, tritium and helium He-3, which evolve into helium He-4 and then first upper-order oxygen nucleus, that has four helium nuclei He-4 in a column of strong negative electric field.
vixra:2010.0154 [
Modeling That Predicts Elementary Particles and Explains Data about Dark Matter, Early Galaxies, and the Cosmos
We try to solve three decades-old physics challenges. List all elementary particles. Describe dark matter. Describe mechanisms that govern the rate of expansion of the universe. We propose new modeling. The modeling uses extensions to harmonic oscillator mathematics. The modeling points to all known elementary particles. The modeling suggests new particles. Based on those results, we do the following. We explain observed ratios of dark matter amounts to ordinary matter amounts. We suggest details about galaxy formation. We suggest details about inflation. We suggest aspects regarding changes in the rate of expansion of the universe. We interrelate the masses of some elementary particles. We interrelate the strengths of electromagnetism and gravity. Our work seems to offer new insight regarding applications of harmonic oscillator mathematics. Our work seems to offer new insight regarding three branches of physics. The branches are elementary particles, astrophysics, and cosmology.
vixra:2009.0119 [
Compact $N$-quark Hadron Mass Dependence on $N^4$: A Classical Field Picture
We give a hypothesis on the mass spectrum of compact $N$-quark hadron states in a classical field picture, which indicates that there would be a mass dependence on about $N^4$. We call our model “bag-tube oscillation model”, which can be seemed as a kind of combination of quark-bag model and flux-tube model. The large decay widths due to large masses might be the reason why the compact $N$-quark hadrons still disappear so far.
vixra:2008.0105 [
The Emission of Photons by Plasma Fluctuations
The totally ionized charged collisionless plasma at nite temperature is considered. Using the statistical and Schwinger field methods we derive the production of photons from the plasma by the Cerenkov mechanism. We derive the spectral formula of emitted photons by the plasma uctuations. The calculation can be extended to the photon propagator involving radiative corrections.
vixra:2007.0160 [
On Jordan-Clifford Algebras, Three Fermion Generations with Higgs Fields and a $ SU(3) \times SU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R \times U(1) $ model
It is shown how the algebra $ {{\bf J } }_3 [ { \bf C \otimes O } ] \otimes {Cl(4, {\bf C}) } $ based on the tensor product of the complex Exceptional Jordan $ {{\bf J } }_3 [ { \bf C \otimes O } ]$, and the complex Clifford algebra $ Cl(4, {\bf C}) $, can describe all of the spinorial degrees of freedom of three generations of fermions in four-spacetime dimensions, and, in addition, to include the degrees of freedom of three sets of pairs of complex scalar Higgs-doublets $\{ {\bf H}^i_L, {\bf H}^i_R\}; i = 1,2,3$, and their conjugates. A close inspection of the fermion structure of each generation reveals that it fits naturally with the $ {\bf 16}$ complex-dimensional representation of the internal left/right symmetric gauge group $ G_{LR} = SU(3)_C \times SU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R \times U(1)$. It is reviewed how the latter group emerges from the intersection of $ SO (10) $ and $ SU(3) \times SU(3) \times SU(3) $ in $E_6$. In the concluding remarks we briefly discuss the role that the extra Higgs fields may have as dark matter candidates; the construction of Chern-Simons-like matrix cubic actions; hexaquarks and Clifford bundles over the complex-octonionic projective plane $ { \bf (C \otimes O) P^2 } $ whose isometry group is $ E_6$.
vixra:2007.0133 [
Theory that Predicts Elementary Particles and Explains Data About Dark Matter, Early Galaxies, and the Cosmos
We try to solve three decades-old physics challenges. List all elementary particles. Describe dark matter. Describe mechanisms that govern the rate of expansion of the universe. We propose new theory. The theory uses an extension to harmonic oscillator mathematics. The theory points to all known elementary particles. The theory suggests new particles. Based on those results, we do the following. We explain ratios of dark matter amounts to ordinary matter amounts. We suggest details about galaxy formation. We suggest details about inflation. We suggest aspects regarding changes in the rate of expansion of the universe. We interrelate the masses of some elementary particles. We interrelate the strengths of electromagnetism and gravity. Our work seems to offer new insight regarding three branches of physics. The branches are elementary particles, astrophysics, and cosmology.
vixra:2007.0127 [
Unbihexium Ubh-310/354 or Orion Nucleus-307?
The structure of the nuclei begins with the so-called lower-order nuclei, as the deuterium, tritium and helium He-3, which evolve into helium nucleus He-4 and then first upper-order oxygen nucleus O-16. The second upper-order calcium nucleus Ca is based on the fundamental natural phenomenon of mirror symmetry, by repetition of the first upper-order oxygen nucleus and one half of it, i.e. at the 2.5 factor. The same stands with the third upper-order tin nucleus Sn, which emerged from the second upper-order calcium nucleus, according to the mirror symmetry and the same 2.5 factor. Furthermore, orion nucleus Or-307 forecast, as a theoretical construction, is derived by repetition of the third upper-order tin nucleus and one half of it for the connection as the fourth upper-order nucleus, according to the mirror symmetry. The atomic numbers Z of the above four upper-order nuclei are the so-called four magic numbers, i.e. Z1=8, Z2=8x2.5=20, Z3=20x2.5=50 and Z4=50x2.5=125. That is the simple and elegant structure model, according to which the nuclei consist of fixed helium nuclei He-4 (plus deuterium, tritium and helium He-3, all evolving into helium He-4) and neutrons rotating around of them. It is noted that the word orion comes from the Greek όριον, meaning the limit. Thus, orion nucleus Or-307 means the limited nucleus of Nature that cannot be further divided, due to the indivisible original deuterium. Additionally, orion nucleus Or-307 is the corresponding hypothetical chemical element with atomic number Z=126 and placeholder symbol Ubh (Ubh-310 or Ubh-354), also known as element 126 or eka-plutonium.
vixra:2006.0255 [
Decays of the Hagen-Hurley Bosons: Possible Compositeness of the W Boson
We continue our study of the Hagen-Hurley equations describing spin 1 bosons. Recently, we have demonstrated that it is possible to describe the decay of a Hagen-Hurley boson into a lepton and a neutrino. However, it was necessary to assume that the spin of the boson is in the $0\oplus 1$ space. We have suggested that this Hagen-Hurley boson can be identified with the W boson mediating weak interactions. The mixed beta decays have been explained by a mechanism of spin 1 and spin 0 mixing of the virtual W boson. In this work, we study the top quark decay involving the real W boson. We substantiate the view that the real W boson is a mixture of spin 1 and spin 0 states.
vixra:2006.0214 [
Lingacom Muography
Lingacom Ltd. develops detectors for muography -- imaging using cosmic-ray muons, together with imaging algorithms and tools. We present selected simulation results from muon imaging of cargo containers, from a joint muon and X-ray imaging algorithm, and for ground surveys using borehole detectors. This follows a presentation in the ``Cosmic-ray muography'' meeting of the Royal Society.
vixra:2006.0182 [
Invisible Decays of Neutral Hadrons
Invisible decays of neutral hadrons are evaluated as ordinary-mirror particle oscillations using the newly developed mirror matter model. Assuming equivalence of the $CP$ violation and mirror symmetry breaking scales for neutral kaon oscillations, rather precise values of the mirror matter model parameters are predicted for such ordinary-mirror particle oscillations. Not only do these parameter values satisfy the cosmological constraints, but they can also be used to precisely determine the oscillation or invisible decay rates of neutral hadrons. In particular, invisible decay branching fractions for relatively long-lived hadrons such as $K^0_L$, $K^0_S$, $\Lambda^0$, and $\Xi^0$ due to such oscillations are calculated to be $9.9\times 10^{-6}$, $1.8\times 10^{-6}$, $4.4\times 10^{-7}$, and $3.6\times 10^{-8}$, respectively. These significant invisible decays are readily detectable at existing accelerator facilities.
vixra:2006.0143 [
Structure Model of Uranium Nucleus U-235
The structure of the nuclei begins with the so-called lower-order nuclei, as the deuterium H-2, tritium H-3 and helium He-3, which evolve into helium nucleus He-4 and then first upper-order oxygen nucleus O-16 that has four helium nuclei He-4 in a column of strong negative electric field. Furthermore, the second upper-order calcium nucleus Ca is based on the fundamental natural phenomenon of mirror symmetry, by repeating the first upper-order oxygen nucleus and its half, i.e. at the 2,5 factor. The same stands with the third upper-order tin nucleus Sn, which emerged from the second upper-order calcium nucleus Ca, according to the mirror symmetry and the same 2,5 factor. It is noted that the tin nucleus Sn will further form the basis for the structure of all heavy nuclei up to the radioactive uranium nucleus U-235. That is the simple and elegant structure model, according to which the nuclei consist of fixed helium nuclei He-4 (plus deuterium, tritium and helium He-3, all evolving into helium He-4) and neutrons rotating around of them.
vixra:2005.0279 [
Quantum Field Theory with Fourth-order Differential Equations for Scalar Fields
We introduce a new class of higgs type complex-valued scalar fields $U$ with Feynman propagator $ 1/p^4$ and consider the matching to the traditional fields with propagator $1/p^2$ in the viewpoint of effective potentials at tree level. With some particular postulations on the convergence and the causality, there are a wealth of potential forms generated by the fields $U$, such as the linear, logarithmic, and Coulomb potentials, which might serve as sources of effects such as the confinement, dark energy, dark matter, electromagnetism and gravitation. Moreover, in some limit cases, we get some deductions, such as: a nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation, a linear QED, a mass spectrum with generation structure and a seesaw mechanism on gauge symmetry and flavor symmetry; and, the propagator $1/p^4$ would provide a possible way to construct a renormalizable gravitation theory and to solve the non-perturbative problems.
vixra:2005.0261 [
Theory that Predicts and Explains Data About Elementary Particles, Dark Matter, Early Galaxies, and the Cosmos
We develop and apply new physics theory. The theory suggests specific unfound elementary particles. The theory suggests specific constituents of dark matter. We apply those results. We explain ratios of dark matter amounts to ordinary matter amounts. We suggest details about galaxy formation. We suggest details about inflation. We suggest aspects regarding changes in the rate of expansion of the universe. The theory points to relationships between masses of elementary particles. We show a relationship between the strength of electromagnetism and the strength of gravity. The mathematics basis for matching known and suggesting new elementary particles extends mathematics for harmonic oscillators.
vixra:2005.0255 [
The Mass-Gap in Quantum Chromodynamics and a Restriction on Gluon Masses
We prove that it is necessary to introduce the non-zero gluon masses into the fundamental Lagrangian of Quantum Chromodynamics in order to describe the mass-gap in the reaction of electron-positron annihilation into hadrons. A mew restriction on the gluon masses is obtained. The renormalized theory with non-zero Lagrangian gluon masses is constructed.
vixra:2005.0168 [
Structure Model of Tin Nucleus
After the nuclei of oxygen O-16 and calcium Ca, which are the first and the second upper-order ones, the tin nucleus Sn is the third upper-order nucleus. Its structure is based on the successive conversions of iron Fe and nickel Ni-60 into tin nucleus Sn. From this third upper-order nucleus the fourth one is constructed (orion nucleus Or-307), as a forecast by the unified theory of dynamic space. The atomic numbers Z of the above four upper-order nuclei are the so-called four "magic numbers", i.e. Z1=8, Z2=8x2.5=20, Z3=20x2.5=50 and Z4=50x2.5=125, according to the mirror symmetry (Figs 4 and 5). It is noted that, this forecast of orion nucleus Or-307 with an atomic number Z4=125 is the corresponding "hypothetical unbihexium Ubh", whose the different atomic number is Z=126. However, the number Z4=125 looks symmetrical and not magical at all, due to the 2.5 factor.
vixra:2004.0507 [
Structure Model of Calcium Nucleus
After the oxygen nucleus O-16, which is the first upper-order nucleus, the calcium nucleus Ca is the second upper-order one. Its structure is based on the successive conversions of fluorine F, magnesium Mg and silicon Si-28 into calcium nucleus Ca. From this second upper-order nucleus the third one is constructed (tin nucleus Sn) and from the third the fourth one (orion nucleus Or-307), according to the mirror symmetry. The atomic numbers Z of the above four upper-order nuclei are the so-called four "magic numbers", i.e. Z1=8, Z2=8x2.5=20, Z3=20x2.5=50 and Z4=50x2.5=125. It is noted that, this orion nucleus Or-307 with a differential atomic number Z=125 (unified theory of dynamic space) is the corresponding "hypothetical unbihexium Ubh", whose atomic number is Z=126 (Nuclear Physics). However, the number 125 looks symmetrical and not magical at all, due to the 2.5 factor (Fig. 5).
vixra:2004.0354 [
Group Geometric Algebras and the Standard Model
We show how to generalize the Weyl equation to include the Standard Model fermions and a dark matter fermion. The 2x2 complex matrices are a matrix ring R. A finite group G can be used to define a group algebra G[R] which is a generalization of the ring. For a group of size N, this defines N Weyl equations coupled by the group operation. We use the group character table to uncouple the equations by diagonalizing the group algebra. Using the full octahedral point symmetry group for G, our uncoupled Weyl equations have the symmetry of the Standard Model fermions plus a dark matter particle.
vixra:2004.0145 [
Structure Model of Oxygen Nucleus-16
After the helium nucleus He-4, the oxygen nucleus O-16 is the second stable one in Nature and the first upper-order nucleus. Its structure is based on the successive conversions of lithium Li-6, lithium Li-7, beryllium Be-9, boron B-10, boron B-11, carbon C-12 and nitrogen N-14 into oxygen nucleus O-16. From this first upper-order nucleus the second one is constructed (calcium nucleus Ca), from the second the third one (tin nucleus Sn) and from the third the fourth one (orion nucleus Or-307), according to the mirror symmetry. The atomic numbers Z of the above four upper-order nuclei are the so-called four "magic numbers", i.e. Z1=8, Z2=8x2.5=20, Z3=20x2.5=50 and Z4=50x2.5=125. It is noted that, this orion nucleus Or-307 with a differential atomic number Z=125 (unified theory of dynamic space) is the corresponding "hypothetical unbihexium Ubh", whose atomic number is Z=126 (Nuclear Physics). However, the number Z=125 looks symmetrical and not magical at all, due to the 2.5 factor.
vixra:2003.0467 [
Elementary Particles, Dark Matter, and Dark Energy: Descriptions that Explain Aspects of Dark Matter to Ordinary Matter Ratios, Inflation, Early Galaxies, and Expansion of the Universe
Physics theory has yet to settle on specific descriptions for new elementary particles, for dark matter, and for dark energy forces. Our work extrapolates from the known elementary particles. The work suggests well-specified candidate descriptions for new elementary particles, dark matter, and dark energy forces. This part of the work does not depend on theories of motion. This work embraces symmetries that correlate with motion-centric conservation laws. The candidate descriptions seem to explain data that prior physics theory seems not to explain. Some of that data pertains to elementary particles. Our theory suggests relationships between masses of elementary particles. Our theory suggests a relationship between the strengths of electromagnetism and gravity. Some of that data pertains to astrophysics. Our theory seems to explain ratios of dark matter effects to ordinary matter effects. Our theory seems to explain aspects of galaxy formation. Some of that data pertains to cosmology. Our theory suggests bases for inflation and for changes in the rate of expansion of the universe. Generally, our work proposes extensions to theory in three fields. The fields are elementary particles, astrophysics, and cosmology. Our work suggests new elementary particles and seems to explain otherwise unexplained data.
vixra:2002.0538 [
Revisiting Mu and Tau as Excitations of the Electron in Light of CLFV
Charged lepton flavor violation (CLFV) is an interesting phenomenon to investigate in going beyond the Standard Model (BSM). This direction of investigation also inspires a new look at the idea of mu and tau being excitations of the electron. For this, the electron is required to have a substructure that is held together by some potential. However, even the simplest model of a two-body substructure has several troubling issues. First, a relativistically covariant formulation of such a bound system is non-trivial. However, this has been resolved in the past in a different context. Second, a consistent field theory of composite objects is needed to handle this model of leptons with substructure. This has also been done in the past in a different context. Third, the large observed mass ratios of the three charged leptons rule out binding potentials that depend only on the relative positions of constituents. Here it is shown that a concept similar to the "running coupling constant" of strong interactions generates a model that fits these ratios very well.
vixra:2002.0363 [
Nle-Lepton V4.2: Software to Find Polynomial-Like Formulas for Fermion Masses
nle-lepton is an software program that searches for polynomial-like non-linear equations with three real, positive roots representing the charged lepton masses. A formula of this type might explain why there are three generations of ordinary matter and give insight into the underlying physics of fermion Higgs field Yukawa couplings.
vixra:2002.0340 [
Structure Model of Helium Nucleus-4
The atomic nuclei have been structured through two fundamental phenomena. The inverse electric field of the proton and the electric entity of the macroscopically neutral neutron. Specically, the above inverse field causes the nuclear force and the nuclear antigravity one. These forces, along with the experimental constants of the spin, the magnetic moment and the mass deficit of the nucleons, are the fundamental elements that have created the deuterium, the tritium, the helium-3 and the helium-4. This last nucleus, the helium-4, is the most stable in the Nature, with which all the nuclei of the periodic table have been constructed in the core of the stars.
vixra:2002.0262 [
Supersymmetric Mirror Models and Dimensional Evolution of Spacetime
A dynamic view is conjectured for not only the universe but also the underlying theories in contrast to the convectional pursuance of a single unification theory. As the 4-d spacetime evolves dimension by dimension via the spontaneous symmetry breaking mechanism, supersymmetric mirror models consistently emerge one by one at different energy scales and scenarios involving different sets of particle species and interactions. Starting from random Planck fluctuations, the time dimension and its arrow are born in the time inflation process as the gravitational strength is weakened under a 1-d model of a ``timeron'' scalar field. The ``timeron'' decay then starts the hot big bang and generates Majorana fermions and $U(1)$ gauge bosons in 2-d spacetime. The next spontaneous symmetry breaking results in two space inflaton fields leading to a double space inflation process and emergence of two decoupled sectors of ordinary and mirror particles. In fully extended 4-d spacetime, the supersymmetric standard model with mirror matter before the electroweak phase transition and the subsequent pseudo-supersymmetric model due to staged quark condensation as previously proposed are justified. A set of principles are postulated under this new framework. In particular, new understanding of the evolving supersymmetry and $Z_2$ or generalized mirror symmetry is presented.
vixra:2002.0179 [
Some Recent Aspects of Developments of Chern-Simon Gauge Field Theories
In this chapter, we present the basic elements of Chern-Simon theory and then we review some recent aspects of developments in Chern- Simon gauge field theory as a topological quantum field theory on a threemanifold.
vixra:2002.0007 [
The Imaginary Parity of Elementary Particles
The Dirac equation with the imaginary reflection is considered. The intrinsic imaginary parity can be generated in the proton antiproton Dalitz reaction. The violation of the intrinsic parity of an elementary particle can be explained as the oscillation of parity before the particle decay into plus and minus parity system. The explanation is the alternative form of the older explanation.
vixra:2001.0579 [
Theory for Elementary Particles, Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and Galaxies
We show theory that spans tiny and vast aspects of physics. We suggest descriptions for new elementary particles, dark matter, and dark energy. We use those descriptions to explain data regarding dark matter effects, dark energy effects, and galaxy formation. Our mathematics-based modeling, descriptions, and explanations embrace and augment standard physics theory and modeling. One basis for our modeling is an extension to mathematics for harmonic oscillators.
vixra:2001.0176 [
Sustaining Wavefunction Coherence via Topological Impedance Matching: Stable Polarized Muon Beams at 255 x 255 GeV/c?
What the Hell is Going On?" is Peter Woit's 'Not Even Wrong' blog comment on Nima Arkani- Hamed's view of the barren state of LHC physics, the long-dreaded Desert[1]. Two essential indispensibles - geometric wavefunctions and quantized impedances of wavefunction interactions - are absent from particle theory, the community oblivious, mired in the consequent four decades of stagnation. Synthesis of the two offers a complementary Standard Model perspective, examining not conservation of energy and its flow between kinetic and potential of Hamiltonian and Lagrangian, but rather what governs amplitude and phase of that flow, quantum impedance matching of geometric wavefunction interactions. Applied to muon decay, the model suggests that translation gauge fields (RF cavities) of relativistic lifetime enhancement might be augmented by introducing rotation gauge fields of carefully chosen topological impedances to an accelerator.
vixra:2001.0147 [
Number Theory and Cosmology and Particle Physics
Riemann hypothesis stands proved in three different ways.To prove Riemann hypothesis from the functional equation concept of Delta function is introduced similar to Gamma and Pi function. Other two proofs are derived using Eulers formula and elementary algebra. Analytically continuing gamma and zeta function to an extended domain, poles and zeros of zeta values are redefined. Hodge conjecture, BSD conjecture are also proved using zeta values. Other prime conjectures like Goldbach conjecture, Twin prime conjecture etc.. are also proved in the light of new understanding of primes. Numbers are proved to be multidimensional as worked out by Hamilton. Logarithm of negative and complex numbers are redefined using extended number system. Factorial of negative and complex numbers are redefined using values of Delta function.
vixra:2001.0018 [
What's a Muon Anyways!?
Understanding the role of muons in Particle Physics is an important step understanding generations and the origin of mass as an expression of internal structure. A possible connection between muonic atoms and cycloatoms is used as a pretext to speculate on the above core issue of the Standard Model.
vixra:1912.0547 [
The Qubit Model: A Platonic and Exceptional Quantum Theory
Recently, GUTs based on the exceptional Lie algebras attempt unification of interactions of the Standard Model as a gauge field theory, e.g. Garrett Lisi's E8-TOE. But the modern growing trend in quantum physics is based on the Quantum Information Processing paradigm (QIP). The present proposal will develop the Qubit Model, a QIP analog of the Quark Model within the SM framework. The natural principle that "quantum interactions should be discrete", technically meaning the reduction of the gauge group to finite subgroups of SO(3)/SU(2), implies that qubit-frames (3D-pixels), playing the role of baryons, have the Platonic symmetries as their Klein Geometry (Three generations of flavors): T,O,I, and hence their "doubles", the binary point groups are the root systems E6,7,8 of the exceptional Lie algebras, which control their Quantum Dynamics. The Qubit Model conceptually reinterprets the experimental heritage modeled into the SM, and has clear prospects of explaining the mass spectrum of elementary particles, consistent with the works of other researchers, including Mac Gregor and Palazzi regarding the quatization of mass (Elementary Particles), or Moon and Cook regarding the structure of the nucleus (Nuclear Phsyics).
vixra:1911.0358 [
The Magnetic Moment of the Lee Particle
The Lee model of the unstable particle V going to N + Θ, where N-particle is considered charged and Θ−particle uncharged, is inserted into electromagnetic field. While the Θ−particle propagates undisturbed, the N-particle is deflected by the extended photon source. The result of such process is the additional magnetic moment of the Lee particle. The Schwinger source theory is employed to present the calculation of the magnetic moment of the Lee model of the unstable particle.
vixra:1910.0161 [
The Structure and Properties of Elementary Particles
We have developed simple models of the elementary particles based on the assumption that the particle interior is influenced by just two force fields, gravity and electrostatics. The fundamental particles are electrons, positrons, neutrinos and photons. All the other elementary particles are composed of these fundamental entities. A semi-classical approach is used to obtain simple expressions that give properties all in good agreement with experimental results. This approach is able to make several predictions. For example: All the elementary particles are composed of the particles they decay into. All particles are made of matter. There is no antimatter. The muon is not point-like. It is a composite particle with internal structure. Neutrinos have a small quantity of mass and charge. The neutron also has a small charge determined by the charge of its neutrino. A particle's lifetime is determined by its size relative to its Schwarzschild radius. Single protons should be produced in electron-positron collisions below the two-proton energy threshold.
vixra:1910.0125 [
Минимально необходимая локально-нелокальная модель эволюции элементарных частиц и фундаментальных взаимодействий ранней Вселенной
В статье рассматриваются следствия предложенного ранее Ли Смолиным (Lee Smolin) механизма формирования вероятностей в индетерминированнных квантовых процессах. Результатом экстраполяции этих следствий на области физики высоких энергий и физики ранней Вселенной является предложенная в статье модель эволюции элементарных частиц и фундаментальных взаимодействий ранней Вселенной, в которой наблюдаемый сегодня порядок, описываемый Стандартной моделью физики элементарных частиц, развивается в несколько этапов с участием дополняющих друг друга локальных и нелокальных процессов. Включение в модель нелокальных квантовых эффектов позволило сделать её полнее других предшественников и непротиворечиво решить в её рамках некоторые, не решённые в полностью локальных теориях, проблемы, такие как: проблема барионной асимметрии; проблема иерархии фермионных масс; проблема калибровочной иерархии фундаментальных взаимодействий; вопрос о природе и происхождении частиц тёмной материи; экспериментально наблюдаемые в распадах мезонов отклонения от предсказаний Стандартной модели и др. Модель хорошо согласуется с экспериментальными данными, лежащими в основе Стандартной модели и выходящими за рамки её предсказательной силы, совместима с теорией инфляционного расширения Вселенной и космологической моделью $\Lambda$CDM и включает некоторые элементы теорий симметрии и суперсимметрии и теории струн.
vixra:1910.0100 [
Lagrangian Quantum Mechanics for Indistinguishable Fermions: a Self-Consistent Universe.
This work corresponds to a paradigmatic classical mechanic approach to quantum mechanics and, as a consequence, the paradigm of expanding universe is replaced for a universe of contracting particles which allows explaining the cosmological redshift because as the time progresses the hydrogen atoms absorb smaller wavelengths. Quantum particles are defined as linearly independent indistinguishable normalized classical bi-spinor fields with quartic interactions, this matter allows defining positive energy spectra and to evade the problems with infinities associated with quantization procedure. To have a consistent particle interpretation in each inertial system, a large N approach for the number of fermions must be imposed. The following model, based in dynamical mass generation methods, explains the quark confinement and the hadronic mass behavior in a trivial form and allows the oscillation of low massive neutrinos inside of massive matter.
vixra:1909.0409 [
Naturalness Revisited: not Spacetime, But Rather Spacephase
What defines the boundary of a quantum system is phase coherence, not time coherence. Time is the same for all three spatial degrees of freedom in flat 4D Minkowski spacetime. However, in the quantum mechanics of wavefunctions in 3D space, phases of wavefunction components are not necessarily the same in all three orientations. Consequently, the S-matrix generated by the geometric Clifford product of two 3D wavefunctions exists not in 4D spacetime, but rather in 6D `spacephase'.
vixra:1908.0190 [
Naturalness Begets Naturalness: an Emergent Definition
We offer a model based upon three `assumptions'. The first is geometric, that the vacuum wavefunction is comprised of Euclid's fundamental geometric objects of space - point, line, plane, and volume elements - components of the geometric representation of Clifford algebra. The second is electromagnetic, that physical manifestation follows from introducing the dimensionless coupling constant \textbf{$\alpha$}. The third takes the electron mass to define the scale of space. Such a model is arguably maximally `natural'. Wavefunction interactions are modeled by the geometric product of Clifford algebra. What emerges is more naturalness. We offer an emergent definition.
vixra:1907.0403 [
Modeling that Predicts Elementary Particles and Explains Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and Galaxy Formation Data
We propose steps forward regarding the following challenges in elementary particle physics, cosmology, and astrophysics. Predict new elementary particles. Describe mechanisms governing the rate of expansion of the universe. Describe dark matter. Explain ratios of effects of dark matter to effects of ordinary matter. Describe the formation and evolution of galaxies. Integrate modeling that provides those predictions, descriptions, and explanations and modeling that traditional physics theory includes.
vixra:1907.0302 [
A Note on Jordan Algebras, Three Generations and Exceptional Periodicity
It is shown that the algebra $ {{\bf J } }_3 [ { \bf C \otimes O } ] \otimes {\bf Cl(4,C) } $ based on the complexified Exceptional Jordan, and the complex Clifford algebra in $ {\bf 4D}$, is rich enough to describe all the spinorial degrees of freedom of three generations of fermions in ${\bf 4D}$, and include additional fermionic dark matter candidates. Furthermore, the model described in this letter can account also for the Standard Model gauge symmetries. We extend these results to the Magic Star algebras of Exceptional Periodicity developed by Marrani-Rios-Truini and based on the Vinberg cubic $ {\bf T } $ algebras which are generalizations of exceptional Jordan algebras. It is found that there is a one-to-one correspondence among the real spinorial degrees of freedom of ${\bf 4}$ generations of fermions in $ {\bf 4D}$ with the off-diagonal entries of the spinorial elements of the $pair$ $ {\bf T}_3^{ 8, n}, ( {\bf {\bar T}}_3^{ 8, n } ) $ of Vinberg matrices at level $n = 2$. These results can be generalized to higher levels $ n > 2 $ leading to a higher number of generations beyond $ {\bf 4 } $. Three $pairs$ of ${\bf T}$ algebras and their conjugates $ {\bf {\bar T} }$ were essential in the Magic Star construction of Exceptional Periodicity \cite{Alessio1} that extends the $ {\bf e}_8$ algebra to $ {\bf e}_8^{ (n) } $ with $ n $ integer.
vixra:1906.0440 [
A New Unified Electro-Gravity Theory for the Electron
A rigorous model for the electron is presented by generalizing the Coulomb's Law or Gauss's Law of electrostatics, using a unified theory of electricity and gravity. The permittivity of the free-space is allowed to be variable, dependent on the energy density associated with the electric field at a given location, employing generalized concepts of gravity and mass/energy density. The electric field becomes a non-linear function of the source charge, where concept of the energy density needs to be properly defined. Stable solutions are derived for a spherically symmetric, surface-charge distribution of an elementary charge. This is implemented by assuming that the gravitational field and its equivalent permittivity function is proportional to the energy density, as a simple first-order approximation, with the constant of proportionality referred to as the Unifield Electro-Gravity (UEG) constant. The stable solution with the lowest mass/energy is assumed to represent a ``static'' electron without any spin. Further, assuming that the mass/energy of a static electron is half of the total mass/energy of an electron including its spin contribution, the required UEG constant is estimated. More fundamentally, the lowest stable mass of a static elementary charged particle, its associated classical radius, and the UEG constant are related to each other by a dimensionless constant, independent of any specific value of the charge or mass of the particle. This dimensionless constant is numerologically found to be closely related to the the fine structure constant. This possible origin of the fine structure constant is further strengthened by applying the proposed theory to successfully model the Casimir effect, from which approximately the same above relationship between the UEG constant, electron's mass and classical radius, and the fine structure constant, emerges.
vixra:1906.0439 [
A Generalized Unified Electro-Gravity (UEG) Model Applicable to All Elementary Particles
The Unified Electro-Gravity (UEG) theory, originally developed to model an electron, is generalized to model a variety of composite charged as well as neutral particles, which may constitute all known elementary particles of particle physics. A direct extension of the UEG theory for the electron is possible by modifying the functional dependence between the electro-gravitational field and the energy density, which would lead to a general class of basic charged particles carrying different levels of mass/energy, with the electron mass at the lowest level. The basic theory may also be extended to model simple composite neutral particles, consisting of two layers of surface charges of equal magnitudes but opposite signs. The model may be similarly generalized to synthesize more complex structures of composite charged or neutral particles, consisting of increasing levels of charged layers. Depending upon its specific basic or composite structure, a particle could be highly stable like an electron or a proton, or relatively unstable in different degrees, which may be identified with other known particles of the standard model of particle physics. The generalized UEG model may provide a new unified paradigm for particle physics, as a substitute for the standard model currently used, making the weak and strong forces of the standard model redundant.
vixra:1906.0438 [
Unified Electro-Gravity (UEG) Theory and Quantum Electrodynamics
The Unified Electro-Gravity (UEG) theory, originally developed to model a stable static charge, is extended to a spinning charge using a ``quasi-static'' UEG model. The results from the new theory, evaluated in comparison with concepts and parameters from basic quantum mechanics (QM) and quantum electrodynamics (QED), show that the QM and the QED trace their fundamental origins to the UEG theory. The fine structure constant and the electron g-factor, which are key QED parameters, can be directly related to the proportionality constant (referred to as the UEG constant) used in the UEG theory. A QM wave function is shown to be equivalent to a space-time ripple in the permittivity function of the free space, produced by the UEG fields surrounding a spinning charge, and the basic QM relationships between energy and frequency naturally emerge from the UEG model. Further extension and generalization of the theory may also explain all other quantum mechanical concepts including particle-wave duality, frequency shift in electrodynamic scattering, and charge quantization, leading to full unification of the electromagnetics and gravity with the quantum mechanics.
vixra:1906.0206 [
The Magnitude of Electromagnetic Time Dilation.
Theories unifying gravity and electromagnetism naturally give rise to the question of whether there might be a time dilation associated with the electromagnetic 4-potential. We show here that the magnitude of EM time dilation can be computed from elementary considerations that are independent of specific unified theories. We further show that the electrostatic part of the effect is well within reach of experiment, while the magnetic part is not.
vixra:1906.0184 [
Core Issues in "Foundations of QFT: 2019 Annual Philosophy of Physics Conference"
This year's workshop is focused on three core issues. Paraphrasing and rearranging their order, we examine optimal mathematical formalisms for the wavefunction and its interactions (particularly in light of the problem of renormalization), phenomenological foundations, and relativistic extensions of quantum mechanics.
vixra:1905.0425 [
Uncover the Logic of Fine Structure Constant
In this paper, author introduced two theories, energy spiral as a unified field and dual resonance for energy transfer. This paper is based on these theories. Through studying formation process of particles, as was indicated that: vacuum particles and 12 basic particles are existing in the vacuum, which will become protons or electrons. In the hydrogen atomic, the external vacuum energy affects on the energy spiral of the electron, then revolution energy and rotation energy of the electron are determined, finally the parameters of Bohr structure are determined. And logical value of Fine Structure constant is obtained. [alpha=sqrt[4]{2}pi/512]. This data is supported by the calculation results of experimental data.Email: eastear@outlook.com eastear@163.com
vixra:1905.0016 [
The Easy Way to Cherenkov-Compton Effect
The two-photon production by motion of a charged particle in a medium is considered. This process is called Cherenkov-Compton effect because the production of photons is calculated from the Feynman diagram for the Compton effect in a medium. This process is not forbidden in quantum electrodynamics of dielectric media.The cross section of this process in Mandelstam variables is calculated for pair of photons with one moving at the opposite direction to the electron motion and the second one inside the Cherenkov cone. The opposite motion is not caused by the collision with a particle of a medium. The relation of this process to the CERN experiments is considered.
vixra:1904.0584 [
Fibonacci Motives
Motives are well connected to graphical techniques in quantum field theory. In motivic quantum gravity we consider categorical axioms, starting with the ribbon category of the Fibonacci anyon. Quantum logic dictates that the cardinality of a classical set is replaced by the dimension of a space. In this note we look at the geometry underlying Fibonacci numbers and apply it to the algebra of multiple zeta values and cyclic particle braids.
vixra:1904.0542 [
Systems of Linear Dyson-Schwinger Equations
Systems of Dyson-Schwinger equation represent the equations of motion in quantum field theory. In this paper, we follow the combinatorial approach and consider Dyson-Schwinger equations as fixed point equations that determine the perturbation series by usage of graph insertion operators. We discuss their properties under the renormalization flow, prove that fixed points are scheme independent, and construct solutions for coupled systems with linearized arguments of the insertion operators.
vixra:1904.0103 [
Mass Deficit and Topology of Nucleons
Nucleus is identical with the lower inverse electric-nuclear field where a rapid increase of its potential occurs with a corresponding reduction of the space cohesive pressure, resulting to the mass deficit of the neutron entering the nucleus and to the finding of its location potential. Therefore, the so called topology of the nucleons can be now found. So, the neutrons are stable into the lower inverse nuclear field where a reduced cohesive pressure prevails. Moreover, there would be no nuclei without the presence of neutrons that reduce the negativity of the protons field, while neutrons are those that move into the nuclei (with the remaining half of their kinetic energy) on circular orbits around immobilized protons which have spin only.
vixra:1903.0531 [
Quantum Mechanics Where Spin is SO(3)
In 2014 Steven Weinberg noted that quantum mechanics can avoid various difficulties, such as the many worlds hypothesis, by taking the quantum states to be density matrices without reference to state vectors. An immediate consequence of Weinberg's idea is that electron spin can be taken to follow SO(3) instead of SU(2). This radical departure from present understanding motivates our exploration of density matrices as a method of going beyond the Standard Model. An important tool for Standard Model calculations is the Feynman path integral formulation of quantum field theory. When the path integral is Wick rotated from time to imaginary time or temperature it becomes a method of cooling down density matrices. While this does not show that one goes beyond the Standard Model by Wick rotation, it does show a close relation between this method of cooling density matrices and quantum field theory of the Standard Model. We explore these ideas and exhibit toy models with particle content and symmetry similar to the Standard Model.
vixra:1903.0243 [
Standard Model Fermions and Higgs Scalar Field from PCCR Operator Algebra
A fundamental theory of fermions is proposed by constructing the Dirac gamma matrices using pCCR operators. The result is the fermions of the Standard Model, 3 generations of leptons and quarks and the chiral nature of su(2) is revealed. In addition the pCCR operators generates a Higgs complex scalar doublet and that space-time is found to be 4d.
vixra:1903.0224 [
A Model of Lepton and Quark Structure
We propose a model of particles with two very massive fundamental constituents, maxons. One of them is a fractionally charged color triplet and the other is neutral color singlet. Leptons, quarks and the weak bosons are quasiparticles in the system of interacting maxons. Some implications of the model are discussed.
vixra:1902.0473 [
A Possibility of CPT Violation in the Standard Model
It is shown that there is a possibility of violation of CPT symmetry in the Standard Model which does not contradict to the famous CPT theorem. To check this possibility experimentally it is necessary to increase the precision of measurements of the proton and antiproton mass difference by an order of magnitude.
vixra:1902.0266 [
Inverse Electric-Nuclear Field
The electrically charged particles cause electrical induction of positive and negative units in the dynamic space, with result inverse electric fields are created. So, the nuclear force is interpreted as an electric force, 100 times stronger than the maximum electric force of the outer electric field that extends beyond the potential barrier. Moreover, the braking radiation emitted from rapidly moving electrons as they are passing close to the nucleus is confirmed.
vixra:1901.0322 [
The Dirac Experiment Test of the Maximal Acceleration Constant
We determine the nonlinear group of transformations between coordinate systems which are mutually in a constant symmetrical uniform acceleration. The maximal acceleration limit is a constant which follows from the logical necessity and the kinematical necessity of the system motion and it is an analogue of the maximal velocity in special relativity. The Pardy acceleration constant is not the same as the Caianiello acceleration constant in quantum mechanics and Lambiase acceleration constant in the Riemann space-time and this situation forms the serious puzzle in physics after the theta-tau puzzle in particle physics and Hawking black hole puzzle in cosmology. The author transformations of the accelerated systems is related to the Orlov transformations. The DIRAC experiment in CERN with pionium in the strong electrical field is discussed.
vixra:1901.0176 [
What is the Magnetic Moment of Electron Spin?
According to the unified theory of dynamic space the inductive-inertial phenomenon has been developed, forming the grouping units (namely electric charges or forms of the electric field). Moreover, with the surface electric charges of the electron cortex its inverse electric fields are formed. By the above phenomena the actual theoretical value of the magnetic dipole moment of electron spin is proved as equal to the experimental measurement.
vixra:1901.0167 [
Topological Skyrme Model with Wess-Zumino Anomaly Term Has Colour Dependence in Quark Charges and Indicates Incompleteness of the Pure Skyrme Model
The topological Skyrme has been actively studied in recent times (e.g. see Manton and Sutcliffe, Topological Solitons, Cam U Press, 2004) to understand the structure of the nucleons and the nucleus. Here through a consistent study of the electric charge, it is shown that just the Skyrme lagrangian by itself, gives charges as, Qp = 1/2 and Qn = − 1/2 ; shockingly missing their empirical values. This devastating problem is rectified, only by includig an extra term (not available at Skyrme’s time), arising from the Wess-Zumino anomaly. One then obtains Qu = 2/3 and Qd = − 1/3 , and thus giving the correct charges of the nucleon. It is also shown here (for the first time), that the combined Skyrme-Wess- Zumino lagrangian predicts, colour-number dependence of the electric charges as: Q(u) = 1/2(1 + 1/Nc ); Q(d) = 1/2(−1 + 1/Nc) for arbitrary colour-number of the QCD group SU(Nc). This gives 2/3 and -1/3 charges for Nc=3. Thus it is not good enough to just have the value of charges as 2/3 and -1/3. We show that it is important to have a proper colour dependence existing within the guts of the quark charges. Though the quarks have colour built into its guts, composite protons and neutrons built up of odd-number-of-colours of quarks, turn out to be colour-free with fixed values of 1 and 0 charges, respectively (and which is good for self-consistency of QCD+QED); while the proton and neutron built up of static (colour-independent) charges 2/3 and -1/3, develop explicit colour dependence (and which is disatrous for these models).
vixra:1901.0074 [
Up to So(32) Via Supersymmetry "Bootstrap"
A simple self-referencing postulate in the Chan-Paton factors of a string allows to fix some of the freedom in the landscape of SO(32) movel aspiring to be standard-model-like.
vixra:1812.0483 [
Beginnings of the Helicity Basis in the (S,0)+(0,S) Representations of the Lorentz Group
We write solutions of relativistic quantum equations explicitly in the helicity basis for S=1/2 and S=1. We present the analyses of relations between Dirac-like and Majorana-like field operators. Several interesting features of bradyonic and tachyonic solutions are presented.
vixra:1811.0186 [
The Volkov Solution of the Dirac Equation with the Higgs Field
We determine the power radiation formula of the electron moving in the plane wave Higgs potential from the Volkov solution of the Dirac equation. The Higgs potential is here the vector extension of the scalar Higgs potential. The Higgs bosons mass is involved in the power radiation formula. The article represents the unification of the particle and the laser physics.
vixra:1811.0185 [
What is a Neutrino?
The emission of antineutrinos is interpreted by the inductive-inertial phenomenon as independent E/M formations, which are created when a neutron breaks down into a proton and an electron (beta decay). Specically, at the contact limits of the neutron quarks, due to the acceleration of the surface charges of the neutron cortex, the adjacent opposite units are strongly accelerated, causing grouping units outside the neutron cortex as independent E/M formations of one spindle.
vixra:1810.0500 [
Can Stabilization and Symmetry Breakings Give Rise to Life in the Process of the Universe Evolution?
Bio-genesis can be understood as the final process of the Universe's evolution, from Planck scale down to nuclear scale to atomic scale to molecular scale, then finally to bio-scale, with the breaking of relevant symmetries at every step. By assuming the simplest definition of life, that life is just a molecular system which can reproduce itself (auto-reproducing molecular system -- ARMS) and has such kinetic ability (kineto-molecular system -- KMS), at least for its microscopic level, as to respond actively to its surrounding environments, we tried to explain the origin of life, taking the final step of the Universe evolution. We found a few clues for the origin of life, such as: (1) As the Universe expands and gets extremely cold, bio-genesis can take place by auto-reproducing molecular system, new level of stabilization may be achievable only at `locally cold places', such as comets. (2) There must be the parity breaking in the bio-scale stabilization process, which can be violated spontaneously, or dynamically by the van der Waals forces possible only at locally cold places. (3) And the rule of bio-parity breaking is universal within the bio-horizon. So we will find, for example, only left-handed amino acids in all living beings dwelling within our galaxy. (4) The idea of bio-genesis through the bio-scale stabilization in the evolution of the Universe looks very consistent with Panspermia hypothesis, and supports it by providing a viable answer for life's origin at such locally cold places.
vixra:1810.0281 [
What is the Spin of the Particles?
According to the unified theory of dynamic space it is described the first (Universal) and the second (local) space deformation, which change the geometric structure of the isotropic space. These geometric deformations created the dynamic space, the Universe, and the space holes (bubbles of empty space), the early form of matter. The neutron cortex is structured around these space holes with the electrically opposite elementary units (in short: units) at the light speed. So, an electrical and geometric deformation of the neutron cortex occurs, as the third space deformation, resulting in the creation of surface electric charges (quarks), to which the particles spin is due. Additionally, the "paradox" magnetic dipole moment of neutron is interpreted.
vixra:1809.0551 [
Differentiation Under the Loop Integral: a New Method of Renormalization in Quantum Field Theory
In the conventional approach of renormalization, divergent loop integrals are regulated and combined with counterterms to satisfy a set of renormalization conditions. While successful, the process of regularization is tedious and must be applied judiciously to obtain gauge-invariant results. In this Letter, I show that by recasting the renormalization conditions as the initial conditions of momentum-space differential equations for the loop amplitudes, the need for regularization disappears because the process of differentiating under the loop integrals renders them finite. I apply this approach to successfully renormalize scalar $\phi^4$ theory and QED to one-loop order without requiring regularization or counterterms. Beyond considerable technical simplifications, the ability to perform renormalization without introducing a regulator or counterterms can lead to a more fundamental description of quantum field theory free of ultraviolet divergences.
vixra:1809.0528 [
Conformal Symmetry Breaking in Einstein-Cartan Gravity Coupled to the Electroweak Theory
We develop an alternative to the Higgs mechanism for spontaneously breaking the local SU(2)xU(1) gauge invariance of the Electroweak Theory by coupling to Einstein-Cartan gravity in curved spacetime. The theory exhibits a local scale invariance in the unbroken phase, while the gravitational sector does not propagate according to the conventional quantum field theory definition. We define a unitary gauge for the local SU(2) invariance which results in a complex Higgs scalar field. This approach fixes the local SU(2) gauge without directly breaking the local U(1). We show how the electroweak symmetry can be spontaneously broken by choosing a reference mass scale to fix the local scale invariance. The mass terms for the quantum fields are then generated without adding any additional symmetry breaking terms to the theory. We point out subtle differences of the quantum field interactions in the broken phase.
vixra:1808.0283 [
Analysis of Muon Count Variations According to Detector's Measuring Scale
I have analyzed muon count variations according to detector's measuring scale, calculated declining tendency and analyzed result value, inferring some reason, as a experiment hypothesis, "All muons which come to surface probably will result in those having a maximum of vertical incidences about a ground as a minimum distance." I calculated a limit moving distance based on muon's life span and muon's average velocity, and showed muon's maximum incidence scale for the earth's surface based on muon's average emergence altitude for the hypothesis' proof. After performing the experiment theoretically, I analyzed the measured data by LSM(Least Square Method). Conclusively, I discovered that as the detector's measuring scale gains each 10 degree, muons which are measured per 10 minute decrease averagely each 9.0667 approx, and I saw that on the 30°-40° point and 50°-60° point, muon counts are radically decreased.
vixra:1808.0119 [
Topological Skyrme Model with Wess-Zumino Anomaly term and their Representations
Our model here, the Skyrme-Wess-Zumino model, is Skyrme lagrangian sup- plemented with the Wess-Zumino anomaly term. It is commonly believed that spin-half octet and spin three-half decuptet are the lowest dimensional repre- sentations that the three-flavour Skyrmions would correspond to. We study the effect of including the electric charges consistently in these analysis. We show that indeed this leads to significant improvement in our understanding of proper reprentations of two-flavour and three-flavour Skyrmionic representations
vixra:1806.0466 [
Great Unification Theory :A Solution
The paper presents a unified model representing the gravitational, electromagnetic, weak and strong fields, fermions and bosons, in the Geometry of General Relativity. It is based on a group belonging to the Clifford algebra Cl(C,4), acting on the algebra itself. It uses an original real structure on the Clifford algebra, accounting for the physical specificities of the geometry. An explicit expression of the group, its action and of the vector states and charges of the known fermions is given. Bosons are represented as discontinuities in the derivative of the potential of the force field. No additional dimension, physical object or exotic property are required. The model appears as the continuation and extension of the Spinor model of Mechanics which holds at any scale.
vixra:1806.0373 [
Derivation of the Local Lorentz Gauge Transformation of a Dirac Spinor Field in Quantum Einstein-Cartan Theory
I examine the groups which underly classical mechanics, non-relativistic quantum mechanics, special relativity, relativistic quantum mechanics, quantum electrodynamics, quantum flavourdynamics, quantum chromodynamics, and general relativity. This examination includes the rotations SO(2) and SO(3), the Pauli algebra, the Lorentz transformations, the Dirac algebra, and the U(1), SU(2), and SU(3) gauge transformations. I argue that general relativity must be generalized to Einstein-Cartan theory, so that Dirac spinors can be described within the framework of gravitation theory.
vixra:1806.0255 [
Stabilized QFT: Verification Supplement
This paper does two things: (1) it recaps the method of stabilized amplitudes that resolves divergence issues in QFT without infinite charge and mass renormalizations, and (2) it presents a detailed case study which verifies that stabilized amplitudes agree with renormalization for radiative corrections in Abelian and non-Abelian gauge theories.
vixra:1806.0019 [
Preceding: Atomic Internal Gravitational Waves and Shock Waves: Electromagnetic Charge Cannot Hold a Positron Near a Proton Both with Positive Charges, But the Gravitational Waves Make it Possible
Mostly, the destructive force of internal (atomic) wave-particles that we call microscopic shock waves emitted by the nuclei at most, and lastly the external (galactic gravitonic, and photonic) wave-particles towards the nuclei, is affectionate to make them unstable. A higher rate of energy that would increase the internal energy of atoms and so increases the energy of these sub-atomic particles, and also what we call higher entropy (higher energy dispersal), both cause the powerful microscopic shock waves, coming from sub atomic wave-particles. Shock waves are not much strong for atomic objects, or celestial objects to get measured, meanwhile their destructive power potentially can destroy the nearby smaller and weakly confined objects.
vixra:1805.0478 [
Skyrme Model, Wess-Zumino Anomaly, Quark Model, and Consistent Symmetry Breaking
The original Skyrme lagrangian needs to be supplemented with a Wess-Zumino anomaly term to ensure proper quantzation. This is our Skyrme-Wess-Zumino model here. In this model, we show that the study of the electric charges is a very discriminating property. It provides powerful statements as to how the two flavour group SU(2) may be embedded in the three flavour group SU(3). The subsequent symmetry breaking is found to be very different from the one necessary in the SU(3) quark model. The Skyrme-Wess-Zumino model leads to a unique and unambiguos symmetry breaking process. It is known that all Irreducible Representations given by triangle diagrams for SU(3) are 3, 6, 10, 15, 21 etc. dimensional states. The triplet, being the lowest dimensional one, plays the most crucial and basic role here. This leads to composite Sakaton as emerging to become the proper Irreducible Representation of the flavour group SU(3) in the Skyrme-Wess-Zumino model.
vixra:1805.0095 [
Topological Skyrme Model and the Nucleus
We study the two-flavour topological Skyrme model with lagrangian L = L2 + L4 , and point out that, in spite of all the successes attibuted to it, as to the electric charges, it predicts Q(proton) = 1/2 and Q(neutron) = − 1/2 . This is in direct conflict with the experimental values of proton and neutron charges. This should be considered a failure of the Skyrme model. The Wess-Zumino anomaly term however, comes to its rescue and provides additional contribution which lead to the the correct charges for baryons as per the standard Gell-Mann- Nishijima expression. But as per conventional understanding, that the Skyrme model gives a conserved atomic mass number A=Z+N, is not fulfilled in the above picture. We suggest a new consistent scenario wherein on quantization, a dual description beyond the above model arises, and which provides a framework which is fully compatible with nuclear physics. This picture finds justfication with respect to the surprising 1949 succcessful calculation by Steinberger for the decay π0 → γγ.
vixra:1805.0029 [
Quantum Machine Learning in High Energy Physics: the Future Prospects
This article reveals the future prospects of quantum machine learning in high energy physics (HEP). Particle identication, knowing their properties and characteristics is a challenging problem in experimental HEP. The key technique to solve these problems is pattern recognition, which is an important application of machine learning and unconditionally used for HEP problems. To execute pattern recognition task for track and vertex reconstruction, the particle physics community vastly use statistical machine learning methods. These methods vary from detector to detector geometry and magnetic led used in the experiment. Here in the present introductory article, we deliver the future possibilities for the lucid application of quantum machine learning in HEP, rather than focusing on deep mathematical structures of techniques arise in this domain.
vixra:1803.0303 [
The Experiments Of The Bottle And The Beam For The Lifetime Of The Neutron: A Theoretical Approximation Derived From The Casimir Effect
The last neutron life-time experiments using the bottle method rule out possible experimental errors and possible sources of interference; mainly the interaction of the neutrons with the material of the walls of the bottle. Therefore, the discrepancy between the lifetimes of the neutron by experiments of the beam and the bottle require a theoretical explanation.The main and crucial difference between the beam and bottle experiments is the different topology of the experiments. While in the beam experiment the neutrons are not confined; in the experiment of the bottle a confinement takes place. In our theoretical approach we postulate the existence of a type of Casimir effect that due to the different geometry-topology of the experiments; it produces an induction-polarization of the vacuum by the confinement and the existence of the trapped neutrons; in such a way that there is an increase in the density of the quarks u, d, gluons and the virtual W and Z bosons. This density increase, mainly, of the neutral Z bosons; would be responsible for the increased probability of the decay of a neutron in a proton; and therefore of the shortening of the decay time of the neutron in the experiment of the bottle; of 877.7 seconds.
vixra:1803.0204 [
Revival of the Sakaton
Sakaton, S=p,n,Λ with integral charges, 1,0,0, respectively, and treated as forming the fundamental representation of SU(3) group, was successful in explaining the octet mesons but failed to describe the structure of baryons. This was replaced by fractionally charged quarks. Q=u,d,s providing the fundamental representation of the SU(3) group. This has been a thumping success. Thus a decent burial was given to the concept of the Sakaton. However, there is another model, the Topological Skyrme model, which has been providing a parallel and successful description of the same hadrons. Nevertheless, sometimes this other model gives tantalizing hints of new structures in hadrons. In this paper we prove that this topological Skyrme model, leads to a clear revival of the above concept of Sakaton, as a real and a genuine physical entity. This provides a new perspective to the hypernuclei. ’t Hooft anomaly matching gives an unambiguous support to this revival of the Sakaton.
vixra:1802.0212 [
Why Renormalize if You Don’t Have To?
While the notion that it is better to avoid renormalization if one possibly can is an easy sell, the possibility that a naturally finite, confined, and gauge invariant quantum model has come over the horizon turns out to be a surprisingly hard sell.
vixra:1712.0603 [
Tachyons: Properties and Way of Detection
The presently observed accelerating universe suggests that there is a possibility of the real existence of ‘Tachyons’ - a Boson class particle theo- rized to exceed the maximum speed of electro magnetic radiation. Theory suggests that Tachyons do not violate the theory of Special Relativity despite having a speed greater than that of light in vacuum. But their existence is not confirmed by experiment. In this article, possible properties of tachyons are discussed which would be helpful to test their existence and detection. Two thought experiments are proposed to detect them.
vixra:1712.0487 [
Field Theory with Fourth-order Differential Equations
We introduce a new class of higgs type fields $\{U,U^{\mu},U^{\mu\nu}\}$ with Feynman propagator $\thicksim 1/p^4$, and consider the matching to the traditional gauge fields with propagator $\thicksim 1/p^2$ in the viewpoint of effective potentials at tree level. With some particular restrictions on the convergence, there are a wealth of potential forms generated by the fields $\{U,U^{\mu},U^{\mu\nu}\}$, such as: (1) in the case of $U$ coupled to the intrinsic charges of matter fields, electromagnetic Coulomb potential with an extra linear potential and Newton's gravitation could be generated with the operators of different orders from the dynamics of $U$, respectively; (2) for the matter fields, with the multi-vacuum structure of a sine-Gordon type vector field $A^{\mu}$ induced from $U$, a seesaw mechanism for gauge symmetry and flavor symmetry of fermions could be generated, in which the heavy fermions could be produced; besides, by treating the fermion current as a field, a possible way for renormalizable gravity could be proposed; (3) the Coulomb potential in electromagnetism and gravitation could be generated by an anti-symmetric field strength of $U^{\mu}$, when it's coupled to the intrinsic charge and momentum of matter fields, respectively; and, except for the Coulomb part in each case, there is a linear and a logarithmic part in the former case which might correspond to the confinement in strong QED, while there is a linear and a logarithmic part in the latter case which might correspond to the dark energy effects in the impulsive case and dark matter effects in the attractive case, respectively; besides, a symmetric field strength of $U^{\mu}$ could also generate the same gravitation form as the anti-symmetric case; (4) a nonlinear version Klein-Gordon equation, QED and the Einstein's general relativity, could be generated as a low energy approximation of the dynamics of $U$, $U^{\mu}$ and $U^{\mu\nu}$, respectively; moreover, in the weak field case, the gauge symmetry could superficially arise, and, a linear QED, linear gravitation and a 3rd-order tensor version QED could be generated by relating the field strength of $U$, $U^{\mu}$ and $U^{\mu\nu}$ to the corresponding gauge fields, respectively; (5) for the massive $\{U, U^{\mu}\}$, attractive potentials for particles with the same kind of charges could be generated, which might serve as candidate for interactions maintaining the s-wave pairing and d-wave pairing Cooper pairs in superconductors, with electric charge in the $U$ case and magnetic moment in the $U^{\mu}$ case as interaction charge, respectively; etc.
vixra:1712.0356 [
On the Nature of W Boson
We study leptonic and semileptonic weak decays working in the framework of Hagen-Hurley equations. It is argued that the Hagen-Hurley equations describe decay of the intermediate gauge boson W. It follows that we get a universal picture with the W boson being a virtual, off-shell, particle with (partially undefined) spin in the $0\oplus 1$ space.
vixra:1712.0021 [
The Colour-Independent Charges of Quarks of Magnitude 2/3 and -1/3 in the Standard Model are Basically Wrong!
The Standard Model in spite of being the most successful model of particle physics, has a well-known shortcoming/weakness; and which is that the electric charges of quarks of magnitude 2/3 and -1/3 are not properly quantized in it and are actually fixed arbitrarily. In this paper we show that under a proper in-depth study, in reality these charges are found to be basically "wrong". This is attributed to their lack of proper colour-dependence. Here the proper and correct quark charges are shown to be actually intrinsically colour dependent and which in turn give consistent and correct description of baryons in QCD. Hence these colour dependent charges are the correct ones to use in particle physics.
vixra:1711.0388 [
Empirically Derived Fermion Higgs Yukawa Couplings and Pole Masses
Empirically derived formulas are proposed for calculating the Higgs field Yukawa couplings and pole masses of the twelve known fundamental fermions with experimental inputs me, mμ and the Fermi constant G0F.
vixra:1710.0227 [
Self-Consistent Generation of Quantum Fermions in Theories of Gravity
I search for concepts that would allow self-consistent generation of dressed fermions in theories of gravitation. Self-consistency means here having the Compton wave lengths of the same order of magnitude for all particles and the four interactions. To build the quarks and leptons of the standard model preons of spin 1/2 and charge 1/3 or 0 have been introduced by the author. Classification of preons, quarks and leptons is provided by the two lowest representations of the quantum group SLq(2). Three extensions of general relativity are considered for self-consistency: (a) propagating and (b) non-propagating torsion theories in Einstein-Cartan spacetime and (c) a Kerr-Newman metric based theory in general relativity (GR). For self-consistency, the case (a) is not excluded, (b) is possible and (c) has been shown to provide it, reinforcing the preon model, too. Therefore I propose that semiclassical GR with its quantum extension (c) and the preon model will be considered a basis for unification of physics. The possibility remains that there are 'true' quantum gravitational phenomena at or near the Planck scale.
vixra:1710.0026 [
On Consistency in the Skyrme Topological Model
We point to a significant mismatch between the nature of the baryon number and of the electric charge of baryons in the Skyrme topological model. Requirement of consistency between these two then demands a significant improvement in how the electric charge is defined in this model. The Skyrme model thereafter has a consistent electric charge which has a unique colour dependence built into it. Its relationship with other theoretical model structures is also studied.
vixra:1709.0306 [
A $4\times 4$ Diagonal Matrix Schr{\"o}dinger Equation from Relativistic Total Energy with a $2\times 2$ Lorentz Invariant Solution.
In this paper an algebraic method is presented to derive a non-Hermitian Schr{\"o}dinger equation from $E=V+c\sqrt{m^2c^2+\left(\mathbf{p}-\frac{e}{c}\mathbf{A}\right)^2}$ with $E\rightarrow i\hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial t}$ and $\mathbf{p} \rightarrow -i\hbar \nabla$. In the derivation no use is made of Dirac's method of four vectors and the root operator isn't squared either. In this paper use is made of the algebra of operators to derive a matrix Schr{\"o}dinger equation. It is demonstrated that the obtained equation is Lorentz invariant.
vixra:1709.0153 [
Wherefrom Comes the Missing Baryon Number in the Eightfoldway Model?
An extremely puzzling problem of particle physics is, how come, no baryon number arises mathematically to describe the spin-1/2 octet baryons in the Eightfold way model. Recently the author has shown that all the canonical proposals to provide a baryon number to solve the above problem, are funda- mentally wrong. So what is the resolution of this conundrum? Here we show that the topological Skyrme-Witten model which takes account of the Wess- Zumino anomaly comes to our rescue. In contrast to the two avour model, the presence of this anomaly term for three avours, shows that the quantal states are monopolar harmonics, which are not functions but sections of a ber bun- dle. This generates a profoundly signicant "right hypercharges", which lead to making the adjoint representation of SU(3) as being the ground state. This provides a topologically generated baryon number for the spin-1/2 baryons in the adjoint representation, to connect to the Eightfold way model baryon octet states. This solves the mystery of the missing baryon number in the Eightfold way model.
vixra:1708.0337 [
QCD Self-Consistent Only With a Self-Consistenct QED
The Standard Model of particle physics, based on the group structure SU (N ) c ⊗ SU (2) L ⊗U (1) Y (f orN c = 3), has been very successful. However in it, the electric charge is not quantized and is fixed by hand to be 2/3 and -1/3. This is its major shortcoming. This model runs into conflict with another similarly structured, but actually quite different model, wherein the electric charge is fully quantized and depends upon colour degree of freedom as well. We study this basic conflict between these models and how they connect to a consistent study of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) for arbitrary number of colours. We run into a basic issue of consistency of Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) with these fundamentally different charges. Study of consistency of ( QCD + QED ) together, makes discriminating and conclusive statements about the relevance of these two model structures.
vixra:1708.0267 [
Density Matrices and the Standard Model
We use density matrices to explore the possibility that the various flavors of quarks and leptons are linear superpositions over a single particle whose symmetry follows the finite subgroup $S_4$ of the simple Lie group SO(3). We use density matrices which allow modeling of symmetry breaking over temperature, and can incorporate superselection sectors. We obtain three generations each consisting of the quarks and leptons and an SU(2) dark matter doublet. We apply the model to the Koide mass equations and propose extensions of the theory to other parts of the Standard Model and gravitation.
vixra:1708.0211 [
On the Evidence of the Number of Colours in Particle Physics
It is commonly believed ( and as well reflected in current textbooks in particle physics ) that the R ratio in $e^+ e^-$ scattering and $\pi^0 \rightarrow \gamma \gamma$ decay provide strong evidences of the three colours of the Quantum Chromodynamics group ${SU(3)}_c$. This is well documented in current literature. However, here we show that with a better understanding of the structure of the electric charge in the Standard Model of particle physics at hand, one rejects the second evidence as given above but continues to accept the first one. Thus $\pi^0 \rightarrow \gamma \gamma$ decay is not a proof of three colours anymore. This fact is well known. However unfortunately some kind of inertia has prevented this being taught to the students. As such the textbooks and monographs should be corrected so that more accurate information may be transmitted to the students.
vixra:1708.0115 [
The Higgs Troika
Ternary Clifford algebra is connected with three Higgs bosons and three fermion generations, whereas cube roots of time vector are associated with three quark colors and three weak gauge fields. Four-fermion condensations break chiral symmetries, induce axion-like bosons, and dictate fermion mass hierarchies.
vixra:1708.0002 [
Sedeonic Duality-Invariant Field Equations for Dyons
We discuss the theoretical description of dyons having simultaneously both electric and magnetic charges on the basis of space-time algebra of sixteen-component sedeons. We show that the generalized sedeonic equations for electromagnetic field of dyons can be reformulated in equivalent canonical form as the equations for redefined field potentials, field strengths and sources. The relations for energy and momentum as well as the relations for Lorentz invariants of dyonic electromagnetic field are derived. Additionally, we discuss the sedeonic second-order Klein-Gordon and first-order Dirac wave equations describing the quantum behavior of dyons in an external dyonic electromagnetic field.
vixra:1707.0385 [
The Seven Higgs Bosons and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Extended to D Dimensions
The proof of the existence of seven dimensions compacted in circles: the principle of uncertainty of Heisenberg extended to d dimensions; Allows us to obtain the masses of the seven Higgs bosons, including the known empirically (125.0901 GeV = mh (1)); And theorize the calculation of the mass of the boson stop quark (745 GeV)
vixra:1706.0510 [
Preons, Gravity and Black Holes
A previous preon model for the substructure of the the standard model quarks and leptons is completed to provide a model of Planck scale gravity and black holes. Gravity theory with torsion is introduced in the model. Torsion has been shown to produce an axial-vector field coupled to spinors, in the present case preons, causing an attractive preon-preon interaction. This is assumed to be the leading term of UV gravity. The boson has an estimated mass near the Planck scale. At high enough density it can materialize and become the center of a black hole. Chiral phase preons are proposed to form the horizon with thickness of order of Planck length. Using quantum information theoretic concepts this is seen to lead to an area law of black hole entropy.
vixra:1705.0264 [
As Spinor χ = a| ↑> +b| ↓> is Physical in SU (2) Spin Space, Then Why is Isospinor ψ = A|p > +b|n > Unphysical in SU (2) Isospin Space?
A spin angular momentum state with a polarization orientation in any ar- bitrary direction can be constructed as a spinor in the SU(2)-spin space as χ = a| ↑> +b| ↓>. However the corresponding isospinor in the SU(2)-isospin space, ψ = a|p > +b|n > is discarded on empirical grounds. Still, we do not have any sound theoretcal understanding of this phenomenon. Here we provide a consistent explanation of this effect.
vixra:1704.0037 [
Preons, Standard Model, Gravity with Torsion and Black Holes
A previous spin 1/2 preon model for the substructure of the the standard model quarks and leptons is complemented to provide particle classification group, preon interactions and a tentative model of black holes. The goal of this study is to analyze a phenomenological theory of all interactions. A minimal amount of physical assumptions are made and only experimentally verified global and gauge groups are employed: SLq(2), the three of the standard model and the full Poincar\'e group. Gravity theory with torsion is introduced producing an axial-vector field coupled to preons. The mass of the axial-vector particle is estimated to be near the GUT scale. The boson can materialize above this scale and gain further mass to become a black hole at Planck mass while massless preons may form the horizon. A particle-black hole duality is proposed.
vixra:1703.0299 [
Part II - Gravity, Anomaly Cancellation, Anomaly Matching, and the Nucleus
Here we provide a consistent solution of the baryon asymmetry problem. The same model is also able to tell us as to what is the mathematical basis of the ”equivalence principle” (i.e. the inertial mass being equal to the gravitational mass). We are also able to see as to wherefrom arises the semi-simple group structure of hadrons as SU (2) I ⊗U (1) B (of the pre-eightfold-way-model period). Thus we are able to understand the origin of the Gell-Mann-Nishijima expression for the electric charges, Q = I 3 + B 2 . This paper is in continuation of my recent paper, ”Gravity, Anomaly Cancellation, Anomaly Matching, and the Nucleus” (syedafsarabbas.blogspot.in).
vixra:1703.0247 [
Preons, Standard Model and Gravity with Torsion
A preon model for the substructure of the the standard model quarks and leptons is discussed. Global group representations for preons, quarks and leptons are addressed using two preons and their antiparticles. The preon construction endorses the standard model gauge group structure. Preons are subject to electromagnetic and gravitational interactions only. Gravity with torsion, expressed as an axial-vector field, is applied to preons in the energy range between GUT and Planck scale. The mass of the axial-vector particle is estimated to be near the GUT scale. A tentative model for quantum gravity, excluding black holes, is considered.
vixra:1703.0224 [
Gravity, Anomaly Cancellation, Anomaly Matching, and the Nucleus
In the Standard Model there has been the well known issue of charge quantization arising from the anomalies and with or without spontaneous symmetry breaking being brought into it. It is well known that in the purely anomalies case, unexpectedly there pops in a so called "bizarre" solution. We discuss this issue and bring in the 't Hooft anomaly matching condition to find a resolution of the above bizarreness conundrum. We find a completely consistent solution with a unique single nucleon-lepton chiral family. We find that at low energies, the nucleus should be understood as made up of fundamental proton and neutron and where quarks play no role whatsoever. In addition it provides a new understanding and consistent solutions of some long standing basic problems in nuclear physics, like the quenching of the Gamow-Teller strength in nuclei and the issue of the same "effective charge" of magnitude 1/2 for both neutron and proton in the nucleus. Fermi kind of four-fermion-point-interaction appears as an exact (non-gauge) result.
vixra:1703.0138 [
Electron Stability Approach to Finite Quantum Electrodynamics
This paper analyses electron stability and applies the resulting stability principle to resolve divergence issues in quantum electrodynamics (QED) without renormalization. Stability is enforced by requiring that the positive electromagnetic field energy be balanced by a negative interaction energy between the observed electron charge and a local vacuum potential. Then in addition to the observed core mechanical mass m, an electron system consists of two electromagnetic mass components of equal magnitude M but opposite sign; consequently, the net electromagnetic mass is zero. Two virtual, electromagnetically dressed mass levels m±M, constructed to form a complete set of mass levels and isolate the electron-vacuum interaction, provide essential S-matrix corrections for radiative processes involving infinite field actions. Total scattering amplitudes for radiative corrections are shown to be convergent in the limit M → ∞ and equal to renormalized amplitudes when Feynman diagrams for all mass levels are included. In each case, the infinity in the core mass amplitude is canceled by the average amplitude for electromagnetically dressed mass levels, which become separated in intermediate states and account for the stabilizing interaction energy between an electron and its surrounding polarized vacuum. In this manner, S-matrix corrections are shown to be finite for any order diagram in perturbation theory, all the while maintaining the mass and charge at their physically observed values.
vixra:1702.0332 [
A New Empirical Approach to Lepton and Quark Masses
A lepton ratio with a small dimensionless residual ke = me m_t^2 /m_u^3 and mass scaling factor alpha_f = 27me /m_t are used to construct empirical formulas for charged leptons, left-handed neutrinos and quarks. The predicted masses are in excellent agreement with known experimental values and constraints.
vixra:1702.0077 [
A Lexicon and Exploration Status Document for the Extended Rishon Model
The Extended Rishon Model is currently in continuous development, expansion and clarification, yet with nothing found that is contradictory to its initial foundations as of over three decades ago. However there are a series of recurring themes that have a large body of evidence to support, some less-well-confirmed themes and a body of hypotheses that need significant further exploration. This document - which will be continuously revised - therefore keeps track of the different categories in order to avoid repetition, and to make it much easier for others to understand the Extended Rishon Model.
vixra:1702.0051 [
Quantum Interpretation of the Proton Anomalous Magnetic Moment
The role of the anomalous moment in the geometric Clifford algebra of proton topological mass generation suggests that the anomaly is not an intrinsic property of the free space proton, but rather a topological effect of applying the electromagnetic bias field required to define the eigenstates probed by the magnetic moment measurement. Quantum interpretations strive to explain emergence of the world we observe from formal quantum theory. This variant on the canonical measurement problem is examined in the larger context of quantum interpretations.
vixra:1701.0567 [
Geometry and Fields: Illuminating the Standard Model from Within
We present a wavefunction comprised of the eight fundamental geometric objects of a minimally complete Pauli algebra of 3D space - point, line, plane, and volume elements - endowed with electromagnetic fields. Interactions are modeled as geometric products of wavefunctions, generating a 4D Dirac algebra of flat Minkowski spacetime. The resulting model is naturally gauge invariant, finite, and confined. With regard to the U1 x SU2 x SU3 gauge group at the core of the Standard Model, natural finiteness and gauge invariance are benign. However, reflections from wavefunction geometric impedance mismatches yields natural confinement to the Compton wavelength, providing a new perspective on both weak and strong nuclear forces.
vixra:1701.0491 [
Brute-Force Computer Modelling and Derivation of Group Operations for the 12 1st Level Extended Rishon Model Particles, Assuming Elliptically-Polarised Mobius-Light Topology
This paper continues prior work based on the insight that Rishon ultracoloured triplets (electron, up, neutrino in left and right forms) might simply be elliptically-polarised "mobius light". The important first step is therefore to identify the twelve (24 including both left and right handed forms) phases, the correct topology, and then to peform transformations (mirroring, rotation, time-reversal) to double-check which "particles" are identical to each other and which are anti-particle opposites. Ultimately, a brute-force systematic analysis will allow a formal mathematical group to be dropped seamlessly on top of the twelve (24) particles.
vixra:1701.0316 [
A Further Exploration of the Preliminary Implications of Hypercolour as Being Phase-Order of "Mobius" Elliptically-Polarised Light in the Extended Rishon Model
In a prior paper ultracolour was added back in to the Extended Rishon Model, and the I-Frame structure explored using the proton as an example. Bearing in mind that because Maxwell's equations have to be obeyed, the Rishons have to have actual phase, position, momentum and velocity. The only pattern of motion that fitted the stringent requirements was if the Rishons circulated on mobius strips. Fascinatingly and very excitingly, exactly such a previously-theoretical elliptically-transverse mobius topology of light has been experimentally confirmed last year. The next logical task of writing out Rishon triplets in a circle as actual starting phases of the elliptically polarized mobius-walking light has proven to be a huge breakthrough, providing startling insight with massive implications such as implying the existence of two previously undiscovered quarks very similar to up and down (provisionally nicknamed over and under), logically and naturally confirming that "decay" is just a "phase transform", and generally being really rather disruptive to both the Standard Model and the Extended Rishon Model. A huge task is therefore ahead, to revisit the available data on particle decays and masses (bear in mind that the Standard Model's statistical inference confirmation techniques assume the up and over, and down and under, to be the same particles), so this paper endeavours to lay some groundwork and ask pertinent questions.
vixra:1701.0290 [
Exploring the Addition of Hypercolour to the Extended Rishon Model
Colour (R,G,B) seems to be fashionable in particle physics theories, where it may be interpreted to be phase. In the context of the Extended Rishon Model, where we interpret particles to comprise photons in phase-harmonic braid-ordered inter-dependence, Colour takes on a very specific relevance and meaning, not least because Maxwell's equations have to be obeyed literally and undeniably, and phase is an absolutely critical part of Maxwell's equations. A number of potential candidate layouts are explored, including taking Sundance O Bilson-Thompson's topological braid-order literally. Ultimately though, the only thing that worked out that still respected the rules of the Extended Rishon Model was to place the Rishons on a mobius strip, mirroring Williamson's toroidal pattern, which, with its back-to-back two-cycle rotation, reminds us of Qiu-Hong Hu's Hubius Helix. The layout of the 2nd level I-Frame is therefore explored, using the proton as a candidate.
vixra:1701.0016 [
A Discourse on the Electron and Other Particle's Internals, from the Perspective of the Extended Rishon Model and the Field of Optics
This document is in eect a journal of the past thirty years of exploring particle physics, with a special focus on the electron. With the exception of this abstract, a rst person dialog has been unusually chosen after discovering that it can be more eective in communicating certain logical reasoning chains of thought. The story begins in 1986 with the rediscovery of the Rishon Model, later expanded in 2012, followed by an exploration of possible meaning as to why the four Rishons would exist at all, and why they would exist as triplets: what possible physical underlying mechanism would give us "Rishons"? The following hypothesis is therefore put forward: All evidence explored so far supports the hypothesis that all particles are made of phased-array photons in a tight and innitely-cyclic recurring loop, in a self- contained non-radiating E.M eld that obeys nothing more than Maxwell's Equa- tions (applied from rst principles), with the addition that particles that are not nonradiating are going to be unstable to some degree (i.e. will undergo "decay"). Rishons themselves are not actual particles per se but simply represent the phase and braiding order of the constituent photons. A number of researchers have explored parts of this eld, but have not pulled all of the pieces together.
vixra:1701.0006 [
An Explanation of the de Vries Formula for the Fine Structure Constant
The de Vries formula, discovered in 2004, is undeniably accurate to current experimental and theoretical measurements (3.1e-10 to within CODATA 2014's value, currently 2.3e-10 relative uncertainty). Its Kolmogorov Complexity is extremely low, and it is as elegant as Euler's Identity formula. Having been discovered by a Silicon Design Engineer, no explanation was offered except for the hint that it is based on the well-recognised first approximation for g/2: 1 + alpha / 2pi. Purely taking the occurence of the fine structure constant in the electron: in light of G Poelz and Dr Mills' work, as well as the Ring Model of the early 1900s, this paper offers a tentative explanation for alpha as being a careful dynamic balanced inter-relationship between each radiated loop as emitted from whatever constitutes the "source" of the energy at the heart of the electron. Mills and the original Ring Model use the word "nonradiating" which is is believed to be absolutely critical.
vixra:1612.0397 [
Underlying Symmetry Among the Quark and Lepton Mixing Angles (Nine Year Update)
In 2007 a single mathematical model encompassing both quark and lepton mixing was described. This model exploited the fact that when a $3 \times 3$ rotation matrix whose elements are squared is subtracted from its transpose, a matrix is produced whose non-diagonal elements have a common absolute value, where this value is an intrinsic property of the rotation matrix. For the traditional CKM quark mixing matrix with its second and third rows interchanged (i.e., c - t interchange) this value equals one-third the corresponding value for the leptonic matrix (roughly, 0.05 versus 0.15). This model is distinguished by three such constraints on mixing. As nine years have elapsed since its introduction, it is timely to assess the accuracy of the model's six mixing angles. In 2012 a large experimental conflict with leptonic angle $\theta_{13}$ required toggling the sign of one of the model's integer exponents; this change did not significantly impair the model's economy, where it is just this economy that makes the model notable. There followed a nearly fourfold improvement in the accuracy of the measurement of leptonic $\theta_{13}$. Despite this much-improved measurement, and despite much-improved measurements for three other mixing angles since the model's introduction in 2007, no other conflicts have emerged. The model's mixing angles in degrees are 45, 33.210911, 8.034394 (originally 0.013665) for leptons; and 12.920966, 2.367442, 0.190986 for quarks.
vixra:1612.0305 [
Kronecker Commutation Matrices and Particle Physics
In this paper, formulas giving a Kronecker commutation matrices (KCMs) in terms of some matrices of particles physics and formulas giving electric charge operators (ECOs) for fundamental fermions in terms of KCMs have been reviewed. Physical meaning have been given to the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a KCM.
vixra:1612.0266 [
Quaternionic Formulation in Symmetry Breaking Mechanism
In this formalism the covariant derivative contains the four potentials associated with four charges and thus leads the dierent gauge strength for the particles containing electric, magnetic,gravitational and Heavisidian charges. Quaternions representation in spontaneously symmetry of breaking and Higg's mechanics and the equation of motion are derived for free particles (i.e.electric, magnetic, gravitational and Heavisidian charges). The local gauge invariance in order to explain the Yang-Mill's field equation and spontaneous symmetry breaking mechanism. The quaternionic gauge theory of quantum electrodynamics has also been developed in presence of electric, magnetic, gravitational and Heavisidian charge
vixra:1611.0362 [
Formulation of Energy Momentum Tensor for Generalized Fields of Dyons
The energy momentum tensor of generalized fields of dyons and energy momentum conservation laws of dyons has been developed in simple, compact and consistent manner. We have obtained the Maxwell’s field theory of energy momentum tensor of dyons (electric and magnetic) of electromagnetic field, Poynting vector and Poynting theorem for generalized fields of dyons in a simple, unique and consistent way.
vixra:1611.0142 [
A Theory of the Muon; Explaining the Electron's Embarrassing Fat Cousin!
A theory of the muon is presented that explains the mass of the muon from a formula derived from the relativistic wave equations independently discovered by Lanczos, Weyl, and Van der Waarden using the Liénard- Wiechert potential, discussed in the appendix. The mean-life of the muon is also calculated in a way that differs from the beta-decay-like standard model mechanism but uses a spontaneous emission-like model using Heisenberg's spontaneous emission formula and the model of Weinberg and Salam with the Z0 Boson playing a role analogous to the photon.
vixra:1611.0137 [
Restatement and Extension of Various Spin Particle Equations
This paper is based on my own previous articles. I improve research methods and add some new contents in this paper. A more rigorous, more analytical, more complete and more organized mathematical physical method is adopted. And I am as far as possible to make the whole article have a sense of beauty. Firstly, the mathematics foundation of constant tensors analysis methods is established rigorously in Chapter One. Some wonderful mathematical properties are found. Many important constant tensors are proposed. Then in Chapter Two I use constant tensors as a mathematical tool to apply to physics. Some important physical quantities are defined by using constant tensors. All kinds of relationships between them are studied in detail. The canonical, analytical and strict mathematical physical sign system is established in this chapter. In Chapter Three, I use the mathematical tools in the previous two chapters to study spinorial formalism of various spin particles classical equations. And the equivalence between spinorial formalism and classical one is proved strictly. I focuse to study electromagnetic field, Yang-Mills field and gravitational field etc. Especially, a new spinorial formalism of the gravitational field identity is proposed. In order to further explore, I study several important equations by contrast. Some new and interesting results are obtained. The Chapter Four is the most important part of this thesis. It is also my original intention of writing this paper. In this chapter, I put forward a new form of particle equations: Spin Equation. The equation is directly constructed by spin and spin tensor. And I note that spin tensor is also the transformation matrix of corresponding field representation. So the physical meaning of this equation is very clear. The corresponding particle equation can be simply and directly written according to the transformation law of the particle field. It correctly describes neutrino, electromagnetic field, Yang-Mills field and electron etc. And it is found that it is completely equivalent to full symmetry Penrose equation. A scalar field can be introduced naturally in this formalism. Thus, a more interesting equation is obtained: Switch Spin Equation. When the scalar field is zero, free particles can exist. When the scalar field is not zero, free particles can't exist. The scalar field acts as a switch. It can control particles generation and annihilation. This provides a new physical mechanism of particles generation and annihilation. At the same time, it can also answer the question: why the universe inflation period can be completely described by the scalar fields. And the equation itself has an inherent limitation to the scalar field. So that the scalar will be quantized automatically. Each quantized value of the scalar is corresponding to different physical equations. That provides a new idea and an enlightenment for unity of five superstring theories. Finally, in Chapter Five Bargmann-Wigner equation is analyzed thoroughly. It is proved that it is equivalent to Rarita-Schwinger equation in half integer spin case. And it is equivalent to Klein-Gordon equation in integer spin case. The profound physical meanings of Bargmann-Wigner equation are revealed. By contrast, it is found that Bargmann-Wigner equation is suitable to describe massive particles, but not too suitable to describe massless particles. Penrose spinorial equation or Spin Equation is more suitable to describe massless particles. Mathematics and physics of this paper have a stronger originality. Some mathematical and physical concepts, methods and contents also have a certain novelty. All of them are strictly calculated and established step by step by my own independent efforts. It takes me a lot of time and energy. I use spare time to finish the paper. Due to the limited time and my limited level, it is inevitable that there are a few mistakes. Comments and suggestions are welcome!
vixra:1610.0277 [
A New Formalism of Arbitrary Spin Particle Equations
In this paper, a new formalism of arbitrary spin particle equations is constructed. The physical meaning of the new equation is very clear. It's completely expressed by the amounts about spin. It's proved to describe correctly neutrino, photon and electron etc. Then a scalar field is introduced into the new equation. The new equation with the scalar field has an unique characteristic. The scalar field is like a switch. It can control generation and annihilation of particles. This provides a new dynamics mechanism about generation and annihilation of particles. This can also explain why the inflation period universe can be completely described by scalar fields.
vixra:1610.0252 [
Super Conformal Group in D=10 Space-time
Abstract In this present discussion we discussed the super Poincaré group in D=10 dimensions in terms of the highest division algebra of octonions. We have construct the Poincaré group in D=8 dimension then it's extension to conformal algebra of D=10 has been discussed in terms of octonion algebra. Finally extension of the conformal algebras of D=10 dimensional space to super conformal algebra of Poincaré group have been done in a consistent manner.
vixra:1610.0251 [
Graded Lie Algebra of Quaternions and Superalgebra of SO(3,1)
Abstract In the present discussion we study the grading of Quaternion algebra(\mathbb{H}) and Lorentz algebra of O(3,1) group. Then we have made an attempt to make the whole Poincaré algebra of SO(3,1)in terms of Quaternions. After this the supersymmetrization of this group has been done in a consistent manner. Finally the dimensional reduction from D=4 to D=2 has been studied.
vixra:1610.0067 [
Four Dimensional Quantum Hall Effect for Dyons
Starting with division algebra based on quaternion, we have constructed the generalization of quantum Hall effect from two dimension to four dimension. We have constructed the required Hamiltonian operator and thus obtained its eigen values and eigen functions for four dimensional quantum Hall effect for dyons. The degeneracy of the four dimensional quantum Hall system has been discussed in terms of two integers (P\,and\,Q ) related together where as the integer Q plays the role of Landau level index and accordingly the lowest Landau level has been obtained for four dimensional quantum Hall effect associated with magnetic monopole(or dyons). It is shown that there exists the integer as well the fractional quantum Hall effect and so, the four dimensional quantum Hall system provides a macroscopic number of degenerate states and at appropriate integer or fractional filling factions this system forms an incompressible quantum liquid. Key Words: Quaternion, dyons, Hamiltonian operator, Landau level etc
vixra:1610.0064 [
Derivation of Photon Mass and Avogadro Constant from Planck units
Originally proposed in 1899 by German physicist Max Planck, Planck units are alsoknown as natural units because the origin of their definition comes only from properties of the fundamental physical theories and not from interchangeable experimental param- eters. It is widely accepted that Planck units are the most fundamental units. In this paper, few more fundamental constants are derived from Planck units. These constants are permutations and combinations of Planck units and hence by construct, they are also constants. The mass and radius of photon are derived. The Avogadro constant, Boltzmann constant and unified mass unit are also derived. The structure of the photon is explained. The meaning of Avogadro constant in terms of photon structure is also explained. The meaning of Planck mass is explained. As proof for the meaning of the Planck mass, the solar constant is derived. The solar constant is derived applying string theory as well. Finally revised Planck current, Planck voltage and Planck impedance are also derived. It is also proven that Planck mass is the energy emitted by any star per second per ray of proper length c. Apart from this, the energy emitted per second per ray of proper length c by a planet or communication antenna is not equal to Planck mass.
vixra:1609.0110 [
Quantum Hall Effect for Dyons
Considering the generalized charge and generalized four potential associated of dyons as complex quantities with their real and imaginary parts as electric and magnetic constituents, in this present discussion we have constructed a gauge covariant and rotational symmetric angular momentum operator for dyons in order to analyze the integer and fractional quantum Hall effect. It has been shown that the commutation relations of angular momentum operator possesses a higher symmetry to reproduce the eigen values and eigen function Lowest Landau Level (LLL) for quantum Hall system. The LLL has also been constructed in terms of I^{st} Hopf map \left(S^{3}\rightarrow S^{2}\right) and it is concluded that dyons are more suitable object to investigate the existence of quantum Hall effect (both integer and fractional )
vixra:1609.0092 [
Beyond Quantum Fields: A Classical Fields Approach to QED
A classical field theory is introduced that is defined on a tower of dimensionally increasing spaces and is argued to be equivalent to QED. The domain of dependence is discussed to show how an equal times picture of the many coordinate space gives QED results as part of a well posed initial value formalism. Identical particle symmetries are not, a priori, required but when introduced are clearly propagated. This construction uses only classical fields to provide some explanation for why quantum fields and canonical commutation results have been successful. Some old and essential questions regarding causality of propagators are resolved. The problem of resummation, generally forbidden for conditionally convergent series, is discussed from the standpoint of particular truncations of the infinite tower of functions and a two step adiabatic turn on for scattering. As a result of this approach it is shown that the photon inherits its quantization \hbar ω from the free lagrangian of the Dirac electrons despite the fact that the free electromagnetic lagrangian has no hbar in it. This provides a possible explanation for the canonical commutation relations for quantum operators, [P,Q] = i hbar without ever needing to invoke such a quantum postulate. The form of the equal times conservation laws in this many particle field theory suggests a simplification of the radiation reaction process for fields that allows QED to arise from a sum of path integrals in the various particle time coordinates. A novel method of unifying this theory with gravity, but that has no obvious quantum field theoretic computational scheme, is introduced.
vixra:1607.0055 [
Generalized Equations and Their Solutions in the (S,0)+(0,S) Representations of the Lorentz Group
In this talk I present three explicit examples of generalizations in relativistic quantum mechanics. First of all, I discuss the generalized spin-1/2 equations for neutrinos. They have been obtained by means of the Gersten-Sakurai method for derivations of arbitrary-spin relativistic equations. Possible physical consequences are discussed. Next, it is easy to check that both Dirac algebraic equation Det (\hat p - m) =0 and Det (\hat p + m) =0 for u- and v- 4-spinors have solutions with p_0= \pm E_p =\pm \sqrt{{\bf p}^2 +m^2}. The same is true for higher-spin equations. Meanwhile, every book considers the equality p_0=E_p for both $u-$ and $v-$ spinors of the (1/2,0)+(0,1/2)) representation only, thus applying the Dirac-Feynman-Stueckelberg procedure for elimination of the negative-energy solutions. The recent Ziino works (and, independently, the articles of several others) show that the Fock space can be doubled. We re-consider this possibility on the quantum field level for both S=1/2 and higher spin particles. The third example is: we postulate the non-commutativity of 4-momenta, and we derive the mass splitting in the Dirac equation. The applications are discussed.
vixra:1605.0228 [
A Roadmap to the Quark and Lepton Mass Ratios
The last six years have seen great strides in measuring the neutrino squared-mass splittings and heavy quark masses. It is therefore timely to reconsider the mass formulas introduced by the author in 2010, which then disagreed with the ratio of the neutrino squared-mass splittings.
vixra:1605.0220 [
Matter Theory of Maxwell Equations
This article try to unified the four basic forces by Maxwell equations, the only experimental theory. Self-consistent Maxwell equation with the e-current from matter current is proposed. and is solved to four kinds of electrons and the structures of particles. The static properties and decay and scattering are reasoned, all meet experimental data. The equation of general relativity sheerly with electromagnetic field is discussed. In the end the conformation elementarily between this theory and QED and weak theory is discussed compatible, except some bias in some analysis.
vixra:1605.0150 [
Impedance Representation of the S-matrix: Proton Structure and Spin from an Electron Model
The possibility of electron geometric structure is studied using a model based upon quantized electromagnetic impedances, and written in the language of geometric Clifford algebra. In such a model the electron is expanded beyond the point, to include the simplest possible objects in one, two, and three dimensions. These point, line, plane, and volume elements, quantized at the scale of the electron Compton wavelength and given the attributes of electric and magnetic fields, comprise a minimally complete Pauli algebra of flat 3D space. One can calculate quantized impedances associated with elementary particle spectrum observables (the S-matrix) from interactions between the eight geometric objects of this algebra - one scalar, three vectors, three bivector pseudovectors, and one trivector pseudoscalar. The resulting matrix comprises a Dirac algebra of 4D spacetime. Proton structure and spin are extracted via the dual character of scalar electric and pseudoscalar magnetic charges.
vixra:1605.0086 [
Bare Charge and Bare Mass in Quantum Electrodynamics
The existence of the bare mass and the bare charge in Quantum Electrodynamics is analyzed in terms of the Standard Model of particle physics. QED arises as a renormalized theory as a consequense of spontaneous symmetry breaking by Englert-Brout-Higgs mechanism as $SU(3)_{C}\otimes SU(2)_{L}\otimes U(1)_{Y} \,\rightarrow \,SU(3)_{C} \otimes U(1)_{em}$.
vixra:1604.0382 [
Small Nonassociative Corrections to the Susy Generators and Cosmological Constant
Small nonassociative corrections for the SUSY operators $Q_{a, \dot a}$ are considered. The smallness is controlled by the ratio of the Planck length and a characteristic length $\ell_0 = \Lambda^{-1/2}$. Corresponding corrections of the momentum operator arising from the anticommutator of the SUSY operators are considered. The momentum operator corrections are defined via the anticommutator of the unperturbed SUSY operators $Q_{a, \dot a}$ and nonassociative corrections $Q_{1, a, \dot a}$. Choosing different anticommutators, one can obtain either a modified or $q$ -- deformed commutator of position $x^\mu$ and momentum operators $P_\nu$.
vixra:1604.0156 [
Divergence Free Non-Linear Scalar Model
We present results of applying our divergence-free effective action quantum field theory techniques to a scalar model with nonlinear interactions governed by a dimensional coupling constant. This gives an example of the applicability of our divergence-free methods, and the viability of theories that are often disregarded due to the outstanding problem of nonrenormalizable divergences. Our results demonstrate that the (Goldstone) scalar would remain massless in the effective quantum action, while the original vertices, governed by nonlinear invariance, would preserve their form.
vixra:1603.0332 [
Algebraic Quantum Thermodynamics
Density matrices can be used to describe ensembles of particles in thermodynamic equilibrium. We assume that the density matrices are a more natural description of quantum objects than state vectors. This suggests that we generalize density matrices from the usual operators on a Hilbert space to be elements of an algebra. Using density matrix renormalization to change the temperature of the ensembles, we show how the choice of algebra determines the symmetry and particle content of these generalized density matrices. The symmetries are of the form SU(N)xSU(M)x...U(1). We propose that the Standard Model of elementary particles should include a dark matter SU(2) doublet.
vixra:1603.0255 [
Causality of the Coulomb Field of Relativistic Electron Bunches
Recent experiments, performed by Prof. Pizzella's team with relativistic electron bunches, indicate that Coulomb field is rigidly attached to the charge's instantaneous position. Despite a widespread opinion, this fact does not violate causality in moving reference frames. To see that, one should apply the Wigner--Dirac theory of relativistic dynamics and take into account that the Lorentz boost generator depends on interaction.
vixra:1603.0198 [
0-Branes of SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory: First Numerical Results
The site reduction of SU(2) lattice gauge theory is employed to model the magnetic monopoles of SU(2) gauge theory. The site reduced theory is a matrix model on discrete world-line for the angle-valued coordinates of 0-branes. The Monte~Carlo numerical analysis introduces the critical temperature $T_c\simeq 0.25~a^{-1}$ and the critical coupling $g_c\simeq 1.56$, above which the free energy does not exhibit a minimum leading to a phase transition.
vixra:1602.0364 [
Right-Handed Four-Fermion Condensation, LHC 750 GeV Diphoton Resonance, and Potential Dark Matter Candidate
We propose a Clifford algebra based model, which includes local gauge symmetries SO(1,3)*SU_L(2)*U_R(1)*U(1)*SU(3). There are two sectors of bosonic fields as electroweak and Majorana bosons. The electroweak boson sector is composed of scalar Higgs, pseudoscalar Higgs, and antisymmetric tensor components. The Majorana boson sector is responsible for flavor mixing and neutrino Majorana masses. The LHC 750 GeV diphoton resonance is identified as a Majorana sector quadruon, which is the pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson of $\bar{u}_Rs_R\bar{c}_Rd_R$ four-quark condensation. The quadruon results from spontaneous symmetry breaking of a flavor-related global U(1) symmetry involving right-handed up, down, charm, and strange quarks. In addition to $\bar{u}_Rs_R\bar{c}_Rd_R$, four-fermion condensations can also involve three other right-handed configurations $\bar{u}_R\tau_R\bar{\nu}_{\tau R}d_R$, $\bar{c}_R\mu_R\bar{\nu}_{\mu R}s_R$, and $\bar{\nu}_{\mu R}\tau_R\bar{\nu}_{\tau R}\mu_R$. Free from gauge interactions, these four-fermion condensations are potential dark matter candidates.
vixra:1602.0322 [
Phase Transition by 0-Branes of U(1) Lattice Gauge Theory
The site reduction of U(1) lattice gauge theory is used to model the 0-branes in the dual theory. The reduced theory is the 1D plane-rotator model of the angle-valued coordinates on discrete world-line. The energy spectrum is obtained exactly via the transfer-matrix method, with a minimum in the lowest energy as a direct consequence of compact nature of coordinates. Below the critical coupling $g_c=1.125$ and temperature $T_c=0.335$ the system undergoes a first order phase transition between coexistent phases with lower and higher gauge couplings. The possible relation between the model and the proposed role for magnetic monopoles in confinement mechanism based on dual Meissner effect is pointed.
vixra:1602.0271 [
LHC 750 GeV Diphoton Resonance from uscd Four-Quark Condensation
We propose a Clifford algebra based model, which includes local gauge symmetries SO(1,3)*SU_L(2)*U_R(1)*U(1)*SU(3). There are two sectors of bosonic fields as electroweak and Majorana bosons. The electroweak boson sector is composed of scalar Higgs, pseudoscalar Higgs, and antisymmetric tensor components. The Majorana boson sector is responsible for flavor mixing and neutrino Majorana masses. The LHC 750 GeV diphoton resonance is explained by a Majorana sector quadruon, which is the pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson of uscd four-quark condensation. The quadruon results from spontaneous symmetry breaking of a family-related global U(1) symmetry involving up, down, charm, and strange quarks. Being standard model singlets, four-fermion condensations are potential dark matter candidates.
vixra:1602.0192 [
LHC 750 GeV Diphoton Resonance and Flavor Mixing from Majorana Higgs Bosons
We propose a Clifford algebra based model, which includes local gauge symmetries SO(1,3)*SU_L(2)*U_R(1)*U(1)*SU(3). There are two sectors of Higgs fields as Majorana and electroweak Higgs bosons. The Majorana Higgs sector, is responsible for the 750 GeV diphoton resonance, flavor mixing, and right-handed neutrino Majorana masses. The electroweak Higgs sector, which induces Dirac masses, is composed of scalar, pseudoscalar, and antisymmetric tensor components.
vixra:1602.0145 [
Relating Spontaneous and Explicit Symmetry Breaking in the Presence of the Higgs Mechanism
One common way to define spontaneous symmetry breaking involves necessarily explicit symmetry breaking. We add explicit symmetry breaking terms to the Higgs potential, so that the spontaneous breaking of a global symmetry in multi-Higgs-doublet models is a particular case of explicit symmetry breaking. Then we show that it is possible to study the Higgs potential without assuming that the local gauge $SU(2)_L$ symmetry is spontaneously broken or not (it is known that gauge symmetries may not be possible to break spontaneously). We also discuss the physical spectrum of multi-Higgs-doublet models and the related custodial symmetry. We review background symmetries: these are symmetries that despite already explicitly broken, can still be spontaneously broken. We show that the CP background symmetry is not spontaneously broken, based on this fact: we explain in part a recent conjecture relating spontaneous and explicit breaking of the charge-parity (CP) symmetry; we also relate explicit and spontaneous geometric CP-violation.
vixra:1601.0291 [
Higgs-Higgs Interaction
The amplitude of Higgs-Higgs interaction is calculated in the Standard Model in the framework of the Sirlin's renormalization scheme in the unitary gauge. The one-loop corrections for \lambda, the constant of 4\chi interaction are compared with the previous results of L. Durand et al. obtained on using the technique of the equivalence theorem, and in the different gauges.
vixra:1601.0285 [
A Roadmap to Some Dimensionless Constants of Physics
It is well known that nature's dimensionless constants variously take the form of mass ratios, coupling constants, and mixing angles. What is not generally known is that by considering a subset of these constants in a particular order (following a roadmap if you will) one can easily find accurate, but compact, approximations for each member of this subset, with each compact expression pointing the way to the next. Specifically, if the tau-muon mass ratio, the muon-electron mass ratio, the neutron-electron mass ratio, the fine structure constant, and the three largest quark and lepton mixing angles are considered in that order, one can readily find a way of compressing them into a closely-related succession of compact mathematical expressions.
vixra:1601.0237 [
Thermal Contributions in Divergence-Free Quantum Field Theory
In the framework of divergence-free quantum field theory, we demonstrate how to compute the thermal free energy of bosonic and fermionic fields. While our computations pertain to one loop, they do indicate the method to be applied in higher-loops. In the course of our derivations, use is made of Poisson's summation formula, and the resulting expressions involve the zeta function. We note that the logarithmic terms involve temperature as an energy scale term.
vixra:1601.0036 [
Clifford Algebraic Unification of Conformal Gravity with an Extended Standard Model
A brief review of the basics of the Clifford $ Cl ( 5, C ) $ Unified Gauge Field Theory formulation of Conformal Gravity and $ U (4) \times U (4) \times U(4) $ Yang-Mills in $ 4D$ is presented. A physically relevant subgroup is $ SU (2, 2) \times SU (4)_C \times SU (4)_L \times SU (4)_R $ and which is compatible with the Coleman-Mandula theorem (in the absence of a mass gap). This proposal for a Clifford Algebraic Unification of Conformal Gravity with an Extended Standard Model deals mainly with models of $four$ generations of fermions. Mirror fermions can be incorporated as well. Whether these mirror fermions are dark matter candidates is an open question. There are also residual $U(1)$ groups within this Clifford group unification scheme that should play an important in Cosmology in connection to dark matter particles coupled to gravity via a Bimetric extension of General Relativity. Other four generation scenarios based on $ Cl (6,R), Cl (8,R) $ algebras, Supersymmetric Field Theories and Quaternions are discussed.
vixra:1511.0237 [
Radiation from Rotating Dielectric Disc
The power spectral formula of the radiation of an electron moving in a rotating dielectric disc is derived. We suppose the index of refraction is constant during the rotation. This is in accord with the Fermi dielectric rotating disc for the determination of the light polarization gyration. While the well-known Cherenkov effect, transition effect, the Cherenkov-synchrotron effect due to the motion of particles in magnetic field are experimentally confirmed, the new phenomenon - the radiation due to a charge motion in rotating dielectric medium and the Cherenkov-synchrotron radiation due to the superluminal motion of particle in the rotating dielectric medium is still in the state of the preparation of experiment.
vixra:1511.0230 [
P, C and T: Different Properties on the Kinematical Level
We study the discrete symmetries (P,C and T) on the kinematical level within the extended Poincare Group. On the basis of the Silagadze research, we investigate the question of the definitions of the discrete symmetry operators both on the classical level, and in the secondary-quantization scheme. We study the physical contents within several bases: light-front formulation, helicity basis, angular momentum basis, and so on, on several practical examples. We analize problems in construction of the neutral particles in the the (1/2,0)+(0,1/2) representation, the (1,0)+(0,1) and the (1/2,1/2) representations of the Lorentz Group. As well known, the photon has the quantum numbers 1-, so the (1,0)+(0,1) representation of the Lorentz group is relevant to its description. We have ambiguities in the definitions of the corresponding operators P, C; T, which lead to different physical consequences. It appears that the answers are connected with the helicity basis properties, and commutations/anticommutations of the corresponding operators, C, P, T, and C^2, P^2, (CP)^2 properties.
vixra:1511.0205 [
Tensor Fields in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
We re-examine the theory of antisymmetric tensor fields and 4-vector potentials. We discuss corresponding massless limits. We analize the quantum field theory taking into account the mass dimensions of the notoph and the photon. Next, we deduced the gravitational field equations from relativistic quantum mechanics.
vixra:1511.0112 [
Coordinate/Field Duality in Gauge Theories: Emergence of Matrix Coordinates
The proposed coordinate/field duality [Phys. Rev. Lett. 78 (1997) 163] is applied to the gauge and matter sectors of gauge theories. In the non-Abelian case, due to indices originated from the internal space, the dual coordinates appear to be matrices. The dimensions and the transformations of the matrix coordinates of gauge and matter sectors are different and are consistent to expectations from lattice gauge theory and the theory of open strings equipped with the Chan-Paton factors. It is argued that in the unbroken symmetry phase, where only proper collections of field components as colorless states are detected, it is logical to assume that the same happens for the dual coordinates, making matrix coordinates the natural candidates to capture the internal dynamics of baryonic confined states. The proposed matrix coordinates happen to be the same appearing in the bound-state of D0-branes of string theory.
vixra:1511.0090 [
Calculation of the Atomic Nucleus Mass
In this paper, the mass derived from the g$\_$equation is assumed to be the mass of quark-lepton, and is used to calculate the masses of the atomic nucleus.
vixra:1511.0024 [
The Initial Evidence for M-Theory: Fractal Nearly Tri-Bimaximal Neutrino Mixing and CP Violation
We propose an instructive possibility to generalize the tri-bimaximal neutrino mixing ansatz, such that leptonic CP violation and the fractal feature of the universe can naturally be incorporated into the resultant scenario of fractal nearly tri-bimaximal flavor mixing. The consequences of this new ansatze on the latest experimental da- ta of neutrino oscillations are analyzed. This theory is perfectly matched with the current experimental data, and surprisedly, we find that the existing neutrino oscil- lation experimental data is the initial experimental evidence supporting one kind of high dimensional unified theories, such as M-theory. Besides, an interesting approach to construct lepton mass matrices in fractal universe under permutation symmetry is also discussed. This theory opens an unexpected window on the physics beyond the Standard Model.
vixra:1510.0503 [
The First Evidence for M Theory: Fractal Nearly Tri-Bimaximal Neutrino Mixing and CP Violation
We propose an instructive possibility to generalize the tri-bimaximal neutrino mixing ansatz, such that leptonic CP violation and the fractal feature of the universe can naturally be incorporated into the resultant scenario of fractal nearly tri-bimaximal flavor mixing. The consequences of this new ansatze on the latest experimental data of neutrino oscillations are analyzed. Our theory is perfectly matched with the current experimental data, and we are surprised and excited to find that the existing neutrino oscillation experimental data is the first experimental evidence supporting one kind of higher dimensional unified theory, such as M theory. An interesting approach to construct lepton mass matrices in fractal universe under permutation symmetry is also discussed. Our theory opens an unexpected window on the physics beyond the Standard Model.
vixra:1510.0446 [
The First Evidence for M-Theory: Fractal Nearly Tri-Bimaximal Neutrino Mixing and CP Violation
We propose an instructive possibility to generalize the tri-bimaximal neutrino mixing ansatz, such that leptonic CP violation and the fractal feature of the universe can naturally be incorporated into the resultant scenario of fractal nearly tri-bimaximal flavor mixing. The consequences of this new ansatze on the latest experimental data of neutrino oscillations are analyzed. This theory is perfectly matched with the current experimental data, and surprisedly, we find that the existing neutrino oscillation exper- imental data is the first experimental evidence supporting one kind of high dimensional unified theories, such as M-theory. Besides, an interesting approach to construct lep- ton mass matrices in fractal universe under permutation symmetry is also discussed. This theory opens an unexpected window on the physics beyond the Standard Model.
vixra:1510.0444 [
On the Sequestered Gabor Fekete Model, an Uplifted Nilpotent 12d Superconformal Sequence Compactification
As indicated in the seminal work of reformer physicist G. Fekete all natural constants can be derived at least to eight digit accuracy. In this work we show that his model can in fact be understood by membrane lattices in string theory. More specifically fibred non-trivial conformal algebraic varieties sequenced of super-Hirzebruch curves that approximate Maxwell-Enriques surfaces. We propose the structure of the Fekete matrix to be parametrised by all possible toric condensates. By analytic continuation we extend our result N=pi supersymmetry on a sphere. Thus the only physical sense to understand the Fekete model is through radiative fluxes in superstring theory.
vixra:1508.0168 [
Oscillations and Superluminosity of Neutrinos
Two conflicting theoretical structures, one using the non-relativistic Schroedinger equation and the other using relativistic energy, are used simulataneously to derive the expression, for example for $P_{\nu_\mu \rightarrow \nu_\tau} (t)}$, to study the neutrino oscillations. This has been confirmed experimentally. Here we try to resolve the above theoretical inconsistency. We show that this can be done in a single consistent theoretical framework which demands that the neutrinos be superluminal. We therefor predict that in the neutrino appearance experiments ( for example $P_{\nu_\mu \rightarrow \nu_\tau} (t)$ ) the neutrinos shall be seen to travel with velocities which are faster than that of light. The experimentalists are urged to try to confirm this prediction.
vixra:1508.0078 [
The Pentaquark and the Pauli Exclusion Principle
A subtle but very real difference in how the Pauli Exclusion Principle is applicable to baryons in three-quark systems and to those in multiquark systems is presented. This distinction creates no important physical manifestations for structures with light quarks, as in case of the SU(3)-flavour group with (u,d,s)-quarks. However it does produce significant effects for multiquark systems containing one or more heavy quarks like the c- and b-quarks. In fact, these consequences permit us to comprehend the structure of the two pentaquark states at 4.38 and 4.45 Gev, which were discovered recently by the LHCb Collaboration at CERN. This model makes a unique prediction of the existence of similar two new pentaquarks with structure (uudb$\bar{b}$) and with similar spin assignments as above.
vixra:1508.0018 [
How to Construct Self/anti-Self Charge Conjugate States for Higher Spins? Significance of the Spin Bases, Mass Dimension, and All that
We construct self/anti-self charge conjugate (Majorana-like) states for the (1/2, 0)⊕(0, 1/2) representation of the Lorentz group, and their analogs for higher spins within the quantum field theory. The problems of the basis rotations and that of the selection of phases in the Dirac-like and Majorana-like field operators are considered. The discrete symmetries properties (P, C, T) are studied. The corresponding dynamical equations are presented. In the (1/2, 0) ⊕ (0, 1/2) representation they obey the Diraclike equation with eight components, which has been first introduced by Markov. Thus, the Fock space for corresponding quantum fields is doubled (as shown by Ziino). The particular attention has been paid to the questions of chirality and helicity (two concepts which are frequently confused in the literature) for Dirac and Majorana states, and to the normalization (“the mass dimension”). We further review several experimental consequences which follow from the previous works of M. Kirchbach et al. on neutrinoless double beta decay, and G.J. Ni et al. on meson lifetimes. The results are generalized for spins 1, 3/2 and 2.
vixra:1507.0109 [
Generalized Neutrino Equations by the Sakurai-Gersten Method
I discuss generalized spin-1/2 massless equations for neutrinos. They have been obtained by Gersten's method for derivation of arbitrary-spin equations. Possible physical consequences are discussed.
vixra:1507.0065 [
Gauge Invariance of Sedeonic Klein-Gordon Equation
We discuss the sedeonic Klein-Gordon wave equation based on sedeonic space-time operators and wave function. The generalization of the gauge invariance for a wider class of scalar-vector substitutions is demonstrated.
vixra:1507.0042 [
Sakata Model of Hadrons Revisited. II. Nuclei and Scattering
This article continues our previous study in arXiv:1010.0458. Sakaton interactions potentials are re-optimized. Masses of mesons, baryons, light nuclei and hypernuclei are obtained in a fair agreement with experiment. Total elastic scattering cross sections of protons, antiprotons, neutrons and lambda hyperons are also close to experimental data in a broad range of momenta 0.1 - 1000 GeV/c. Our results suggest that the Sakata model could be a promising alternative to the quark model of hadrons.
vixra:1506.0052 [
The Quark Gluon Plasma Conundrum - Liquid or Gas ?
The experimental determination that the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) is a (perfect) liquid, rather than a gas, creates a crisis for theoretical models. So is the QGP a liquid of a gas? Here we provide a resolution of this puzzle through a consistent application of the symmetry structure of the full SU (3) c group itself, rather than just its local Lie group algebra. Hence this paper provides a novel resolution of the above puzzle.
vixra:1505.0003 [
Review of the Microscopic Approach to the Higgs Mechanism and to Quark and Lepton Masses and Mixings
This review summarizes the results of a series of recent papers, where a microscopic model underlying the physics of elementary particles has been proposed. The model relies on the existence of an internal isospin space, in which an independent physical dynamics takes place. This idea is critically re-considered in the present work. As becomes evident in the course of discussion, the model not only describes electroweak phenomena but also modifies our understanding of other physical topics, like the big bang cosmology and the nature of the strong interactions.
vixra:1504.0041 [
The Eightfold Way Model and the Cartan Subalgebra Revisited and its Implications for Nuclear Physics
It was shown recently by the author [1], that a proper study of the Eightfold Way model vis-a-vis the SU(3) model shows, that the adjoint representation has certain unique features which provides it with a basic fundamentality which was missed out in the earlier interpretations. That paper [1] also showed that the Lie Algebra gives a more basic and complete description of the particle physics reality than the corresponding group does. In this paper we revisit the Eightfold Way Model and provide further support to the conclusions arrived in Ref. [1]. This demands that a proper Cartan Subalgebra be used for the description of the adjoint representation. This in turn allows us to make non-trivial statements about as to how nucleus may be understood as made up, not only of protons and neutrons treated as indistinguishable particles as in the SU(2)-isospin group, but also as another independent structure where the nucleus behaves as if it is made up of protons and neutrons wherein they are treated as distinguishable fermions.
vixra:1503.0270 [
Supersymmetrization of Quaternionic Quantum Mechanics
Keeping in view the application of SUSY and quaternion quantum mechanics, in this paper we have made an attempt to develop a complete theory for quaternionic quantum mechanics. We have discussed the N = 1, N = 2 and N = 4 supersymmetry in terms of one, two and four supercharges respectively and it has been shown that N=4 SUSY is the quaternionic extension of N = 2 complex SUSY.
vixra:1502.0245 [
A Microscopic Theory of the Neutron (I)
A microscopic theory of the neutron, which consists in a neutron model constructed based on key relevant experimental observations, and the first principles solutions for the basic properties of the model neutron, is proposed within a framework consistent with the Standard Model. The neutron is composed of an electron e and a proton p that are separated at a distance r_1\sim 10^{-18} m, and are in relative orbital angular motion and Thomas precession highly relativistically, with their reduced mass moving along a quantised l=1th circular orbit of radius r_1 about their instantaneous mass centre. The associated rotational energy flux or vortex has an angular momentum (1/2)\hbar and is identifiable as a (confined) antineutrino. The particles e,p are attracted with one another predominantly by a central magnetic force produced as result of the particles' relative orbital, precessional and intrinsic angular motions. The interaction force (resembling the weak force), potential (resembling the Higgs' field), and a corresponding excitation Hamiltonian (H_I), among others, are derived based directly on first principles laws of electromagnetism, quantum mechanics and relativistic mechanics within a unified framework. In particular, the equation for (4/3)\pi r_1^3 H_I, which is directly comparable with the Fermi constant G_F, is predicted as G_F=(4/3)\pi r_1^3 H_I =A_o C_{01} /\ammag_e \gamma_p, where A_o=e^2 \hbar^2/12\pi\epsilon_0 m_e^0 m_p^0 c^2, m_e^0, m_p^0 are the e,p rest masses, C_{01} is a geometric factor, and \gamma_e, \gamma_p are the Lorentz factors. Quantitative solution for a stationary meta-stable neutron is found to exist at the extremal point r_{1m}=2.513 \times 10^{-18} m, at which the G_F is a minimum (whence the neutron lifetime is a maximum) and is equal to the experimental value. Solutions for the neutron spin (1/2), apparent magnetic moment, and the intermediate vector boson masses are also given in this paper.
vixra:1502.0127 [
Muonic Hydrogen and the Proton Radius Puzzle.theoretical Model of Repulsive Interaction , Yukawa Type .Mediation of Gravitino by Decay, a W Boson and Leptons (Virtuals Particles ) .Exact Theoretical Calculation of the Proton Radius of Muonic Hydrogen at
The extremely precise extraction of the proton radius by Pohl et al. from the mea- sured energy diference between the 2P and 2S states of muonic hydrogen disagrees significantly with that extracted from electronic hydrogen or elastic electron-proton scattering. This is the proton radius puzzle. Randolf Pohl Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, 85748 Garching, Germany Ronald Gilman Department of Physics & Astronomy, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ 08854-8019, USA. Gerald A. Miller Department of Physics, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-1560, USA. Krzysztof Pachucki Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Hoz˙a 69, 00-681 Warsaw, Poland arXiv:1301.0905v2 [physics.atom-ph] 30 May 2013 In this paper, using the fundamental equation that equals the electromagnetic force and gravity; obtained in one of our previous work; and which is derived from gravity, both elementary electric charge, the mass of electron and gravitino; as a dependent equation canonical partition function of the imaginary parts of the nontrivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function and the Planck mass. This equation directly implies the existence of a repulsive gravitational force at very short distances. The decay of gravitinos in a W boson and lepton (muon) would be the phenomenon responsible for this repulsive force that would make the radius of the proton in the muonic hydrogen atom, was that obtained experimentally 8.4087 x 10 ^ -16 m . Likewise, the long half-life, very massive gravitinos, would allow these, penetrate the proton where they finally decay in the W boson and the a lepton. The invariance of the proton, ie its non transformation into a neutron; would be the consequence of an effect of virtual particles: gravitinos, W boson, muon and even the X,Y bosons, of the theories SU(5) grand unification. The same canonical partition function of the zeros of the Riemann zeta function; It is indeed a sum of Yukawa type potential; therefore repulsive by exchanging a vector boson. The absence of singularities of black holes, surely, is an effect of this repulsive force. For this reason, increasing the area of a black hole can be interpreted physically as the action of this repulsive force.
vixra:1501.0079 [
Is Axial Anomaly Really an Anomaly?
The concept of axial anomaly is fully accepted by modern physics, but nearly all physicists find it weird. Once we know from experiment that axial current is not conserved, why do we start with equation that preserves axial symmetry? Do we intentionally "make even number of mistakes" to obtain the correct result? Is there a field equation allowing to directly derive the correct expression for the divergence of the axial current? In this paper we will find such equation and describe some amazing consequences emerging from it.
vixra:1412.0259 [
Underlying Symmetry Among the Quark and Lepton Mixing Angles (Seven Year Update)
In 2007 a single mathematical model encompassing both quark and lepton mixing was described. This model exploited the fact that when a 3 x 3 rotation matrix whose elements are squared is subtracted from its transpose, a matrix is produced whose non-diagonal elements have a common absolute value, where this value is an intrinsic property of the rotation matrix. For the traditional CKM quark mixing matrix with its second and third rows interchanged (i.e., c - t interchange) this value equals one-third the corresponding value for the leptonic matrix (roughly, 0.05 versus 0.15). This model was distinguished by three such constraints on mixing. As seven years have elapsed since its introduction, it is timely to assess the model's accuracy. Despite large conflicts with experiment at the time of its introduction, and significant improvements in experimental accuracy since then, the model's six angles collectively fit experiment well; but one angle, incorrectly forecast, did require toggling (in 2012) the sign of an integer exponent. The model's mixing angles in degrees are 45, 33.210911, 8.034394 (the angle affected) for leptons; and 12.920966, 2.367442, 0.190986 for quarks.
vixra:1412.0165 [
Regge Trajectories by 0-Brane Matrix Dynamics
The energy spectrum of two 0-branes for fixed angular momentum in 2+1 dimensions is calculated by the Rayleigh-Ritz method. The basis function used for each angular momentum consists of 80 eigenstates of the harmonic oscillator problem on the corresponding space. It is seen that the spectrum exhibits a definite linear Regge trajectory behavior. It is argued how this behavior, together with other pieces of evidence, suggests the picture by which the bound-states of quarks and QCD-strings are governed by the quantum mechanics of matrix coordinates.
vixra:1412.0159 [
Current-Field Equations Including Charge Creation-Annihilation Fields and Derivation of Klein-Gordon and Schr{\"{o}}dinger Equations and Gauge Transformation
We found new current-field equations including charge creation-annihilation fields. Although it is difficult to treat creation and annihilation of charge pairs for Maxwell's equations, the new equations easily treat them. The equations cause the confinement of charge creation and annihilation centers, which means the charge conservation for this model. The equations can treat not only electromagnetic field but also weak and strong force fields. Weak gravitational field can be also treated by the equations, where four current means energy and momentum. It is shown that Klein-Gordon and Schr\"{o}dinger equations and gauge transformation can be directly derived from the equations, where the wave function is defined as complex exponential function of the energy creation-annihilation field.
vixra:1410.0058 [
Existence of Antiparticles as an Indication of Finiteness of Nature
It is shown that in a quantum theory over a Galois field, the famous Dirac's result about antiparticles is generalized such that a particle and its antiparticle are already combined at the level of irreducible representations of the symmetry algebra without assuming the existence of a local covariant equation. We argue that the very existence of antiparticles is a strong indication that nature is described by a finite field rather than by complex numbers.
vixra:1408.0196 [
Bootstrapping Generations
A supersymmetric version of Chew's "democratic bootstrap" argument predicts the existence of three generations of particles, with a quark, of type "up", more massive that the other five.
vixra:1408.0162 [
The Higgs Vacuum.The Particles Of The Standard Model And The Compliance With the Energy-Momentum Equation. The Necessary Existence Of the Axion. Stop Quark Mass
In this paper it is demonstrated that all the masses of the standard model particles; including the Higgs boson h; with nonzero rest mass, comply with the equation of energy-momentum. The model Higgs vacuum corresponds to a virtual vacuum, for which the contribution of particles with zero rest mass is null (photon, gluon, graviton) .With the best values of the masses of the particles (Particle Data Group), it is found that axion mass has to be extremely small. Also the theoretical model Higgs vacuum, a completely new model based on the lattice R8 and sixteen matrix elements of energy; corresponding to the four solutions of the equation of energy-momentum (isomorphism with the four components of the scalar field. One complex doublet ); to be factored into two factors with real and imaginary components of energy. Of this new model Higgs vacuum; naturally get the beta angle. Stop quark mass is obtained by solving the equation of radiative mass correction Higss boson, h, to one loop. The exact determination of the beta angle, allows calculating the mass of the stop of about 1916 GeV. Similarly, a mass for axion is proposed of around 110 micro eV
vixra:1408.0153 [
Absence of Non-Trivial Supersymmetries and Grassmann Numbers in Physical State Spaces
This paper reviews the well-known fact that nilpotent Hermitian operators on physical state spaces are zero, thereby indicating that the supersymmetries and ``Grassmann numbers" are also zero on these spaces. Next, a positive definite inner product of a Grassmann algebra is demonstrated, constructed using a Hodge dual operator which is similar to that of differential forms. From this example, it is shown that the Hermitian conjugates of the basis do not anticommute with the basis and, therefore, the property that ``Grassmann numbers" commute with ``bosonic quantities" and anticommute with ``fermionic quantities", must be revised. Hence, the fundamental principles of supersymmetry must be called into question.
vixra:1408.0015 [
Launching the Six-Coloring Baryon-Antibaryon Antisymmetric Iso-Wavefunctions and Iso-Matrices
In this work, we upgrade the Inopin-Schmidt quark confinement and baryon-antibaryon duality proof with Santilli's new iso-mathematics. For a baryon-antibaryon pair confined to the six-coloring kagome lattice of the Inopin Holographic Confinement Ring (IHCR), we construct a cutting-edge procedure that iso-topically lifts the antisymmetric wavefunctions and matrices to iso-wavefunctions and iso-matrices, respectively. The initial results support our hypothesis that transitions between the energy and resonance states of the hadronic spectra may be rigorously characterized by properly-calibrated iso-topic liftings. In total, these rich developments suggest a promising future for this emerging iso-confinement framework, which must be subjected to additional scientific inquiry, scrutiny, and exploration.
vixra:1407.0084 [
On the Confinement of Superluminal Quarks Without Applying the Bag Pressure
We explain herein the fatal error or at least an ironic questionable parallel method in formulation of strong interaction (quantum chromodynamics). We postulate that quarks are tachyons and do not obey Yang-Mills theory. By applying this correction to the dynamics of quarks, we can confine quarks in hadrons. We seek to show why quarks do not obey the Pauli exclusion principle and why we cannot observe free quarks. In addition, we obtained the correct sizes of hadrons and derive straightforward formulations of strong interaction. Instead of several discrete QCD methods, we derive a united formulation that enables us to solve the strong interaction for all energy values. Finally we discuss about some experimental evidence such as chiral magnetic effect, scattering angular distribution, cherenkov gluon radiation, hadron mass gap, nucleon spin crisis and CP violation in standard model that may result from this assumption.
vixra:1406.0129 [
Theory of Colorless and Electrically Neutral Quarks and Colored and Electrically Charged Gauge Bosons
We propose a model of interactions in which two states of a quark, a colored and electrically charged state and a colorless and electrically neutral state, can transform into each other through the emission or absorption of a colored and electrically charged gauge boson. A novel feature of the model is that the colorless and electrically neutral quarks carry away the missing energy in decay processes as do neutrinos.
vixra:1406.0127 [
The Higgs Boson and Quark Compositeness
Considering that each quark is composed of two prequarks it is shown that the recently found Higgs boson belongs to a triplet of neutral bosons, and that there are two quadruplets of charged Higgs-like bosons. The quantum numbers of these bosons are calculated and shown to be associated to a new kind of hypercharge directly linked to quark compositeness. Particularly, the quantum number of the recently found Higgs boson is identified. A chart for quark decays via virtual Higgs-like bosons is proposed. Justifications for quark compositeness are presented.
vixra:1406.0092 [
The α-Theory. From Tachyonic to Bradyonic Universe. New Physical Scenarios
The present book is devoted to the construction of a new theory for the elementary particles. This theory was born in order to resolve some open issues of the Standard Model, among which the research of a general equation for the description of all quantum particles in a unique way. Starting from the Pauli equation, two relativistic partial differential equations are obtained, one to the first and other to the second order, which are able to describe particles with arbitrary spin. The analysis of the energetic spectrum concerning such equations puts in evidence that the particles they describe have an imaginary mass. Then, the probability density study of these equations shows the principle of causality is not satisfied. Therefore, these equations characterize the tachyonic universe. We can see such a universe admits spontaneous symmetry breaking. In general terms, we can establish the broken symmetry might be a global characteristic of the tachyonic universe, due to its negative square energy, which made it unstable. Hence, it is possible to assume that after the hot Big-Bang there was another catastrophic cosmological event – said Big-Break – which made to break down the tachyonic universe in a positive square energy one (bradyonic universe), and from which the four fundamental interactions are probably generated. The transition from tachyonic to bradyonic universe transforms the tachyonic equations in bradyonic ones, being then able to describe elementary particles with arbitrary spin. The first order partial differential equation gives asymmetric quantum states, while the second order partial differential equation gives symmetric quantum states and so they describe different theories. In the course of this work, both these theories will be studied. Either way, only one of the two could be the right theory of the elementary particles. Since this theory follows on from the Big-Bang, from the resultant tachyonic universe and from Big-Break, it has been called α-Theory, i.e. the “beginning theory.” The α-Theory may theoretically predict the experimental properties of neutrinos and anti-neutrinos and allows, thanks to the appendix A, to generalize the concepts of the Dirac sea, Pauli exclusion principle and spin-statistics theorem, thus giving rise to “s-matter” and “multi-statistics,” which are able to take an interesting approach for the explanation of the Dark Matter. Furthermore, it expects on large-scale the “double inflation” mechanism, which, without the Dark Energy, could explain the acceleration of our universe (bradyonic universe). From the α-Theory, two string actions can be deduced too, by which new ideas can be developed. Practically, the α-Theory wants to be a GUT, able to describe the quantum particles and our universe in a simple and elegant way.
vixra:1406.0033 [
The Cubic Equation's Relation to the Fine Structure Constant, the Mixing Angles, and Weinberg Angle
A special case of the cubic equation is shown to possess three unusually economical solutions. A minimal case associated with these solutions is then shown to yield a congruous set of numbers that fit the fine structure constant, the sines squared of the quark and lepton mixing angles, as well as the Weinberg angle. Had Renaissance mathematicians probed the cubic equation's solutions more deeply these numbers might have formed a well-known part of algebra from the 16th century.
vixra:1406.0011 [
A Microscopic Approach to Quark and Lepton Masses and Mixings
In recent papers a microscopic model for the SM Higgs mechanism has been proposed, and an idea how to determine the 24 quark and lepton masses of all 3 generations has emerged in that framework. This idea is worked out in detail here by accommodating the fermion masses and mixings to microscopic parameters. The top quark mass turns out to be $m_t\approx 170$GeV and can be given in terms of the weak boson masses and of certain exchange couplings of isospin vectors obeying a tetrahedral symmetry. The observed hierarchy in the family spectrum is attributed to a natural hierarchy in the microscopic couplings. The neutrinos will be shown to vibrate within the potential valleys of the system, thus retaining very tiny masses. This is related to a Goldstone effect inside the internal dynamics. A discussion of the quark and lepton mixing matrices is also included. The mixing angles of the PMNS matrix are calculated for an example set of parameters, and a value for the CP violating phase is given.
vixra:1406.0003 [
Greenberg Parafermions and a Microscopic Model of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect
So far all theoretical models claiming to explain the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect are macroscopic in nature. In this paper we suggest a truly microscopic structure of this phenomenon. At the base is how electron charge is defined in the group SU(N) for arbitrary values of integer N. It is shown how all discovered charges in the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect are accounted for in this model. We show how Greenberg Parafermions, obeying parastatistics, are fundamentally required within this picture to explain the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect. We also show how both the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect and the Integral Quantum Hall Effect are explained in a common unified description in this microscopic model.
vixra:1403.0118 [
Confinement of Charge Creation and Annihilation Centers by Nakanishi-Lautrup Field
The electromagnetic field model including Nakanishi-Lautrup (NL) field of quantum electrodynamics (QED) can easily treat creation and annihilation of positive and negative charge pairs, although it is difficult for Maxwell's equations to treat them. However, the model does not directly satisfy the charge conservation equation and permits single charge creation and annihilation. It is shown that the potential energy of NL field for a pair of charge creation and annihilation centers is proportional to their distance. It causes the confinement of charge creation and annihilation centers, which means the charge conservation for this model. The quark confinement might be also explained by the energy of NL field.
vixra:1403.0016 [
Introduction to the Expanded Rishon Model
We introduce an expansion of the Rishon Model to cover quark generations, (including a previously unnoticed one), provide an explanation for T and V as a topologically convenient moniker representing aspects of phase and polarity within knots (of for example String Theory), and explain particle decay in terms of simple ``phase transform" rules. We identify all current particles (with the exception of ``Top") including the gluon, the Bosons and the Higgs, purely in terms of the underlying mechanism which topologically can be considered to be Rishons. All this is predicated on the simple assumption that all particles in effect photons phase-locked in a repeating pattern inherently obeying Maxwell's equations, in symbiotic support of their own outwardly-propagating electro-magnetic synchotronic radiation, and that Rishons represent a phase ``measurement" (real or imaginary) at key strategic points on the photon's path.
vixra:1403.0015 [
Proof of Massless Particles Only Having Two Helicity One-particle States
Why massless particles, for example photons, can only have two helicity one-particle states is the main subject of this work. As we know, the little group which describes massive particle one-particle states' transformations under the Lorentz transformation is SO(3), while the little group describing massless states is ISO(2). In this paper, a new method is proposed to contract SO(3) group to ISO(2) group. We use this contraction method to prove that the particle can only have two helicity one-particle states from the perspective of \emph{kinematics}, when the particle mass trends to zero. Our proof is different from the dynamic explanation in the existing theories.
vixra:1402.0164 [
Divergence-Free Versus Cutoff Quantum Field Theory
We review the fundamental rules for constructing the regular and the gauge-invariant quantum field action both in the divergence-free approach and in the cutoff approach. Loop computations in quantum electrodynamics of fermionic spinor matter, and also in quantum gravity of fermionic spinor matter, are presented in both approaches. We explain how the results of the divergence-free method correspond to those of the cutoff method. We argue that in a fundamental theory that contains quantum gravity, the cutoff framework might be necessary, whereby the cutoff parameter and the gravitational coupling could be related to each other quite consistently.
vixra:1402.0144 [
Fundamental Unification Theory with the Electron, the Neutrino, and Their Antiparticles
An SU3 unification theory with the electron, the positron, and the neutrino is reviewed. A 10-spacetime gravidynamic unification of the internal charges and the spin is formulated, with a 16-component Majorana-Weyl fermion that consolidates the foregoing three Weyl particles with the antineutrino, and their Dirac conjugates. Vector bosons and scalar (Higgs) particles are consolidated in an antisymmetric tensor of 3rd rank, being the only tensor, apart from the graviton of 10-spacetime, that can couple to the unifying fermion. We write the Lorentz algebra of 10-spacetime in terms of the 4-spacetime Lorentz algebra and the internal O6 factor, the latter expressed via its U3 subalgebra, and construct the pertinent operator representations. We exhibit the complete structure of the unified gauge-Higgs couplings, indicating the source terms of particle masses. On the basis of this simple unification model, we propose the radical idea that all observed bosonic and fermionic particles, whether leptonic or hadronic, may be composed of just the underlying four fundamental fermions.
vixra:1402.0085 [
Graphs and Expressions for Higher-Loop Effective Quantum Action
We present the Feynman graphs and the corresponding expressions, up to 4th loop order, for a generic effective quantum field theory action. Whereas there are 2 graphs in the 2-loop order, and 8 graphs in the 3-loop order, we obtain 43 irreducible graphs in the 4-loop order. These results are obtained using Mathematica programming, where the underlying code is capable of generating graphs and expressions to any desired loop order. We explain the associated programming strategy.
vixra:1402.0066 [
The SU5 Structure of 14-Dimensional Unification
In a 14-dimensional gravidynamic unification model, the spacetime as well as the internal symmetries of 2 lepton-quark generations would be consolidated in a 64-component Weyl fermion. Alternatively, the latter fermionic multiplet can describe 8 charged leptons, with 8 associated neutrinos, and the corresponding antiparticles. In such a framework, the dynamics of vector bosons, as well as of Higgs scalars, would be generated at the quantum level via unified couplings to a vector, an antisymmetric tensor of 3rd rank, and an antisymmetric tensor of 5th rank. We exhibit the complete SU5 structure of the latter couplings. The underlying SU5 would contain a color SU3 symmetry, in the case of the leptons and quarks, or a family SU3 symmetry, in the alternative model of purely leptonic unification. This work begins by writing the Lorentz algebra of 14 dimensional spacetime in terms of its 4-dimensional Lorentz subalgebra, and an internal O10 factor. The latter is expressed via its U5 subalgebra. The fermionic 64-plet is expressed in terms of 32 Weyl fermions in 4 dimensions. Likewise, the pertinent vector and the tensors are expressed in terms of vectors and scalars in 4 dimensions. The emerging picture regarding the fundamental fermions, and their interactions, would lead to aspects that are describable by the O10 and SU5 unification models, whether the grand unified model of leptons and quarks, or the purely leptonic unification model.
vixra:1402.0064 [
The Acausal Role of Quantum Phase in the Chiral Anomaly
The chiral potential is inverse square. The family of inverse square potentials includes the vector Lorentz potential of the quantum Hall and Aharonov-Bohm effects, and the centrifugal, Coriolis, and three body potentials. The associated impedances are scale invariant, quantum Hall being the most familiar. Modes associated with scale invariant impedances communicate only quantum phase, not an observable in a single quantum measurement. Modes associated with scale dependent impedances, including among others those of the 1/r monopole and 1/r^3 dipole potentials, communicate both phase and energy. Making this clarifying distinction between phase (relative time) and energy explicit presents a new perspective on the anomaly. This approach is introduced via the Rosetta Stone of modern physics, the hydrogen atom. Precise impedance-based pizero, eta, and eta' branching ratio calculations are presented as ratios of polynomials in powers of the fine structure constant, followed by discussion. Mass generation via chiral symmetry breaking is not addressed in the present paper.
vixra:1402.0063 [
Hawking Radiation Quasi-Normal Modes Correspondence and Effective States for Nonextremal Reissner-Nordström Black Holes
It is known that the nonstrictly thermal character of the Hawking radiation spectrum harmonizes Hawking radiation with black hole (BH) quasi-normal modes (QNM). This paramount issue has been recently analyzed in the framework of both Schwarzschild BHs (SBH) and Kerr BHs (KBH). In this assignment, we generalize the analysis to the framework of nonextremal Reissner-Nordström BHs (RNBH). Such a generalization is important because in both SBHs and KBHs an absorbed (or emitted) particle has only mass. Instead, in RNBHs the particle has charge as well as mass. In doing so, we expose that for the RNBH, QNMs can be naturally interpreted in terms of quantum levels for both particle emission and absorption. Conjointly, we generalize some concepts concerning the RNBH's "effective states".
vixra:1402.0028 [
Leptonic SU5 and O10 Unification Incorporating Family SU3
We study the representations and basic multiplets of the O10 algebra in terms of the SU5 tensorial elements, and construct the coupling of the 45 gauge bosons to the 16 Weyl fermions. After exhibiting the coupling terms corresponding to a single generation of quarks and leptons, pertaining to the usual grand unified theory with electroweak SU2xU1 and color SU3 components, we propose a different approach to the underlying grand symmetry as corresponding to a variety of leptonic particles (electron-like and neutrino-like), and where the decomposition of SU5 proceeds via a family SU3 symmetry. We discuss the implications of such an SU3 family symmetry for the structure of the vector boson spectrum in high-energy collider phenomenology. On the other hand, our scheme promotes the idea that the hadronic constituents, rather than being fractionally charged confined quarks, may turn out to be nothing other than leptonic varieties with integral electric charges. The existence of hadrons as extended objects may find explanation in solitonic solutions of the underlying nonlinear gauge theory. We propose the further incorporation of the theory in a 14-dimensional gravidynamic framework.
vixra:1401.0205 [
The SU7 Structure of 18-Dimensional Unification
In an 18-dimensional gravidynamic unification model the spacetime and the internal symmetries of 4 generations of leptons and quarks are consolidated in a 256-component Majorana-Weyl-Dirac fermion. In such a framework, the dynamics of vector bosons as well as Higgs scalars would be generated at the quantum level through a unified coupling of an antisymmetric tensor of rank 3 to the fermions. We exhibit the complete U7 structure of the latter coupling. This extensive work begins by writing the Lorentz algebra of 18 dimensional spacetime in terms of its 4-dimensional Lorentz subalgebra and an internal O14 factor. The latter is expressed via its U7 subalgebra. The 256-component fermion is expressed in terms of 64 Weyl fermions, and their Dirac conjugates, in 4 dimensions. Likewise the 3rd rank antisymmetric tensor is expressed in terms of vectors and scalars in 4 dimensions. The emerging picture regarding the fundamental fermions, and their interactions, would lead to aspects that are well described by a complementing O14 and SU7 grand unification schemes.
vixra:1401.0155 [
The SU7 Structure of O14 and Boson-Fermion Couplings
We construct the O14 algebra in terms of the tensorial representations of its SU7 subalgebra. Subsequently, we construct the gauge-invariant boson-fermion coupling, and decompose it completely into terms exhibiting color SU3 and family SU3 symmetries. A picture of the particle spectrum emerges where quarks and leptons, as well as vector bosons, would appear as singlets or triplets with respect to family SU3. Accordingly, we conjecture the possible existence of a 4th generation of fermions, as well as the imminent existence of other $W$-like vector bosons, in high-energy collider experiments.
vixra:1401.0121 [
Framework for the Effective Action of Quantum Gauge and Gravitational Fields
We consider the construction of a simplified framework for constructing the manifestly gauge-invariant effective action of non-Abelian quantum gauge, and gravitational, fields. The new framework modifies the bilinear terms that are associated with virtual gauge fields. This is done in a manner that rectifies the singular kernel, simplifies loop computations, and maintains manifest effective gauge invariance. Starting with the invariant Lagrangian for a general non-Abelian gauge theory, we present analysis pertaining to the derivation of the effective propagator and the effective vertices. Similar analysis is extended to the Einstein invariant gravitational Lagrangian. We discuss the possibility of seeding the elements of symmetry breaking, and structuring the underlying gauge algebra, through a mechanism of giving masses to the components of the virtual fields. This mechanism could be a substitute to the Higgs scenario in non-Abelian gauge unification models, and an alternative to compactification in extra-dimensional gravity.
vixra:1401.0099 [
The SU9 Structure of E8 and Boson-Fermion Couplings
We construct the E8 algebra in terms of the tensorial representations of its SU9 maximal subalgebra. We then construct the supersymmetric gauge-invariant boson-fermion coupling, and decompose it completely into terms exhibiting color SU3 and family SU5 symmetries. This work promotes a scheme of E8 super grand unification that is based on a perfect symmetry between particles and antiparticles, rather than a symmetry between quark-lepton generations and their enigmatic mirror conjugates. Whereas the emergence of a definite chirality for low-energy weak interactions still depends on the yet unresolved problem of symmetry breaking, a picture of weak decays emerges, in which multiple W vector bosons, rather than a single one, are the fundamental weak mediators between multiple charged leptons and associated multiple neutrinos, or between multiple upquarks and their associated multiple downquarks.
vixra:1401.0034 [
Space is Discrete for Mass and Continuous for Light
Space is discrete for a moving mass and continuous for an electromagnetic wave. We introduce velocity addition rules for such motion, and from these we derive the second postulate of special relativity — namely, that each observer measures the same value of the speed of light. Thus widely accepted derivations, showing that the two postulates of special relativity necessarily lead to the Lorentz transformations, cannot be correct. We contrast the distance-time implications of our velocity addition rules with the Lorentz transformations. Our theory leads to different time measurements by observers and to special relativity's momentum-energy formulas. However, in our theory length of an object remains invariant, and we do not have a time dilation formula that applies between inertial frames. Study of timescales of quasar variability has yielded observational data showing special relativity's time dilation to be inconsistent with the model of an expanding universe; gamma-ray bursts are giving similar results. These quasars and gamma-ray bursts results are consistent with our time formulas. We suggest other experiments where special relativity and our theory give different predictions, and these can further show special relativity to be wrong and our theory to be correct.
vixra:1312.0056 [
Effective Action Framework for Divergence-Free Quantum Field Theory
We present the basic effective action framework for divergence-free quantum field theory. We describe the loopwise perturbative development of the effective action for a generic field theory, and indicate the manner by which this development is defined in order to evade the conventional divergences of the associated Feynman integrals.
vixra:1312.0016 [
Some Mathematics Inspired by 137.036
The experimental value of the fine structure constant inverse from physics (approximately 137.036) is shown to also have an interesting role in pure mathematics. Specifically, 137.036 is shown to occur in the minimal solution to one of several slightly asymmetric equations (that is, equations whose left- and right-hand sides are very similar).
vixra:1311.0171 [
A Microscopic Interpretation of the SM Higgs Mechanism
A model is presented where the Higgs mechanism of the Standard Model is deduced from the alignment of a strongly correlated fermion system in an internal space with $A_4$ symmetry. The ground state is constructed and its energy calculated. Finally, it is claimed that the model may be derived from a field theory in 6+1 dimensions.
vixra:1311.0005 [
Sedeonic Theory of Massive Fields
In the present paper we develop the description of massive fields on the basis of space-time algebra of sixteen-component sedeons. The generalized sedeonic second-order equation for the potential of massive field is proposed. It is shown that this equation can be reformulated in the form of a system of Maxwell-like equations for the field strengths. We also discuss the generalized sedeonic first-order equation for massive field.
vixra:1309.0036 [
Quantum Theory Depending on Maxwell Equations
This article try to unified the four basic forces by Maxwell equations, the only experimental theory. Self-consistent Maxwell equation with the current from electromagnetic field is proposed. and is solved to four kinds of electrons and the structures of particles. The static properties and decay and scattering are reasoned, all meet experimental data. The momentum-energy tensor of the electromagnetic field coming to the equation of general relativity is discussed. In the end that the conformation elementarily between this theory and QED and weak theory is discussed compatible, except some bias in some analysis.
vixra:1308.0134 [
A Complete Relativity Theory Predicts with Precision the Neutrino Velocities Reported by OPERA, MINOS, and ICARUS
The present paper utilizes the recently proposed Complete Relativity Theory (CR) for the prediction of neutrino velocity in a prototypical neutrino velocity experiment. The derived expression for the relative difference of the neutrino velocity with respect to the velocity of light is a function of the anticipation time t, the traveled distance D and the light velocity c, measured on Earth. It is independent neither on the traveling particle type nor on its energy level. With regard to fast neutrinos it is shown that the derived equation predicts with precision the results reported by OPERA, MINOS, and ICARUS. Since CR postulates that all physical entities, including the velocity of light, are relativistic entities, it follows that even though the results of the aforementioned experiments fail to support the neutrino superluminality claim, their precise prediction based on a theory that diametrically opposes SR, provides strong evidence for the inadequacy of SR in accounting for the dynamics of quasi-luminal particles. The aforementioned notwithstanding, a direct calculation of SR’s predictions for the above mentioned studies yields grossly incorrect results.
vixra:1308.0052 [
Protium and Antiprotium in Riemannian Dual 4D Space-Time
In this preliminary paper, we apply the Riemannian dual (fractional quantum Hall superfluidic) space-time topology and the six-coloring Gribov vacuum to protium and antiprotium. The results suggest that it may be possible to generalize this framework to all atomic elements. Therefore, this subject warrants further scrutiny, collaboration, refinement, and investigation.
vixra:1307.0132 [
A New Picture In The Particle under The Frame of Three Dimensional Einstein Theory
By the analogy with Special Relativity, it shows that there is a fundamental length in three-dimensional space, in which the dimension of time has been a constant, and the remaining coordinates are satisfied with the same mathematical structure as the Lorentz transformation. According to the hypothesis, the energy $\omega_i$ is corresponding to the $x_i$, and the force $\emph{F}$ is analogous with coordinate $\emph{t}$. After proceeding with this, there is a natural way to explain the quark confinement. Finally, this theory is promoted to the curved situation, where the origination of cosmological constant $\Lambda$ is connected with three-dimensional curvature. In addition, it also can construct the relationship between thermodynamics and statistical mechanics(TSM) and three-dimensional Einstein theory. Under the correspondence of three-dimensional cosmology, the new physical meaning of revolutionary factor R can be found.
vixra:1307.0044 [
Implicaciones Fisicas de la Eleccion de Fases y Base de Helicidad en las Ecuaciones de la Mecanica Cuantica Relativista
In this Work it was shown that the bispinors eigenstates imply different physical phenomena in relativistic quantum mechanics, if they are constructed with the relative phase factor introduced between 2-spinors. This fact opposes the non-relativistic theory. Thus, the pahse factor has importance. The consequences of the basis choice are also studied. The basis is understood as the linear independent system of the field functions which generate the spinor space. I choose this system in such a way that the functions are not the eigenstates of the S_z, but the eigenstates of the helicity operator. I call this basis as the helicity basis. The representations (1/2,0)+(0,1/2) and (1,0)+(0,1) are consiidered. As a result, the corresponding state functions have different behaviour with respect to the parity and the charge conjugation comparing with the usual basis.
vixra:1306.0232 [
Chisholm-Caianiello-Fubini Identities for S=1 Barut-Muzinich-Williams Matrices
The formulae of the relativistic products are found S=1 Barut-Muzinich-Williams matrices. They are analogs of the well-known Chisholm-Caianiello-Fubini identities. The obtained results can be useful in the higher-order calculations of the high-energy processes with S=1 particles in the framework of the 2(2S+1 Weinberg formalism, which recently attracted attention again. PACS numbers: 02.90.+p, 11.90.+t, 12.20.Ds
vixra:1306.0051 [
How Dirac and Majorana Equations Are Related
Majorana and Dirac equations are usually considered as two different and mutually exclusive equations. In this paper we demonstrate that both of them can be considered as a special cases of the more general equation.
vixra:1305.0084 [
Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Nonlinear Dynamic System
Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking(SSB), in contrast to explicit sym-metry breaking, is a spontaneous process by which a system governed by a symmetrical dynamic ends up in an asymmetrical state. So the symmetry of the equations is not re ected by the individual solutions, but it is re ected by the symmetrically coexistence of asymmetrical solutions. SSB provides a way of understanding the complexity of nature without renouncing fundamental symmetries which makes us believe or prefer symmetric to asymmetric fundamental laws. Many illustrations of SSB are discussed from QFT, everyday life to nonlinear dynamic system.
vixra:1304.0053 [
Charmonium with an Effective Morse Molecular Potential
The Morse molecular potential is used for the rst time as an effective potential for the overall interaction in charmonium. This procedure allows the calculation of the rotational contributions of P states, the radii of ve S states, and an absolute threshold for bound states. The calculation of the latter provides important information on the character of the recently found levels X(3915), X(3940), Psi(4040), X(4050), X(4140), Psi(4160), X(4160), X(4250), X(4260), X(4350), Psi(4415), X(4430), and X(4660).
vixra:1302.0111 [
The Most Recent Indications for Anomalies from TGD Perspective
Some of the most recent experimental indications for anomalies on astrophysics, cosmology, and particle physicists are briefly discussed with an interpretation based on basic predictions of TGD.
vixra:1302.0109 [
Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry, Baryo-Genesis, Lepto-Genesis, and TGD
The generation of matter-antimatter asymmetry remains still poorly understood. Same is true about the generation of matter. In TGD framework the generation of matter can be explained in terms of cosmic strings carrying dark energy identified as K\ähler magnetic energy. Their decay to ordinary and dark matter would be the analog for the decay of the inflaton field to matter and matter-antimatter asymmetry would be generated in this process. The details of the process have not been considered hitherto. The attempt to see whether the counterparts for the visions about lepto-genesis from right-handed inert neutrinos, baryo-genesis from leptons, and generation of antimatter asymmetry claimed to be possible in standard model framework, could make sense in TGD led to a much more detailed vision about how the primordial cosmic strings carrying only right handed neutrinos could decay to ordinary matter. It also turned out that the "official" version of TGD for which quarks and leptons correspond to different chiralities of imbedding space spinors is enough to achieve also matter antimatter asymmetry.
vixra:1302.0108 [
Exploring the Possiblities of Discovering Properties of the Higgs Boson Via Its Interactions in the Solar Environment
Experiments at the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) at CERN (CERN) have recently announced the discovery of the Higgs boson. They are shying away from calling it the Higgs boson until its properties have been measured. Due to the dificulties of measuring the Higgs boson's properties at CERN, which are exacerbated by the LHC shutdown, we consider the possibilities of measuring Higgs properties elsewhere. Our analyses focus on the prospects of Higgs measurements from the Sun, but our conclusions are probably applicable to other Sun-like objects, such as stars.
vixra:1302.0080 [
Theory of Colorless and Electrically Neutral Quarks: Neutrino-like Quarks
The theory of colored and electrically charged gauge bosons introduced by the author postulates the existence of colorless and electrically neutral quarks which play the same role in decay processes as neutrinos. We discuss here about the colorless and electrically neutral quarks.
vixra:1302.0042 [
Colored and Electrically Charged Gauge Bosons and Their Related Quarks
We propose a model of baryon and lepton number conserving interactions in which the two states of a quark, a colored and electrically charged state and a colorless and electrically neutral state, can transform into each other through the emission or absorption of a colored and electrically charged gauge boson. A novel feature of the model is that the colorless and electrically neutral quarks carry away the missing energy in decay processes as do neutrinos.
vixra:1302.0006 [
Folding a Pattern
We propose a reorganisation of the standard model and their mesons in order to build supersymmetric multiplets. The presentation is open to improvements to choose the adequate candidates in each recombination.
vixra:1302.0001 [
Split Octonion Electrodynamics and Energy-Momentum Conservation Laws for Dyons
Starting with the usual definations of octonions and split octonions in terms of Zorn vector matrix realization, we have made an attempt to write the consistent form of generalized Maxwell’s equations in presence of electric and magnetic charges. We have thus written the generalized split octonion potential wave equations and the generalized fields equation of dyons in split octonions. Accordingly the split octonion forms of generalized Dirac Maxwell’s equations are obtained in compact and consistent manner. Accordingly, we have made an attempt to investigate the work energy theorem or “Poynting Theorem”, Maxwell stress tensor and Lorentz invariant for generalized fields of dyons in split octonion electrodynamics. Our theory of dyons in split octonion formulations is discussed in term of simple and compact notations. This theory reproduces the dynamic of electric (magnetic) in the absence of magnetic (electric) charges.
vixra:1301.0101 [
Octonion Electrodynamics and Physics Beyond Standard Model
Historical developments of standard model and physics beyond the standard model are summarized in this thesis to understand the behavior of monopoles and dyons in current grand unified theories and quark confinement problems relevant for their production and detection. On the other hand, the various roles of four division algebras (namely the algebras of real numbers, complex numbers, quaternions and octonions) in different branches of physics and mathematics are also summarized followed by the summery of the work done in different chapters of present thesis.
vixra:1301.0002 [
The Recent TGD Inspired View about Higgs
The existence of Higgs and its identification have been continual source of head ache in TGD framework. The vision which looks most plausible at this moment is rather conservative in the sense that it assumes that standard description of massivation using Higgs in QFT framework is the only possible one: if TGD has QFT limit, then Higgs provides a phenomenological parametrization of particle masses providing a mimicry for the microscopic description relying on p-adic thermodynamics. The anomalies related to Higgs are however still there. A new explanatory piece in the puzzle is M_{89} hadron physics. The gamma ray background from the decays of M_{89} pions could explain the anomalous decay rate to gamma pairs and the problemsrelated to the determination of Higgs mass. It could explain also the production of highly correlated charged particle pairs observed first at RHIC for colliding heavy ions and two years ago at LHC for proton heavy-ion collisions as decay products of string like objects of M_{89} hadron physics, the observations of Fermi satellite, and maybe even the latest Christmas rumour suggesting the existence of charge 2 states decaying to lepton pairs by identifying them as leptomeson formed from two color octet muons and produced ivia intermediate parallel gluon pairs n the decay of M_{89} mesonic strings to ordinary hadrons and leptons.
vixra:1212.0100 [
The Discovery of What? Ten Questions About the Higgs to the Particle Physics Community
2012 seems to become a year to be celebrated in the high energy physics community. ``As a layman, I would say we have it!'' said CERN director general Rolf-Dieter Heuer at the press conference on July 4, 2012, announcing the discovery of a footprint of `something' in the LHC proton collision data. Evidently, such a short statement was necessary because the expert's account of the discovery is a long story to tell. As physicists, we are seeking something in between. We would be curious if there are discussions in the community along our questions; in any case, they don't seem to have got outside so far. Therefore, we would like to invite a broader communication between the particle physics community and the rest of physics.
vixra:1211.0164 [
Color and Isospin Waves from Tetrahedral Shubnikov Groups
This note supplements a recent article \cite{lamm} in which it was pointed out that the observed spectrum of quarks and leptons can arise as quasi-particle excitations in a discrete internal space. The paper concentrated on internal vibrational modes and it was only noted in the end that internal spin waves ('mignons') might do the same job. Here it will be shown how the mignon-mechanism works in detail. In particular the Shubnikov group $A_4 + S ( S_4 - A_4)$ will be used to describe the spectrum, and the mignetic ground state is explicitly given.
vixra:1211.0049 [
Underlying Symmetry Among the Quark and Lepton Mixing Angles (Five Year Update)
In 2007 a mathematical model encompassing both quark and lepton mixing was introduced. As five years have elapsed since its introduction it is timely to assess the model's accuracy. Despite large conflicts with experiment at the time of its introduction, five of six predicted angles now fit experiment fairly closely. The one angle incorrectly forecast necessitates a small change to the model's original framework (essentially, a sign is toggled). This change retains most of the model's original economy, while being interesting in its own right. The model's predicted mixing angles in degrees are 45, 33.210911, and 8.034394 (new) for leptons; and 12.920966, 2.367442, and 0.190986 for quarks.
vixra:1210.0165 [
F Theory in a Nutshell
The story of F theory came top the light because of Cumrun Vafa . Here we have tried to show the journey and some aspects of F theory .
vixra:1210.0116 [
Octonionic Non-Abelian Gauge Theory
Abstract We have made an attempt to describe the octonion formulation of Abelian and non-Abelian gauge theory of dyons in terms of 2\times 2 Zorn vector matrix realization. As such, we have discussed the U(1)_{e}\times U(1)_{m} Abelian gauge theory and U(1)\times SU(2) electroweak gauge theory and also the SU(2)_{e}\times SU(2)_{m} non-Abelian gauge theory in term of 2×2 Zorn vector matrix realization of split octonions. It is shown that SU(2)_{e} characterizes the usual theory of the Yang Mill's field (isospin or weak interactions) due to presence of electric charge while the gauge group SU(2)_{m} may be related to the existence of t-Hooft-Polyakov monopole in non-Abelian Gauge theory. Accordingly, we have obtained the manifestly covariant field equations and equations of motion.
vixra:1210.0015 [
How to Construct Self/anti-Self Charge Conjugate States for Higher Spins?
We construct self/anti-self charge conjugate (Majorana-like) states for the (1/2,0)(0,1/2) representation of the Lorentz group, and their analogs for higher spins within the quantum field theory. The problem of the basis rotations and that of the selection of phases in the Diraclike and Majorana-like field operators are considered. The discrete symmetries properties (P, C, T) are studied. The corresponding dynamical equations are presented. In the (1/2,0)(0,1/2) representation they obey the Dirac-like equation with eight components, which has been first introduced by Markov. Thus, the Fock space for corresponding quantum fields is doubled (as shown by Ziino). The particular attention has been paid to the questions of chirality and helicity (two concepts which are frequently confused in the literature) for Dirac and Majorana states. We further experimental consequences which follow from the previous works of M.Kirchbach et al. on neutrinoless double beta decay, and G.J.Ni et al. on meson lifetimes.
vixra:1210.0010 [
AFT Gravitational Model \\ Unity of All Elementary Particles in Sp(12,C)
A new unifying theory was recently proposed in the publication "Arrangement field theory - beyond strings and loop gravity -". Such theory describes all fields (gravitational, gauge and matter fields) as entries in a matricial superfield which transforms in the adjoint representation of Sp(12,C). In this paper we show how this superfield is built and we introduce a new mechanism of symmetry breaking which doesn't need Higgs bosons.
vixra:1209.0001 [
On Whether or not Non-Gravitational Interaction Can Occur in the Absence of Gravity
The Standard Model of particle physics is built upon the implied assumption that non-gravitational interaction can occur in the absence of gravity. This essay takes this implied assumption at face value and then considers the alternative assumption -- non-gravitational interaction {\it can't} occur in the absence of gravity. The alternative assumption is then discussed in terms of the dark sector of the Universe.
vixra:1208.0219 [
Proof of Quark Confinement and Baryon-Antibaryon Duality: I: Gauge Symmetry Breaking in Dual 4D Fractional Quantum Hall Superfluidic Space-Time
We prove quark (and antiquark) confinement for a baryon-antibaryon pair and design a well-defined, easy-to-visualize, and simplified mathematical framework for particle and astro physics based on experimental data. From scratch, we assemble a dual 4D space-time topology and generalized coordinate system for the Schwarzschild metric. Space-time is equipped with "fractional quantum number order parameter fields" and topological defects for the simultaneous and spontaneous breaking of several symmetries, which are used to construct the baryon wavefunction and its corresponding antisymmetric tensor. The confined baryon-antibaryon pair is directly connected to skyrmions with "massive 'Higgs-like' scalar amplitude-excitations" and "massless Nambu-Goldstone pseudo-scalar phase-excitations". Newton's second law and Einstein's relativity are combined to define a Lagrangian with effective potential and effective kinetic. We prove that our theory upgrades the prediction precision and accuracy of QCD/QED and general relativity, implements 4D versions of string theory and Witten's M-theory, and exemplifies M.C. Escher's duality.
vixra:1208.0203 [
Linear and Angular Momentum Spaces for Majorana Spinors
In a Majorana basis, the Dirac equation for a free spin one-half particle is a 4x4 real matrix differential equation. The solution can be a Majorana spinor, a 4x1 real column matrix, whose entries are real functions of the space-time. Can a Majorana spinor, whose entries are real functions of the space-time, describe the energy, linear and angular momentums of a free spin one-half particle? We show that it can. We show that the Majorana spinor is an irreducible representation of the double cover of the proper orthochronous Lorentz group and of the full Lorentz group. The Fourier-Majorana and Hankel-Majorana transforms are defined and related to the linear and angular momentums of a free spin one-half particle.
vixra:1208.0156 [
Is it Really Higgs?
The discovery of a new spinless particle at LHC has dominated the discussions in physics blogs during July 2012. Quite many bloggers identify without hesitation the new particle as the long sought for Higgs although some aspects of data do not encourage the interpretation as standard model Higgs or possibly its SUSY variant. Maybe the reason is that it is rather imagine any other interpretation. In this article the TGD based interpretation as a pion-like states of scaled up variant of hadron physics is discussed explaining also why standard model Higgs - by definition provider of fermion masses - is not needed. Essentially one assumption, the separate conservation of quark and lepton numbers realized in terms of 8-D chiral invariance, excludes Higgs like states in this sense as also standard N=1 SUSY. One can however consider Higgs like particles giving masses to weak gauge bosons: motivation comes from the correctly predicted group theoretical W/Z mass ratio. The pion of M<sub>89</sub> hadron physics is the TGD proposal for a state behaving like Higgs and its decays via instanton coupling mimic the decays of Higgs to gauge boson pairs. For this option also charged Higgs like states are prediction. The instanton coupling can however generate vacuum expectation value of pion and this indeed happens in the model for leptopion. This would lead to the counterpart of Higgs mechanism with weak bosons "eating" three components of Higgs. This is certainly a problem. The solution is that at microscopic level instanton density can be non-vanishing only in Euclidian regions representing lines of generalized Feynman diagrams. It is Euclidian pion - a flux tube connecting opposite throats of a wormhole contact which develops vacuum expectation whereas ordinary pion is Minkowskian and corresponds to flux tube connecting throats of separate wormhole contacts and cannot develop vacuum expectation. This identification could explain the failure to find the decays to τ pairs and also the excess of two-gamma decays. The decays gauge boson pairs would be caused by the coupling of pion-like state to instanton density for electro-weak gauge fields. Also a connection with the dark matter researches reporting signal at 130 GeV and possibly also at 110 GeV suggests itself: maybe also these signals also correspond to pion-like states.
vixra:1208.0041 [
On the W and Z Masses
Scalar and vector fields are coupled in a gauge invariant manner, such as to form massive vector fields. In this, there is no condensate or vacuum expectation value. Transverse and longitudinal solutions are found for the W and Z bosons. They satisfy the nonlinear cubic wave equation. Total energy and momentum are calculated, and this determines the mass ratio m_W/m_Z.
vixra:1207.0052 [
The Koide Formula and Its Analogues
The mathematics of analogues to the Koide formula is explored. In this context, a naturally occurring alternative to the Koide formula is shown to fit not only the tau-electron mass ratio, but also the muon-electron mass ratio.
vixra:1207.0022 [
Generalized Quantum Impedances: A Background Independent Model for the Unstable Particles
The discovery of exact impedance quantization in the quantum Hall effect was greatly facilitated by scale invariance. This letter explores the possibility that quantum impedances may be generalized, defined not just for the Lorentz force and the quantum Hall effect, but rather for all forces, resulting in a precisely structured network of scale dependent and scale invariant impedances. If the concept of generalized quantum impedances correctly describes the physical world, then such impedances govern how energy is transmitted and reflected, how the hydrogen atom is ionized by a 13.6eV photon, or why the pizero branching ratio is what it is. An impedance model of the electron is presented, and explored as a model for the unstable particles.
vixra:1206.0067 [
A Momentum Space for Majorana Spinors
In this work I will study the Dirac Gamma matrices in Majorana basis and Majorana spinors. A Fourier like transform is defined with Gamma matrices, defining a momentum space for Majorana spinors. It is shown that the Wheeler propagator has asymptotic states with well defined momentum.
vixra:1206.0063 [
Quantum Field Theory for Hypothetical Fifth Force
The fifth force is a hypothetical force, which is introduced as a hypothetical additional force, e.g. to describe deviations from gravitational force. Moreover, it is possible, to explain the baryon asymmetry in the universe, an unsolved problem of particle physics, with a hypothetical fifth force. This research shows, how the concept of a fifth force and its quantization can be used as a model for baryon asymmetry.
vixra:1206.0046 [
Understanding Lorentz Violation with Rashba Interaction
Rashba spin orbit interaction is a well studied effect in condensed matter physics and has important applications in spintronics. The Standard Model Extension (SME) includes a CPT-even term with the coefficient H_{\mu \nu} which leads to the Rashba interaction term. From the limit available on the coefficient H_{\mu \nu} in the SME we derive a limit on the Rashba coupling constant for Lorentz violation. In condensed matter physics the Rashba term is understood as resulting from an asymmetry in the confining potential at the interface of two different types of semiconductors. Based on this interpretation we suggest that a possible way of inducing the H_{\mu \nu} term in the SME is with an asymmetry in the potential that confines us to 3 spatial dimensions.
vixra:1203.0106 [
A Theorem Producing the Fine Structure Constant Inverse and the Quark and Lepton Mixing Angles
The value 137.036, a close approximation of the fine structure constant inverse, is shown to occur naturally in connection with a theorem employing a pair of related functions. It is also shown that the formula producing this approximation contains terms expressible using the sines squared of the experimental quark and lepton mixing angles, implying an underlying relationship between these constants. This formula places the imprecisely measured neutrino mixing angle <i>θ</i><sub>13</sub> at close to 8.09<sup>°</sup>, so that sin<sup>2</sup>2<i>θ</i><sub>13</sub> ≈ 0.0777.
vixra:1202.0031 [
The Local Doppler Effect Due to Earth's Rotation and the CNGS Neutrino Anomaly Due to Neutrino's Index of Refraction Through the Earth Crust
In this brief paper, we show the neutrino velocity discrepancy obtained in the OPERA experiment may be due to the local Doppler effect between a local clock attached to a given detector at Gran Sasso, say $\mathcal{C}_{G}$, and the respective instantaneous clock crossing $\mathcal{C}_{G}$, say $\mathcal{C}_{C}$, being this latter at rest in the instantaneous inertial frame having got the velocity of rotation of CERN about Earth's axis in relation to the fixed stars. With this effect, the index of refraction of the Earth crust may accomplish a refractive effect by which the neutrino velocity through the Earth crust turns out to be small in relation to the speed of light in the empty space, leading to an encrusted discrepancy that may have contamined the data obtained from the block of detectors at Gran Sasso, leading to a time interval excess $\epsilon$ that did not provide an exact match between the shift of the protons PDF (probability distribution function) by $\text{TOF}_{c}$ and the detection data at Gran Sasso via the maximum likelihood matching.
vixra:1202.0023 [
The Local Doppler Effect Due to Earth's Rotation and the CNGS Neutrino Anomaly?
In this brief paper, we show if the neutrino velocity discrepancy obtained in \cite{arxiv} may be due to the local Doppler effect between a local clock attached to a given detector at Gran Sasso, say $\mathcal{C}_{G}$, and the respective instantaneous clock crossing $\mathcal{C}_{G}$, say $\mathcal{C}_{C}$, being this latter at rest in the instantaneous inertial frame having got the velocity of rotation of CERN about Earth's axis in relation to the fixed stars.
vixra:1201.0123 [
The inspiration for this article came from listening some very inspiring Harward lectures relating to QCD, jets, gauge-gravity correspondence, and quark gluon plasma. Matthew Schwartz gave a talk titled <I> The Emergence of Jets at the Large Hadron Collider</I>. Dam Thanh Son's talk had the title <I> Viscosity, Quark Gluon Plasma, and String Theory</I>. Factorization theorems of jet QCD discussed in very clear manner by Ian Stewart in this talk titled <I> Mastering Jets: New Windows into Strong Interaction and Beyond</I>. These lecture inspired several blog postings and also the idea about a systematical comparison of QCD and TGD. This kind of comparisons are always very useful - at least to me - since they make it easier to see why the cherished beliefs- now the belief that QCD is <I> the</I> theory of strong interactions - might be wrong
vixra:1201.0122 [
Higgs or M_{89} Hadron Physics?
The newest results about Higgs search using 4.9/fb of data have published and there are many articles in arXiv. The overall view is that there is evidence for something around 125 GeV. Whether this something is Higgs or some other particle decaying to Higgs remains to my opinion an open question. The evidence comes basically from Higgs to γγ decays. The signal is however too larger so that something else than Higgs might be in question. There are some ZZ and WW events. CMS represented also data for more rare events. There are also indications about something at higher masses. In TGD framework Higgs is not needed for the massivation and the simplest option is that Higgs does not exist. Higgs is effectively replaced with a scaled up copy of hadron physics with mass scale 512 times higher than that for ordinary hadron physics. In this article this option will be discussed.
vixra:1201.0091 [
Model of Superluminal Oscillating Neutrinos
We present a simple quantum relativistic model of neutrino oscillations and propagation in space. Matrix elements of the neutrino Hamiltonian depend on momentum and this dependence is responsible for the observed neutrino velocity. It is possible to choose the Hamiltonian in such a way that neutrino velocity oscillates around c in a pattern synchronized with flavor oscillations. The velocity can exceed c during some time intervals. Due to low masses of the electron, muon and tau neutrino species, this superluminal effect is too small to be seen in experiments. The consistency of our model with fundamental principles of relativity and causality is discussed as well.
vixra:1201.0062 [
Chirality and Symmetry Breaking in a Discrete Internal Space
In previous papers the permutation group S_4 has been suggested as an ordering scheme for elementary particles, and the appearance of this finite symmetry group was taken as indication for the existence of a discrete inner symmetry space underlying elementary particle interactions. Here it is pointed out that a more suitable choice than the tetrahedral group S_4 is the pyritohedral group A_4 x Z_2 because its vibrational spectrum exhibits exactly the mass multiplet structure of the 3 fermion generations. Furthermore it is noted that the same structure can also be obtained from a primordial symmetry breaking S_4 --> A_4. Since A_4 is a chiral group, while S_4 is achiral, an argument can be given why the chirality of the inner pyritohedral symmetry leads to parity violation of the weak interactions.
vixra:1201.0016 [
Anisotropic to Isotropic Phase Transitions in the Early Universe
We propose that the early Universe was not Lorentz symmetric and that a gradual transition to the Lorentz symmetric phase occurred. An underlying form of the Dirac equation hints to such a transition for fermions. Fermions were coupled to space-time in a non-trivial manner such that they were massless in the Lorentz violating phase. The partition function is used as a transfer matrix to model this transition on a two level thermodynamics system that describes how such a transition might have occurred. The system that models this transition evolves, with temperature, from a state of large to negligible entropy and this is interpreted as describing the transition to a state with Lorentz symmetry. In addition to this, analogy is created with the properties of this system to describe how the fields were massless and how a baryon asymmetry can be generated in this model.
vixra:1201.0003 [
Calculation of the Elementary Particle Mass
In this paper, the mass derived from the g_equation is assumed to be the mass of quark-lepton, and is used to calculate the masses of the most common elementary particles. The difference between the calculated results and observed values is within 3%.
vixra:1112.0053 [
126 Gev Boson Constitutes Higgs Charged Boson and W Boson
It is suggested that, in super symmetry, the fermion and boson mass ratio is equal to 2.62218404 but not unity. Based on strong nuclear gravity and super symmetry it is suggested that: there exists a charged Higgs fermion of rest energy 103125 MeV. Its charged susy boson rest energy is 45586 MeV. The charged Higgs fermion and nuclear charge radius play a crucial role in the emission of the electron in Beta decay. The recently discovered neutral boson of rest energy 123 to 127 MeV seems to be composed of a Higgs charged boson and a W boson. Its obtained rest energy is 126 GeV.
vixra:1111.0084 [
Does the Opera Experiment Reveal a Systematic Error in the Satellite Ephemeris of the Global Positioning System ?
With respect to the speed of light, the speed excess of the neutrinos (7.2 ± 0.6 km.s−1 ) measured in the OPERA experiment is observed to be close, if not exactly equal, to two times the orbital velocity of the GPS satellites (≈ 3.9 km.s−1 ), strongly suggesting that this anomaly is due to an error made on some of the GPS-based measurements involved in the OPERA experiment. Moreover, when this error is assumed to arise from a systematic error made on the measurements of GPS satellite velocities, the origin of the factor two becomes obvious. So, it seems likely that the OPERA experiment, instead of revealing a new, unexpected and challenging aspect of the physics of neutrinos, has demonstrated that the Global Positioning System still suffers from a rather important error, which remained unoticed until now, probably as a consequence of its systematic nature.
vixra:1111.0062 [
A New Koide Triplet: Strange, Charm, Bottom.
With the negative sign for $\sqrt m_s$, the quarks strange, charm and bottom make a Koide tuple. It continues the c-b-t tuple recently found by Rodejohann and Zhang and, more peculiar, it is quasi-orthogonal to the original charged lepton triplet.
vixra:1111.0021 [
Do X and Y Mesons Provide Evidence for Color Excited Quarks or Squarks?
This article was motivated by a blog posting in Quantum Diaries with the title "Who ordered that?! An X-traordinary particle?". The learned that in the spectroscopy of ccbar type mesons is understood except for some troublesome mesons christened with letters X and Y. X(3872) is the firstly discovered troublemaker and what is known about it can be found in the blog posting and also in Particle Data Tables. The problems are following. <OL> <LI> These mesons should not be there. </LI> <LI> Their decay widths seem to be narrow taking into account their mass.</LI> <LI> Their decay characteristics are strange: in particular the kinematically allow decays to DDbar dominating the decays of Ψ(3770) with branching ratio 93 per cent has not been observed whereas the decay to DDbarπ<sup>0</sup> occurs with a branching fraction >3.2× 10<sup>-3</sup>. Why the pion is needed? </LI> <LI> X(3872) should decay to photon and charmonium state in a predictable way but it does not. </LI> </OL> <br/> One of the basic predictions of TGD is that both leptons and quarks should have color excitations. In the case of leptons there is a considerable support as carefully buried anomalies: the first ones come from seventies. But in the case of quarks this kind of anomalies have been lacking. Could these mysterious X:s and Y:s provide the first signatures about the existence of color excited quarks? <br/> <OL> <LI> The first basic objection is that the decay widths of intermediate gauge bosons do not allow new light particles. This objection is encountered already in the model of leptohadrons. The solution is that the light exotic states are possible only if they are dark in TGD sense having therefore non-standard value of Planck constant and behaving as dark matter. The value of Planck constant is only effective and has purely geometric interpretation in TGD framework. <LI> Second basic objection is that light quarks do not seem to have such excitations. The answer is that gluon exchange transforms the exotic quark pair to ordinary one and vice versa and considerable mixing of the ordinary and exotic mesons takes place. At low energies where color coupling strength becomes very large this gives rise to mass squared matrix with very large non-diagonal component and the second eigenstate of mass squared is tachyon and therefore drops from the spectrum. For heavy quarks situation is different and one expects that charmonium states have also exotic counterparts. </LI> <LI> The selection rules can be also understood. The decays to DDbar involve at least two gluon emissions decaying to quark pairs and producing additional pion unlikes the decays of ordinary charmonium state involving only the emission of single gluon decaying to quark pair so that DDbar results. </LI> The decay of the lightest X to photon and charmonium is not possible in the lowest order since at least one gluon exchange is needed to transform exotic quark pair to ordinary one. Exotic charmonia can however transform to exotic charmonia. Therefore the basic constraints seem to be satisfied. </OL> The above arguments apply with minimal modifications also to squark option and at this moment I am not able to to distinguish between this options. The SUSY option is however favored by the fact that it would explain why SUSY has not been observed in LHC in terms of shadronization and subsequent decay to hadrons by gluino exhanges so that the jets plus missing energy would not serve as a signature of SUSY. Note that the decay of gluon to dark squark pair would require a phase transition to dark gluon first.
vixra:1111.0020 [
Are Neutrinos Superluminal?
OPERA collaboration in CERN has reported that the neutrinos travelling from CERN to Gran Sasso in Italy move with a super-luminal speed. There exists also earlier evidence for the super-luminality of neutrinos: for instance, the neutrinos from SN1987A arrived for few hours earlier than photons. The standard model based on tachyonic neutrinos is formally possible but breaks causality and is unable to explain all results. TGD based explanation relies on sub-manifold geometry replacing abstract manifold geometry as the space-time geometry. The notion of many- sheeted space-time predicts this kind of effects plus many other effects for which evidence exists as various anomalies which have not taken seriously by the main stream theorists. In this article the TGD based model is discussed in some detail.
vixra:1111.0019 [
First Evidence for M_89 Hadron Physics
p-Adic length scale hypothesis strongly suggests a fractal hierarchy of copies of hadron physics labelled by Mersenne primes. M<sub>89</sub> hadron physics whose mass scales relates by a factor 512 to that of ordinary M<sub>107</sub> hadron physics was predicted already for 15 years ago but only now the TeV energy region has been reached at LHC making possible to test the prediction. Pions of any hadron physics are produced copiously in hadronic reactions and their detection is the most probable manner how the new hadron physics will be discovered if Nature has realized them. Neutral pions produce monochromatic gamma pairs whereas heavy charged pions decay to W boson and gluon pair or quark pair. The first evidence -or should we say indication- for the existence of M<sub>89</sub> hadron physics has now emerged from CDF which for more than two years ago provided evidence also for the colored excitations of tau lepton and for leptohadron physics. What CDF has observed is evidence for the production of quark antiquark pairs in association with W bosons and the following arguments demonstrate that the interpretation in terms of M<sub>89</sub> hadron physics might make sense.
vixra:1111.0018 [
Explanation for the Soft Photon Excess in Hadron Production
There is quite a recent article entitled "Study of the Dependence of Direct Soft Photon Production on the Jet Characteristics in Hadronic Z<sup>0</sup> Decays" discussing one particular manifestation of an anomaly of hadron physics known for two decades: the soft photon production rate in hadronic reactions is by an averge factor of about four higher than expected. In the article soft photons assignable to the decays of Z<sup>0</sup> to quark-antiquark pairs. This anomaly has not reached the attention of particle physics which seems to be the fate of anomalies quite generally nowadays: large extra dimensions and blackholes at LHC are much more sexy topics of study than the anomalies about which both existing and speculative theories must remain silent. <br/> TGD leads to an explanation of anomaly in terms of the basic differences between TGD and QCD. <br/> <OL> <LI> The first difference is due to induced gauge field concept: both classical color gauge fields and the U(1) part of electromagnetic field are proportional to induced Kähler form. Second difference is topological field quantization meaning that electric and magnetic fluxes are associated with flux tubes. Taken together this means that for neutral hadrons color flux tubes and electric flux tubes can be and will be assumed to be one and same thing. In the case of charged hadrons the em flux tubes must connect different hadrons: this is essential for understanding why neutral hadrons seem to contribute much more effectively to the brehmstrahlung than charged hadrons- which is just the opposite for the prediction of hadronic inner bremsstrahlung model in which only charged hadrons contribute. Now all both sea and valence quarks of neutral hadrons contribute but in the case of charged hadrons only valence quarks do so. </LI> <LI>Sea quarks of neutral hadrons seem to give the largest contribution to bremsstrahlung. p-Adic length scale hypothesis predicting that quarks can appear in several mass scales represents the third difference and the experimental findings suggest that sea quarks are by a factor of 1/2 lighter than valence quarks implying that brehmstrahlung for given sea quark is by a factor 4 more intense than for corresponding valence quark. </LI> </OL>
vixra:1111.0017 [
The Incredibly Shrinking Proton
The recent discovery that the charge radius of proton deduced from quantum average of nuclear charge density from the muonic version of hydrogen atom is 4 per cent smaller than the radius deduced from hydrogen atom challenges either QED or the view about proton or both. In TGD framework topological quantization leads to the notion of eld body as a characteristic of any system. Field body is expected to contain substructures with sizes given by the primary and secondary p-adic length scales at at least. u and d quarks would have eld bodies with size much larger than proton itself. In muonic atom the p-adic size scale of the eld body of u quark having mass of 2 MeV according to the last estimates would be roughly twice the Boh radius so that the anomaly might be understood as a signature of eld body.
vixra:1111.0016 [
Could Neutrinos Appear in Several Mass Scales?
There are some indications that neutrinos can appear in several mass scales from neutrino oscillations. These oscillations can be classied to vacuum oscillations and to solar neutrino oscillations believed to be due to the so called MSW eect in the dense matter of Sun. There are also indications that the mixing is dierent for neutrinos and antineutrinos. In the following the possibility that padic length scale hypothesis might explain these ndings is discussed.
vixra:1110.0068 [
Why there is no Symmetry in Physical Vacuum Between the Overall Number of Particles and Twin Antiparticles
Physical vacuum can be seen as a turbulent ideal fluid. Particles of matter originate from primordial inclusion in the fluid of the empty space. The proton is modeled by a hollow bubble stabilized due to positive perturbation of the averaged turbulence energy and accompanying drop of the pressure on the wall of the cavity.<br> The antiproton can be created only in the pair with the proton: extracting from the medium a ball <i>V</i> of the fluid and inserting it into another place of the medium. The intrusion into the medium of the redundant void thus performed is concerned with a huge amount of the energy <i>p</i><sub>0</sub><i>V</i> needed in order to expand the fluid by the volume <i>V</i> against the background pressure <i>p</i><sub>0</sub>. Still, because of the free energy of the system tendency to decrease, the redundant void will be shortly canceled to the continuum.<br> Creation of the electron–positron pair requires a relatively small energy ~<i>p</i><sub>0</sub>Δ<i>V</i>, where Δ<i>V</i> << <i>V</i>, which is the work of the elastic deformation of the turbulent medium. The resulting radial stress arising in the turbulent fluid corresponds to the electric field of the elementary charge. The system can be stabilized merging the small cavity Δ<i>V</i> of the positron with the large bubble <i>V</i> of a neutron.<br> Thus, the total number of protons turns out to be equal to total number of electrons, where, being a void, the proton should be classified as particle, and, being an islet of the fluid, the electron should be classified as antiparticle.<br><br> Key words: physical vacuum, turbulent fluid, cavities, particles, antiparticles.
vixra:1110.0052 [
Superluminal Effect with Oscillating Neutrinos
A simple quantum relativistic model of muon-tau neutrino oscillations in the OPERA experiment is presented. This model suggests that the two components in the neutrino beam are separated in space. Being created in a meson decay, the muon neutrino emerges 18 meters ahead of the beam's center of energy, while the tau neutrino is behind. Both neutrinos have subluminal speeds, however the advanced start of the muon neutrino explains why it arrives in the detector 60 ns earlier than expected. Our model does violate the special-relativistic ban on superluminal signals. However, usual arguments about violation of causality in moving reference frames are not applicable here. The invalidity of standard special-relativistic arguments is related to the inevitable interaction-dependence of the boost operator, which implies that boost-transformed space-time coordinates of events with interacting particles do not obey linear and universal Lorentz formulas.
vixra:1110.0047 [
A Comment on Arxiv:1110.2685
This brief paper traces comments on the article [2]. This article, a preprint, has recently received an attention, raising errors related to the timing process within the OPERA Collaboration results in [1], that turns out to be a wrong route by which serious science should not be accomplished. A peer-reviewed status should be previously considered to assert that [2] claims a solution for the superluminal results in [1]. Within [2], it seems there is an intrinsical misconception within its claimed solution, since an intrinsical proper time reasoning leads to the assumption the OPERA collaboration interprets a time variation as a proper time when correcting time intervals between a GPS frame and the grounded baseline frame. Furthermore, the author of [2] seems to double radio signals, doubling the alleged half of the truly observed time of flight, since the Lorentz transformations do consider radio signals intrinsically by construction.
vixra:1110.0044 [
Fermion-Antifermion Asymmetry
An event with positive energy transfers this energy photons which carries it on recorders observers. Observers know that this event occurs, not before it happens. But event with negative energy should absorb this energy from observers. Consequently, observers know that this event happens before it happens. Since time is irreversible then only the events with positive energy can occur. In single-particle states events with a fermion have positive energy and occurences with an antifermion have negative energy. In double-particle states events with pair of antifermions have negative energy and events with pair of fermions and with fermion-antifermion pair have positive energy.
vixra:1110.0012 [
Two Charged Scalar Field-Based Mass Generation Mechanisms
Despite consistency of the Higgs mechanism, experimental data have not revealed existence of the Higgs particle. Moreover, the Higgs mechanism explains why photon is massless, while another experimental data reveal very small but detectable photon mass. In this manner the crucial problem is to combine abstract ideas of the Standard Model with the verified experimental data to obtain constructive physical picture. In this paper we discuss two alternative consistent mass generation mechanisms which are based on charged scalar field and the O(2) symmetric Higgs potential. Both the mechanisms for abelian fields of the Standard Model lead to nonzero photon mass, but predict distinguishable mass of the new neutral scalar boson. Both the models are similar to the Higgs mechanism. The scenarios base on existence of a new scalar neutral boson c and an auxiliary scalar neutral field j which can be interpreted as a dilaton. In the first model a new scalar particle is massive, and the value of its mass can be estimated by the present day experimental limits on the photon mass. In the second model dilaton is massless and a new scalar particle has a mass which can be determined only by experimental data. The mass of a photon in this model does not depend on the mass of a Higgs-like particle.
vixra:1110.0010 [
Complement to Special Relativity at Superluminal Speeds: CERN Neutrinos Explained
The most recent notifications from OPERA Collaboration of CERN Geneva report highly probable existence of faster-than-light neutrinos. Such a state of affairs has been also detected earlier in radio galaxies, quasars and recently in microquasars. The usual scenario explaining superluminal speeds is based on a black hole contained in these sources producing the high speed mass ejection. Superluminal speeds are, however, plainly and efficiently explainable within the framework of Special Relativity, in which the Einstein postulates, the Minkowski energy-momentum space, and both the Poincar� and the Lorentz symmetries remain unchanged, but the energy-momentum relation is deformed. In this paper superluminal deformations of Special Relativity, complementing the Einstein theory at faster-than-light speeds, are studied in the context of CERN neutrinos. For full consistency we propose to apply the non-parallelism hypothesis, the deformation derived ab initio, and the concept of measured speed of light which can be higher than c. We show that such a theory is able to explain both superluminal speed as well as mass of neutrino.
vixra:1109.0010 [
Noncommutative Complex Scalar Field and Casimir Effect
Using noncommutative deformed canonical commutation relations, a model describing a non-commutative complex scalar field theory is proposed. The noncommutative field equations are solved, and the vacuum energy is calculated to the second order in the parameter of noncommutativity. As an application to this model, the Casimir effect, due to the zero point fluctuations of the noncommutative complex scalar field, is considered. It turns out that in spite of its smallness, the noncommutativity gives rise to a repulsive force at the microscopic level, leading to a modified Casimr potential with a minimum at the point ...
vixra:1107.0057 [
Theory of Electron
The solution with no singularity of wave equation for E-M fields is solved not to Bessel function, which's geometrical size is little enough to explain all effects in matter's structure: strong, weak effect or even other new ones. The mathematic calculation leaded by quantum theory reveals the weak or strong decay and static properties of elementary particles, all coincide with experimental data, and a covariant equation comprising bent space is proposed to explain mass.
vixra:1103.0128 [
Possible Nonstandard Effects in Z-Gamma Events at LEP2
We point out that the so�called �radiative return� events e+e- → Z are suited to the study of nonstandard physics, particularly if the vector bosons are emitted into the central detector region. An effective vertex is constructed which contains the most general gauge invariant e+e-Z interaction and its phenomenolgocial consequences are examined. Low Energy Constraints on the effective vertex are discussed as well.
vixra:1103.0127 [
Complete Helicity Decomposition of the B-T-Tbar Vertex Including Higher Order QCD Corrections and Applications to E+e → T+tbar
The complete density matrix for all polarization configurations in the process B* → t+tbar, where B* is an off�shell Z or photon and t is the top quark, is calculated numerically including oneloop QCD corrections. The analysis is done in the framework of the helicity formalism. The results are particularly suited for top quark production at the Linear Collider, but may be useful in other circumstances as well. Relations to LEP and Tevatron physics are pointed out.
vixra:1103.0126 [
New Interactions in Top Quark Production and Decay at the Tevatron Upgrade
New interactions in top-quark production and decay are studied under the conditions of the Tevatron upgrade. Studying the process q+qbar → t+tbar → b+mu+nu+tbar it is shown how the lepton rapidity and transverse energy distribution are modified by nonstandard modifications of the g-t-tbar- and the t-b-W-vertex.
vixra:1103.0125 [
NLO QCD Corrections and Triple Gauge Boson Vertices at the NLC
We study NLO QCD corrections as relevant to hadronic W decay in W pair production at a future 500 GeV e+e- linac, with particular emphasis on the determination of triple gauge boson vertices. We find that hard gluon bremstrahlung may mimic signatures of anomalous triple gauge boson vertices in certain distributions. The size of these effects can strongly depend on the polarisation of the initial e+e- beams.
vixra:1103.0124 [
A Low�energy Compatible SU(4)�type Model for Vector Leptoquarks of Mass ≤ 1 Tev
The Standard Model is extended by a SU(2)L singlet of vector leptoquarks. An additional SU(4) gauge symmetry between right�handed up quarks and right�handed leptons is introduced to render the model renormalizable. The arrangement is made in such a way that no conflict with low energy restrictions is encountered. The SU(2)L singlet mediates interactions between the right�handed leptons and up type quarks for which only moderate low energy restrictions exist.
vixra:1103.0123 [
A Note on QCD Corrections to A_b(fb) Using Thrust to Determine the B-Quark Direction
I discuss one-loop QCD corrections to the forward backward asymmetry of the bquark in a way appropriate to the present experimental procedure. I try to give insight into the structure of the corrections and elucidate some questions which have been raised by experimental experts. Furthermore, I complete and comment on results given in the literature.
vixra:1103.0122 [
Complete Description of Polarization Effects in Top Quark Decays Including Higher Order QCD Corrections
The complete set of matrix elements for all polarization configurations in top quark decays is presented including higher order QCD corrections. The analysis is done in the framework of the helicity formalism. The results can be used in a variety of circumstances, e.g. in the experimental analysis of top quark production and decay at Tevatron, LHC and NLC. Relations to LEP1 and LEP2 physics are pointed out.
vixra:1103.0121 [
Directions in High Energy Physics
The future goals of particle physics are classified from a theorist�s point of view. The prospects of mass and mixing angle determination and of the top quark and Higgs boson discovery are discussed. It is shown that the most important progress will come from LHC and NLC. These machines should be planned and developed as quickly as possible.
vixra:1103.0120 [
The First Moment of δg(x) � a Comparative Study
The sensititivity of various future polarization experiments to the first moment Δg of the polarized gluon density is elucidated in detail. It is shown to what extent the first moment can be extracted from the future data as compared to the higher moments. We concentrate on two processes which in the near future will become an important source of information on the polarized gluon density, namely the photoproduction of open charm to be studied at CERN (COMPASS) and SLAC and the production of direct photons at RHIC.
vixra:1103.0116 [
QCD Corrections to W Pair Production at LEP200
One loop QCD corrections to hadronic W decay are calculated for arbitrary W polarizations . The results are applied to W pair production and decay at LEP200. We focus on the corrections to angular distributions with particular emphasis on azimuthal distributions and correlations. The relevance of our results to the experimental determination of possible nonstandard triple gauge bosons interactions is discussed.
vixra:1102.0021 [
A Mathematical Model of the Quark and Lepton Mixing Angles (2011 Update)
A single mathematical model encompassing both quark and lepton mixing is described. This model exploits the fact that when a 3 × 3 rotation matrix whose elements are squared is subtracted from its transpose, a matrix is produced whose non-diagonal elements have a common absolute value, where this value is an intrinsic property of the rotation matrix. For the traditional CKM quark mixing matrix with its second and third rows interchanged (i.e., c - t interchange), this value equals one-third the corresponding value for the leptonic matrix (roughly, 0.05 versus 0.15). By imposing this and two additional related constraints on mixing, and letting leptonic φ<sub>23</sub> equal 45<sup>°</sup>, a framework is defined possessing just two free parameters. A mixing model is then specified using values for these two parameters that derive from an equation that reproduces the fine structure constant. The resultant model, which possesses no constants adjusted to fit experiment, has mixing angles of θ<sub>23</sub> = 2.367445<sup>°</sup>, θ<sub>13</sub> = 0.190987<sup>°</sup>, θ<sub>12</sub> = 12.920966<sup>°</sup>, φ<sub>23</sub> = 45<sup>°</sup>, φ<sub>13</sub> = 0.013665<sup>°</sup>, and φ<sub>12</sub> = 33.210911<sup>°</sup>. A fourth, newly-introduced constraint of the type described above produces a Jarlskog invariant for the quark matirx of 2.758 ×10<sup>−5</sup>. Collectively these achieve a good fit with the experimental quark and lepton mixing data. The model predicts the following CKM matrix elements: |V<sub>us</sub>| = √0.05 = 2.236 × 10<sup>−1</sup>, |V<sub>ub</sub>| = 3.333 × 10<sup>−3</sup>, and |V<sub>cb</sub>| = 4.131 × 10<sup>−2</sup>. For leptonic mixing the model predicts sin<sup>2</sup>φ<sub>12</sub> = 0.3, sin<sup>2</sup>φ<sub>23</sub> = 0.5, and sin<sup>2</sup>φ<sub>13</sub> = 5.688 × 10<sup>−8</sup>. At the time of its 2007 introduction the model's values for |V<sub>us</sub>| and |V<sub>ub</sub>| had disagreements with experiment of an improbable 3.6σ and 7.0σ, respectively, but 2010 values from the same source now produce disagreements of just 2.4σ and 1.1σ, the absolute error for |V<sub>us</sub>| having been reduced by 53%, and that for |V<sub>ub</sub>| by 78%.
vixra:1102.0012 [
The Fine Structure Constant Derived from the Broken Symmetry of Two Simple Algebraic Identities
The fine structure constant is shown to arise naturally in the course of altering the symmetry of two algebraic identities. Specifically, the symmetry of the identity <i>M</i><sup>2</sup> = <i>M</i><sup>2</sup> is "broken" by making the substitution <i>M</i> → <i>M</i> − <i>y</i> on its left side, and the substitution <i>M</i><sup><i>n</i></sup> → <i>M</i><sup><i>n</i></sup> − <i>x</i><sup><i>p</i></sup> on its right side, where <i>p</i> equals the order of the identity; these substitutions convert the above identity into the equation (<i>M</i> − <i>y</i>)<sup>2</sup> = <i>M</i><sup>2</sup> − <i>x</i><sup>2</sup>. These same substitutions are also applied to the only slightly more complicated identity (<i>M</i> / <i>N</i>)<sup>3</sup> + <i>M</i><sup>2</sup> = (<i>M</i> / <i>N</i>)<sup>3</sup> + <i>M</i><sup>2</sup> to produce this second equation (<i>M</i> − <i>y</i>)<sup>3</sup> / <i>N</i><sup>3</sup> + (<i>M</i> − <i>y</i>)<sup>2</sup> = (<i>M</i><sup>3</sup> − <i>x</i><sup>3</sup>) / <i>N</i><sup>3</sup> + <i>M</i><sup>2</sup> − <i>x</i><sup>3</sup>. These two equations are then shown to share a mathematical property relating to <i>dy</i>/<i>dx</i>, where, on the second equation�s right side this property helps define the special case (<i>M</i><sup>3</sup> − <i>x</i><sup>3</sup>) / <i>N</i><sup>3</sup> + <i>M</i><sup>2</sup> − <i>x</i><sup>3</sup> = (10<sup>3</sup> − 0.1<sup>3</sup>) / 3<sup>3</sup> + 10<sup>2</sup> − 0.1<sup>3</sup> = 137.036, which incorporates a value close to the experimental fine structure constant inverse.
vixra:1012.0026 [
The Equivalence Between Gauge and Non-Gauge Abelian Models
This work is intended to estabilish the equivalence between gauge and non-gauge abelian models. Following a technique proposed by Harada and Tsutsui, it is shown that the Proca and chiral Schwinger models may be equivalent to correspondent gauge invariant ones. Finally, it is shown that a gauge invariant version of the chiral Schwinger model, after integrated out the fermions, can be identified with the 2-D Stueckelberg model without the gauge fixing term.
vixra:1012.0025 [
Path-Integral Gauge Invariant Mapping: From Abelian Gauge Anomalies to the Generalized Stueckelberg Mechanism
Reviewing a path-integral procedure of recovering gauge invariance from anomalous effective actions developed by Harada and Tsutsui in the 80's, it is shown that there is another way to achieve gauge symmetry, besides the one presented by the authors, which may be anomaly-free, preserving current conservation. It is also shown that the generalization of Harada-Tsutsui technique to other models which are not anomalous but do not exhibit gauge invariance allows the identification of the gauge invariant formulation of the Proca model with the Stueckelberg model, leading to the interpretation of the gauge invariant mapping as a generalization of the Stueckelberg mechanism.
vixra:1012.0023 [
On the Failure of Particle Dark Matter Experiments to Yield Positive Results
It is argued that the failure of particle dark matter experiments to verify its existence may be attributable to a non-Planckian �action,� which renders dark matter�s behavior contradictory to the consequences of quantum mechanics as it applies to luminous matter. It is pointed out that such a possibility cannot be convincingly dismissed in the absence of a physical law that prohibits an elementary �action� smaller than Planck�s. It is further noted that no purely dark matter measurement of Planck�s constant exists. Finally, the possibility of a non-Planckian cold dark matter particle is explored, and found to be consistent with recent astronomical observations.
vixra:1005.0052 [
Tetron Model Building
Spin models are considered on a discretized inner symmetry space with tetrahedral symmetry as possible dynamical schemes for the tetron model. Parity violation, which corresponds to a change of sign for odd permutations, is shown to dictate the form of the Hamiltonian. It is further argued that such spin models can be obtained from more fundamental principles by considering a (6+1)- or (7+1)-dimensional spacetime with octonion multiplication.
vixra:1003.0214 [
Nom Associative SU(3)<sub>L</sub> X U(1)<sub>N</sub> Gauge Model and Predictions
A classical gauge model based on the Lie group SU(3)<sub>L</sub> X U(1)<sub>N</sub> with exotic quarks is reformulated within the formalism of non-associative geometry associated to an L-cycle. The N charges of the fermionic particles and the related parameters constraints are uniquely determinedalgebraic consequences. Moreover, the number of scalar particles are dictated by the non-associativity of the geometry. As a byproduct of this formalism, the scalar, charged and neutral gauge bosons masses as well as the mixing angles are derived. Furthermore, various expressions of the vector and axial couplings of the quarks and leptons with the neutral gauge bosons and lower bounds of the very heavy gauge bosons are also obtained.
vixra:1003.0190 [
A Brief Note on "Un-Particle" Physics
The possibility of a hidden sector of particle physics that lies beyond the energy range of the Standard Model has been recently advocated by many authors. A bizarre implication of this conjecture is the emergence of a continuous spectrum of massless fields with non-integral scaling dimensions called "un-particles". The purpose of this Letter is to show that the idea of "un-particles" was considered in at least two previous independent publications, prior to its first claimed disclosure.
vixra:1003.0145 [
Non-equilibrium Dynamics as Source of Asymmetries in High Energy Physics
Understanding the origin of certain symmetry breaking scenarios in high-energy physics remains an open challenge. Here we argue that, at least in some cases, symmetry violation is an effect of non-equilibrium dynamics that is likely to develop somewhere above the energy scale of electroweak interaction. We also find that, imposing Poincare symmetry in non-equilibrium field theory, leads to fractalization of space-time continuum via period-doubling transition to chaos.
vixra:1003.0140 [
New Seiberg-Witten Fields Maps Through Weyl Symmetrization and The Pure Geometric Extension of The Standard Model
A unified description of a symmetrized and anti-symmetrized Moyal star product of the non-commutative infinitesimal gauge transformations is presented and the corresponding Seiberg-Witten maps are derived. Moreover, the noncommutative covariant derivative, field strenght tensor as well as gauge transformations are shown to be consistently constructed not on the enveloping but on the Lie and/or Poisson algebra. As an application, a pure geometric extension of the standard model is shown explicitly.
vixra:1003.0055 [
On PT-Symmetric Periodic Potential, Quark Confinement, and Other Impossible Pursuits
As we know, it has been quite common nowadays for particle physicists to think of six impossible things before breakfast, just like what their cosmology fellows used to do. In the present paper, we discuss a number of those impossible things, including PT-symmetric periodic potential, its link with condensed matter nuclear science, and possible neat link with Quark confinement theory. In recent years, the PT-symmetry and its related periodic potential have gained considerable interests among physicists. We begin with a review of some results from a preceding paper discussing derivation of PT-symmetric periodic potential from biquaternion Klein-Gordon equation and proceed further with the remaining issues. Further observation is of course recommended in order to refute or verify this proposition.
vixra:1003.0048 [
Thirty Unsolved Problems in the Physics of Elementary Particles
Unlike what some physicists and graduate students used to think, that physics science has come to the point that the only improvement needed is merely like adding more numbers in decimal place for the masses of elementary particles or gravitational constant, there is a number of unsolved problems in this field that may require that the whole theory shall be reassessed. In the present article we discuss thirty of those unsolved problems and their likely implications. In the first section we will discuss some well-known problems in cosmology and particle physics, and then other unsolved problems will be discussed in next section.
vixra:1003.0038 [
Verifying Unmatter by Experiments, More Types of Unmatter, and a Quantum Chromodynamics Formula
As shown, experiments registered unmatter: a new kind of matter whose atoms include both nucleons and anti-nucleons, while their life span was very short, no more than 10<sup>-20</sup>sec. Stable states of unmatter can be built on quarks and anti-quarks: applying the unmatter principle here it is obtained a quantum chromodynamics formula that gives many combinations of unmatter built on quarks and anti-quarks.
vixra:0910.0051 [
Derivation of Gauge Boson Masses from the Dynamics of Levy Flows
Gauge bosons are fundamental fields that mediate the electroweak interaction of leptons and quarks. The underlying mechanism explaining how gauge bosons acquire mass is neither definitively settled nor universally accepted and several competing theories coexist. The prevailing paradigm is that boson masses arise as a result of coupling to a hypothetical scalar field called the Higgs boson. Within the current range of accelerator technology, compelling evidence for the Higgs boson is missing. We discuss in this paper a derivation of boson masses that bypasses the Higgs mechanism and is formulated on the basis of complexity theory. The key premise of our work is that the dynamics of the gauge field may be described as a stochastic process caused by the short range of electroweak interaction. It is found that, if this process is driven by Levy statistics, mass generation in the electroweak sector can be naturally accounted for. Theoretical predictions are shown to agree well with experimental data.
vixra:0910.0042 [
Chaotic Dynamics of the Renormalization Group Flow and Standard Model Parameters
Bringing closure to the host of open questions posed by the current Standard Model for particle physics (SM) continues to be a major challenge for theoretical physics community. Motivated by recent advances in the study of complex systems, our work suggests that the pattern of particle masses and gauge couplings emerges from the critical dynamics of renormalization group equations. Using the ε-expansion method along with the universal path to chaos in unimodal maps, we find that the observed hierarchies of SM parameters amount to a series of scaling ratios depending on the Feigenbaum constant.
vixra:0910.0009 [
Chaos in Quantum Chromodynamics and the Hadron Spectrum
We present analytic evidence that the distribution of hadron masses follows from the universal transition to chaos in non-equilibrium field theory. It is shown that meson and baryon spectra obey a scaling hierarchy with critical exponents ordered in natural progression. Numerical predictions are found to be in close agreement with experimental data.
vixra:0909.0013 [
On the Coupling Constants, Geometric Probability and Complex Domains
By recurring to Geometric Probability methods it is shown that the coupling constants, α<sub>EM</sub>, α<sub>W</sub>, α<sub>C</sub>, associated with the electromagnetic, weak and strong (color) force are given by the ratios of measures of the sphere S<sup>2</sup> and the Shilov boundaries Q<sub>3</sub> = S<sup>2</sup> x RP<sup>1</sup>, squashed S<sup>5</sup>, respectively, with respect to the Wyler measure Ω<sub>Wyler</sub>[Q<sub>4</sub>] of the Shilov boundary Q<sub>4</sub> = S<sup>3</sup> x RP<sup>1</sup> of the poly-disc D<sub>4</sub> (8 real dimensions). The latter measure Ω<sub>Wyler</sub>[Q<sub>4</sub>] is linked to the geometric coupling strength α<sub>G</sub> associated to the gravitational force. In the conclusion we discuss briefly other approaches to the determination of the physical constants, in particular, a program based on the Mersenne primes p-adic hierarchy. The most important conclusion of this work is the role played by higher dimensions in the determination of the coupling constants from pure geometry and topology alone and which does not require to invoke the anthropic principle.
vixra:0909.0012 [
The Charge-Mass-Spin Relation of Clifford Polyparticles, Kerr-Newman Black Holes and the Fine Structure Constant
A Clifford-algebraic interpretation is proposed of the charge, mass, spin relationship found recently by Cooperstock and Faraoini which was based on the Kerr-Newman metric solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell equations. The components of the polymomentum associated with a Clifford polyparticle in four dimensions provide for such a charge, mass, spin relationship without the problems encountered in Kaluza-Klein compactifications which furnish an unphysically large value for the electron charge. A physical reasoning behind such charge, mass, spin relationship is provided, followed by a discussion on the geometrical derivation of the fine structure constant by Wyler, Smith, Gonzalez-Martin and Smilga. To finalize, the renormalization of electric charge is discussed and some remarks are made pertaining the modifications of the charge-scale relationship, when the spin of the polyparticle changes with scale, that may cast some light into the alleged Astrophysical variations of the fine structure constant.
vixra:0908.0020 [
P-Adic Length Scale Hypothesis and Dark Matter Hierarchy
The book is devoted to the applications of p-adic length scale hypothesis and dark matter hierarchy. </p><p> <OL> <LI> p-Adic length scale hypothesis states that primes p≈ 2<sup>k</sup>, k integer, in particular prime, define preferred p-adic length scales. Physical arguments supporting this hypothesis are based on the generalization of Hawking's area law for blackhole entropy so that it applies in case of elementary particles. A deeper number theory based justification for this hypothesis is based on the generalization of the number concept fusing real number fields and p-adic number fields among common rationals or numbers in their non-trivial algebraic extensions. This approach also justifies the notion of multi-p-fractality and allows to understand scaling law in terms of simultaneous p≈ 2<sup>k</sup>- and 2-fractality. <LI> In TGD framework the levels of dark matter hierarchy are labeled by the values of dynamical quantized Planck constant. The justification for the hypothesis provided by quantum classical correspondence and the fact the sizes of space-time sheets identifiable as quantum coherence regions can be arbitrarily large. <LI> The weak form of electric-magnetic duality is the newest building brick of the vision and leads to a detailed view about electro-weak screening and color confinement and predicts new physics below weak scales. The weak form of electric-magnetic duality allows to identify Higgs bosons and to understand how they provide the longitudinal polarizations of gauge bosons. The most natural option is that photon eats the remaining Higgs scalar and receives a small mass. This true for all bosons regarded as massless and allows to have exact Yangian symmetry requiring the vanishing of IR divergences. Higgs potential and vacuum expectation of Higgs are not needed in the model. <LI> Twistors emerge naturally in TGD framework and several proposal for twistorialization of TGD is discussed in two chapters devoted to the topic. Twistorial approach combined with zero energy ontology, bosonic emergence, and the properties of the Chern-Simons Dirac operator leads to the conjecture that all particles -also string like objects- can be regarded as bound states of massless particles identifiable as wormhole throats. Also virtual particles would consist of massles wormhole throats but bound state property is not assumed anymore and the energies of wormhole throats can have opposite signs so that space-like momentum exchanges become possible. This implies extremely strong constraints on loop momenta and manifest finiteness of loop integrals. </OL> </p><p> The first part of the book is about the description of elementary particle massivation in terms of p-adic thermodynamics and Higgsy contribution affecting the vacuum conformal weight. In the first chapter the view about quantum TGD from particle physics perspective is discussed and the remaining chapters are devoted to the detailed calculation of masses of elementary particles and hadrons, and to various new physics suggested or predicted by the resulting scenario. </p><p> Second part of the book is devoted to the application of p-adic length scale hypothesis above elementary particle length scales. The so called leptohadron physics, originally developed on basis of experimental anomalies, is discussed as a particular instance of an infinite fractal hierarchy of copies of standard model physics, predicted by TGD and consistent with what is known about ordinary elementary particle physics. TGD based view about nuclear physics involves light exotic quarks as a essential element, and dark nuclear physics could have implications also at the level of condensed matter physics and biology. TGD based view about high T<sub>c</sub> superconductors involves also in an essential manner dark matter and is summarized in the closing chapter.
vixra:0907.0005 [
U(1) Axial as a Force Between Neturinos
We show that when left and right handed neutrinos a have majorana mass matrix, local guage invariance produces a fifth force acting between chiral charges on neutrinos and quarks. The force is a carried by a massless (or low mass) 1-spin guage boson, we call an axiphoton. The force is caused by a U(1) axial guage symmetry in the way as the electromagnetic force. We expect from renormalisation that the force constant, α<sub>a</sub> is about 1/60 of the electromagnetic force constant α. We show that this force can explain dark energy. Our model predicts decaying right handed neutrinos in the eV-MeV range, and explain the heating of the solar corona. Finally we show that the Tajmar experiment detecting a force due to a rotating superconductor, may be detection of our force.
vixra:0904.0006 [
Koide Mass Equations for Hadrons
Koide's mass formula relates the masses of the charged leptons. It is related to the discrete Fourier transform. We analyze bound states of colored particles and show that they come in triplets also related by the discrete Fourier transform. Mutually unbiased bases are used in quantum information theory to generalize the Heisenberg uncertainty principle to finite Hilbert spaces. The simplest complete set of mutually unbiased bases is that of 2 dimensional Hilbert space. This set is compactly described using the Pauli SU(2) spin matrices. We propose that the six mutually unbiased basis states be used to represent the six color states R, G, B, R-bar, G-bar, and B-bar. Interactions between the colors are defined by the transition amplitudes between the corresponding Pauli spin states. We solve this model and show that we obtain two different results depending on the Berry-Pancharatnam (topological) phase that, in turn, depends on whether the states involved are singlets or doublets under SU(2). A postdiction of the lepton masses is not convincing, so we apply the same method to hadron excitations and find that their discrete Fourier transforms follow similar mass relations. We give 39 mass fits for 137 hadrons.
vixra:0812.0003 [
New Evidence for Colored Leptons
The recent discovery of CDF anomaly suggest the existence of a new long-lived particle which means a dramatic deviation from standard model. This article summarizes the quantum model of CDF anomaly. The anomaly is interpreted in terms of production of τ-pions which can be regarded as pion like bound states of color octet excitations of τ-leptons and corresponding neutrinos. Colored leptons are one of the basic predictions of TGD distinguishing it from standard model and for 18 years ago were applied to explain the anomalous production of electron-positron pairs in heavy ion collisions near Coulomb wall. First it is shown that the model explains the basic characteristics of the anomaly. Then various alternatives generalizing the earlier model for electro-pion production are discussed and a general formula for differential cross section is deduced. Three alternatives inspired by eikonal approximation generalizing the earlier model inspired by Born approximation to a perturbation series in the Coulomb interaction potential of the colliding charges. The requirement of manifest relativistic invariance for the formula of differential cross section leaves only two options, call them I and II. The production cross section for τ-pion is estimated and found to be consistent with the reported cross section of order 100 pb for option I using same energy cutoff for lepto-pions as in the model for electro-pion production. For option II the production cross section is by several orders of magnitude too small under these assumptions. Since the model involves only fundamental coupling constants, the result can be regarded as a further success of the τ-pion model of CDF anomaly. Analytic expressions for the production amplitude are deduced in the Appendix as a Fourier transform for the inner product of the non-orthogonal magnetic and electric fields of the colliding charges in various kinematical situations. This allows to reduce numerical integrations to an integral over the phase space of lepto-pion and gives a tight analytic control over the numerics.
vixra:0704.0004 [
Langlands Program and TGD
Number theoretic Langlands program can be seen as an attempt to unify number theory on one hand and theory of representations of reductive Lie groups on the other hand. So called automorphic functions to which various zeta functions are closely related define the common denominator. Geometric Langlands program tries to achieve a similar conceptual unification in the case of function fields. This program has caught the interest of physicists during last years.
vixra:0704.0002 [
Nuclear String Hypothesis
Nuclear string hypothesis is one of the most dramatic almost-predictions of TGD. The hypothesis in its original form assumes that nucleons inside nucleus form closed nuclear strings with neighboring nuclei of the string connected by exotic meson bonds consisting of color magnetic flux tube with quark and anti-quark at its ends. The lengths of flux tubes correspond to the p-adic length scale of electron and therefore the mass scale of the exotic mesons is around 1 MeV in accordance with the general scale of nuclear binding energies. The long lengths of em flux tubes increase the distance between nucleons and reduce Coulomb repulsion. A fractally scaled up variant of ordinary QCD with respect to p-adic length scale would be in question and the usual wisdom about ordinary pions and other mesons as the origin of nuclear force would be simply wrong in TGD framework as the large mass scale of ordinary pion indeed suggests.
vixra:0703.0053 [
A Hidden Dimension, Clifford Algebra, and Centauro Events
This paper eshes out the arguments given in a 20 minute talk at the Phenomenology 2005 meeting at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, Wisconsin on Monday, May 2, 2005. The argument goes as follow: A hidden dimension is useful for explaining the phase velocity of quantum waves. The hidden dimension corresponds to the proper time parameter of standard relativity. This theory has been developed into a full gravitational theory, "Euclidean Relativity" by other authors. Euclidean relativity matches the results of Einstein's gravitation theory. This article outlines a compatible theory for elementary particles. The massless Dirac equation can be generalized from an equation of matrix operators operating on vectors to an equation of matrix operators operating on matrices. This allows the Dirac equation to model four particles simultaneously. We then examine the natural quantum numbers of the gamma matrices of the Dirac equation, and generalize this result to arbitrary complexied Cliord algebras. Fitting this "spectral decomposition" to the usual elementary particles, we nd that one hidden dimension is needed as was similarly needed by Euclidean relativity, and that we need a set of eight subparticles to make up the elementary fermions. These elementary particles will be called \binons", and each comes in three possible subcolors. The details of the binding force between binons will be given as a paper associated with a talk by the author at the APSNW 2005 meeting at the University of Victoria, at British Columbia, Canada on May 15, 2005. After an abbreviated introduction, this paper will concentrate on the phenomenological aspects of the binons, particularly as applied to the Centauro type cosmic rays, and gamma-ray bursts.
vixra:0703.0050 [
Chern-Simons (Super) Gravity and E8 Yang-Mills from a Clifford Algebra Gauge Theory
It is shown why the E8 Yang-Mills can be constructed from a Cl(16) algebra Gauge Theory and why the 11D Chern-Simons (Super) Gravity theory is a very small sector of a more fundamental theory based on a Cl(11) algebra Gauge theory. These results may shed some light into the origins behind the hidden E8 symmetry of 11D Supergravity and reveal more important features of a Clifford-algebraic structure underlying M, F theory.
vixra:0703.0049 [
Noncommutative Branes in Clifford-Space Backgrounds and Moyal-Yang Star Products with uv-ir Cutoffs
A novel Moyal-Yang star product deformation of generalized p-brane actions in Clifford-space target backgrounds involving multivectors ( polyvectors, antisymmetric tensors ) valued coordinates is constructed based on the novel Moyal-Yang star product deformations of Generalized-Yang-Mills theories. ...
vixra:0702.0059 [
Isospin Doctoring
In the standard model, isospin is not defined for all elementary particles nor is it conserved in all interactions. A study of the isospin subalgebra in the author�s U(3, 2) theory of matter shows that the standard model assigned the wrong isospin values to many elementary particles. The redefined isospin is defined for all particles and is conserved in all interactions. This leads to a new interpretation of the isospin algebra as a model of pion exchange between protons in the nucleus.
vixra:0702.0053 [
Elementary Particles as Oscillations in Anti-de Sitter Space-Time
Using the spinor differential operator representation of U(3, 2) to explore the hidden symmetries of the complex space-time U(3, 2)/U(3, 1)x U(1) leads to an interpretation of this complex space-time as excited states of Anti-de Sitter space-time. This in turn leads to new Lie Algebraic Quantum Field Theory and a mathematical model of the internal structure of elementary particles as oscillations of complex space-time. This is a quantum theory of gravity which satisfies Einstein�s criteria for a unified field theory
vixra:0702.0052 [
Koide Mass Formula for Neutrinos
Since 1982 the Koide mass relation has provided an amazingly accurate relation between the masses of the charged leptons. In this note we show how the Koide relation can be expanded to cover the neutrinos, and we use the relation to predict neutrino masses.